Friday, May 28, 2010

Party people

OMG, I'm super tired today. It's some public holiday and every mall is packed with people. We went to Ikea, The Curve and 1 U. Went Ikea first, went looking at some furniture, had branch there. Throat still hurts. Rick couldn't eat. Nyee nyees. Anyways, I checked out some shelf and some study tables and i found some really nice ones. Awesooomee. After that went to The curve. Raining like mad. I nearly slipped and fell. Mum bought us some very milky ice cream and oooh I ate till i merely threw up.

Walked around and went to 1 U. walked around somemore and found a really really nice dress but too bad it was too big for me. walked around somemore and ooh lala I found this really nice dress and tried it on and OMG it fit perfectly. Super cute and I decided to buy it. Wells, it made my boobs look flat, a little. xD HAHA. I KNOW!! Wells, mum and I argued about what shoes will I wear. HAHA, I told her I'd wear my converse, AIYEYE-EYE. Anyways, bought some tee-shirts as well too.

I asked took up a shirt and wanted to put it back but i gave the salesman and he gave me the 'WHAT THE F*CK' look. I wanted to punch him. He snatched the shirt from me and look at me like he was sooo disgusted! URH, PATHETIC :P

My feet acheddd. Save me somebody? Rub my feeet!

Just kidding. Ahhh, what a tiring day today.

OH WELLS. The last thing on my mind was knowing that my best friends couldn't come to the party. BOO.

okay, nothing to post. I'm upset. Nights.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I'm scared. In every way. SIGH.


Yeeehawww at last! Exams are over!! But this time I did really badly. HAHA. Okay, don't wanna talk about it. Hmm, Sorry for not blogging for so long. My birthday is coming soon! Can't wait to shop for a cute dress! I love this purple dress so much but yeah it's a little too sexy. It's a tube dress. short. lols. So, my mum told me maybe I can't buy it.

I don't know what to blog lately. Maybe it's because of Bryan's gayness! Haha, no offence k?
I said some typical stalker. Not you 'noob'. School's like torture chamber lately. You know?

GOD LIFE STINKS. I wish i knew what's happening everywhere.

So, last week I had this really bad fever and my sister got it too. And then my brother. Oh boys right? And I'm still having this really suckish and boring sore throat that hurts so badly. Synn's doing everything to stop me from eating fried canteen food. YESH, it's gross but tempting! Demmit right? I am soo boring ain't I?

It's so classy, and funny. I LOVE IT. Thanks to Glee :D

Anyways, I feel so emo.

My brother gets to go out! I saw Jing Wai just now. With Yeou Yen. With a guitar. OMG I FEEL SO LAME RIGHT NOW! I miss the sweet taste of chicken burger ): CARLS JR. OH GOD, You're so tempting! My throat hurts.

My dad looks pissed. I wonder happen. I have no idea. I just pray he didn't look at my msn or facebook. he looks mad. I just prayy. I don't wanna get trouble. About, anything. I'm scared!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Do the dew

Okay so Friday is exam. WHAT THE HELL! WHY ARE YOU STILL BLOGGING, JANE? Go study -laaah! Jesus. I can't seem to get off cuz it's so tempting! Anyways, planning for my 14th birthday party. Ann, Byran, Divyaa and I are planning to celebrate our birthdays together and so far our plans are good. It's just up to the people to come and stuff. It's a Red and White party. Red's for the four of us and white for the rest. Not telling where we're having it. I'm afraid that some stalker would come and stalk me. You know what I mean? Oh wells, too sooon to say, lets finish our exams first! HAHA.

Great, many things happened this week. Lost my maths textbook. BOO; how sad? Talked to my 'old friends' they said they miss me. PSH. Some stalker dude; STALKED ME! My 'Aunt Flow' came. Drank ice-lemon tea. Not a good idea when she's here. Shoo bored.

Poor Jing Wai is sick, nyees :P
Chloe's battling with her internet.
Nicholas is making me feel bad - for not studying!

I feel bad for not studying. Kill me!

I should do maths. I suck at it! I ain't Matilda! I can't store a computer in me! Demm.

oh sky, why do you have to be so blue?
Would you ever give me a clue?
when you seem to be so clear,
I seem to think of you, my dear.
Suddenly you'd turn so grey,
Begone are the sunshine and ray.
Soon you start crying and crying.
I can't say I'm happy, but sighing.
sometimes when you stop crying.
all my troubles gone I stop worrying.

It's lame. I'm too bored. HAHA. Okay then, thats it for now :D TATAS

Friday, May 14, 2010

Doomsday device.

So... I didn't blog for like..... WEEKS. YES. I. am. sorry. Exams are coming and oh boy. I couldn't come online because of the thrifty internet. Dad changed it to the small modem and it couldn't work well at my house. So, I am sweating. Skipped school today cuz, well.. sick. Diahhorea. I don't even know how to SPELL IT! I ate too much crap. Synn Yi and I were like, pooping next to each other(cubicle, I mean) and we were like, ARE YOU OKAY? OH YES I AM! ARE YOU? HAHA, it was embarrassing but luckily, no one was in the toilet with us.


Dude, maths and science was quite boring as we have to make water rockets. But I was abit too busy reading my book. Thanks to Dek Loong =P

I forgotten. AHHH YES. Marching. Now I'm a black chicken. Ivan, Yuke wei and syameer was standing aside making the soya bean drink so tempting. Demmit.

OUCH. The whole morning I was busy going to the toilet. I called home but no one bothered about me. BOO. Synn yi teached me dancing. Latin, it was fun! Didn't stay back. didn't do theory. SHOOT. class on Friday. Here comes hell.

Woke up today in misery. Stomach was aching. Dad told me to stay home. And I did. WHEEEE. Oh wells. It's super hot now. I'm burning and sweating. Hot weather. Alphonsus will kill me. I didn't practise or anything for so many weeks.

The whole week's so boring. I misssss euuu. Shoooo boring. Ian's getting cuter and cuter each day. He knows how to call me now!

So... SPAM. I'm off now. Enjoy my lame blog =P

Pathetic Jane.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Tiring week.

MA PEEEEPS! Demmit. One whole bloody week I couldn't go online and blog or stuff. I know I know, and oh wells! My head hurts! Went out the whole day and tomorrow's Uncle Swee Loong's wedding dinner. Mum bought me coloured contacts! WOOTS. I wore it the whole day x.x my eyes hurts now xD Mum bought some cosmetics and she got this voucher for taking beauty pictures -and she forced me to go!! So I did. Making up was super boring and I HATE it. It's super uncomfy and sooo, I took some pictures and I HAVE to tell you what the lady and her daughters said about me. It was super funny and akward because - HELL I DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM. But they're nice. Her daughters were pretty and sweet xD She was like ' OMG, your daughter is so pretty la, She looks so cute in pictures!' to my mum. AWKWARD. I was like blush blush 'nooo laaaa!' weird. the aunty was like, in hot pink shirt and half her boobs were SHOWING! I was like wth? The make up artist gave me smoky eyes. Evened out my skin. still so ugly =.= *sigh* The hairstylist was killing my scalp! Then Went to the camera man. HE was SUPER FUNNY xD He made me pose like, this and that. I wore some shirt. Pose SNAP. I loved one. Super cute but mum decided to get the other one which I DIDN'T smile. LOLS. Getting three more on the 20th of May. I mean my pictures. HAHA. Anyways, ate at Italiannies. Walked around and people were staring at me. HOBOS. Just joking ;D Anyways, Went to Uncle Swee Loong and ate buffet dinner and BOY! Those Aunties were talking about me. My hair was in a mess that time already. And so, we took a test ride in the BMW. WEEEEEEEEE... How nice? Went back, ATE. WOOTS. I wore my contacts for the whole day and got scolded for wearing it the whole day xD Did I mention I got Grey coloured contacts? WOOTS.

IM SO FRIGGING SLEEPY. GREY POST TODAY. NO COLOUR cuz my eyes re torturing me.