Thursday, November 03, 2011

JoJo - Disaster

In Your Arms - Kina Grannis (Official Music Video)

What Is Love?

Yeah , you :)

What's this we call love? What's this love we know that makes us fall tipsy over and downhill like no one's business? We often drown ourselves in this 'Love' and numb ourselves and believe what we want to. We want chocolates, flowers, dinner dates, sex and so and people nowadays often forgets what's love all about.
Love is not just about two people wanting to get into each other's pants.
It's not like movies, or story books. Not everybody's love has a happy ending. No, that's not love. Love is when one cares endlessly for someone. When they care about the other more than for themselves. When one understands what they need to give in order to make the other happy. When one is always around to pick you up when you fall down down down.. When one thinks of your happiness means more than the world to them.
That's love.
Love means a tablespoon of sacrifice, a handful of happiness, a kg of understanding, a bottle of thoughts and a pinch of sadness. Of course no 'Love' is 100% packed with good. Without a little bit of bad we wouldn't learn. We wouldn't know. We often make mistakes, but we ought to learn from it. Not repeat it tremendous amount of times. If that happens, it's gonna lead to more fights and soon enough, one shall fall out of love, give up and end that special thing we call love will banish.

I'm not just saying about a relationship. I'm talking about families, friends, siblings, and god knows who.

Love is about respect. You don't just go around fooling with feelings and leave.

Even when all things fail, in life, your relationship totally sucked, you lost your job, your wife or husband left, your kid turned into some druggie, God loves you and you should do whatever it takes to get back up. Even if no one is there to be around to pick you up. You should always know that God is there for you. Obviously, it's not easy and you might be thinking
'Hey, you're just a 15 year old kid, shut the *bleep* up'
. Just think about it.

Love can make your whole world filled with rainbows and candies and just full with joy. But don't go tearing it down for the other person. Even if your life isn't as good, as happy, you don't have to go around tearing other people's happiness. That's pure selfish. Why don't you find back your own little set of water colors and paint it back yourself. That's way happier, seeing your masterpiece. Or you can add a little of yourself into that person's world.

Don't be selfish, share some love and kindness to people who needs it, and someday when you're in need, someone would be there for you and give you a hand. Be grateful for who you are and for everything, all the love you get. In return give some back. Not just by saying or showing it for the sake of it. But from the bottom of your heart. You'll feel happier.

I promise

Friday, October 07, 2011

Stereo Hearts

Hey, long time no blog.

I'm still sitting for my PMR. Yeah, two more papers and I'm done! But yeah since it's been so long since I've blogged so yeah I'm back. Life's been good. Kinda. Actually, it's been quite crappy till two weeks ago? Maybe??

I miss blogging. Yes, I really do. I miss writing, too. I just had no time for anything.. I didn't want distractions and yeah. But WOOOO. So what should I blog about? OH YES, I still am THIS short. I didn't grow. My dad insults me all the time. Yeah, I'm not sure why he likes doing that to me, but hey, I got genes. Wanna blame? Blame it on while I was still a sperm swimming into my mom.
What the fudge.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I never get why people could be so insensitive at times.
Yes, I don't get how you can always push faults and blame me for stupid things which you do too.
So, why do you go all pointing-out-my-mistakes-and-bad-stuff and you can ignore me anytime and just do whatever you want.
I'm not your little robot punching bag -.-

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I got slushied

You are my sunshine.

How long was it since I posted here? Yes, weeks? Anyways, my grades were bad this term. So much has happened and I don't even know if I should blog here. My cousins are a bunch of spoiled but cute kids. Yes, they are pretty much spoiled. They get whatever they want even when they are told not to they'd find a way to do things and get what they want.

I am bored. Kill me

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Climb

I look funny.

So it's been weeks since I've blogged any shit. Correct, and there was alot of shit going on. Still is. Uncle Patrick's home to stay now. Not going back to China with his family. The clan expanded. Home got alot noisier and crazy. But the good thing was everyone's here together.

I don't know what to be more annoyed about. My life lately or my major exam in the year ends. I need to start doing something because there isn't any more time to lose.

I've been so down lately. No one quite notice that. I try to smile and laugh and be crazy but deep inside? I'm pretty hurt. I'm pretty sad. I'm pretty depressed. You don't try to understand how I feel. When it's not my problem you'd be mean to me. Hurting me inside in a way, no one knows or understands. I have feelings too you know? Not that you wanna rant and rage you could bring it all to me. I could listen to you talk and stuff I'd always be here for you. I swear, but you gotta understand me. You always give me the 'Okay, it's my fault' treatment, what can I do?

School. I got hated by girls who don't know me. Saying I'm fake. Don't make judgements if you don't know anything. Never make fucked up conclusions when you didn't even look at the procedures.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dear, Lola.

I've given my diary a name. In case if you're wondering why, it's becuz I find it really boring writing to a book. So, I decided to give it a name.

Anyways, nothing was really good for me lately. In everything.. but I'm not here to rant about it.
It's been a week or so since I've really blogged. I had a really weird dream last night..

Its related to Heaven and Hell.. Which I'm trying not to offend it religiously, since it's just a dream.

I was walking at Mid Valley walking with a friend to Gardens. I was at the bridge, and a moment later there was a bright flash and everything turned to glass and I could see through them and there was a really nice garden outside. Everything was pure, white and clear but there was a dark aura around everyone. There was people.. but they were sad. Well, most of them.. then there was this person who greeted me by the escalator, I don't remember if it was a he or a she but that person greeted me and told me this is Heaven's hell.. I know it is weird but there was some creepy aura about that person. And in my dream I had a boyfriend. I had two, actually. They were friends.. I don't know why that happened but yeah, so I was with a guy and he treated me well, but I missed the other guy for some reason but at that moment he started hugging me and touching me. I pushed him away and just ran away screaming I wanted to leave.. And so I kept running and running till a point I stopped and I woke up..

Knowing what a stupid dream I just wanted to knock myself up and just bleed. I was emotional about what has happened to me. I can't blog it out but to all my close friends who's reading this, if you don't know, ask me.

I've been thinking alot too.. I've been wondering if I should take a move on the choices I have.

I need to think..

Friday, April 15, 2011


If a person ever stabs you in the heart,

Yesh, I wanna stab you.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Ann and I.
I gotta admit, IR was pretty dead but yet it was fun. I mean yeah :P Atleast the people I knew had fun.

Look at us, macam cheerios saja ;X
And this was a saved post since I couldn't blog that night.
I gotta say, this was an epicture
(get it? EPIC-PICTURE- it's a cool one word I made)

Welcome to the land of ALIENS.
(P.S Ignore my stoned face =.=, thanks ALOT Kylie!)
Talitha and I.
Yesh, I jealous of her Iphone4
Yesh yesh, LAUGH AT ME.
It's uberly funny. I know.
Suyin and I :)
My gay-ass friend Nicholas and Bryan and ANN :D
Yesh, I forgive your countless amount of ditching.
I love this epicture,too.
And here goes our nice shot :)
Yesh, bestie.
Gosh, Bryan :D You gay-nut
I love this EPICTURE! :D
It's me and my epic face, Nicholas and his Trophy-thingamajig obsession and Bryan's priceless face!
This is a perfect picture... TILL BRYAN FUCKING STOOD IN MY WAY.

This picture is uberly epic.Last but not lease, me and my winks :D
Look at Justin at the back and laugh xD

So, people may start rumors. Not just rumors- ABSURD RUMORS, and you'd probably be like thinking what the fuck did I ever do to them to start up something to pathetic?! I mean if you're so unsure of something why would you wanna say that out?

I'm dying for a new wallet. My wallet's just pure retarded. I've been eye-ing on this Hello Kitty one. :) It's precious!

Anyways, I'm webbing with a friend :) I'll blog later :)

Friday, April 08, 2011

Look :D

Jane's facebook

Lalala. :D There are awesome pictures out there! Today's IR was super amazing :) Thanks to Wesley Methodist for having us :)

Special thanks to Kylie, Talitha, Ann, Suyin, Sher Main, Nicholas, Bryan and afew more close friends which I don't wanna mention.

The sad thing, we have school tomorrow! Which is really sad. I mean it's Saturday! Rebecca Black gets to shove her little Friday and I have to go to school tomorrow. BOO that. Stupid Rebecca..

Nothing much.
Much loves :D

Monday, April 04, 2011

Don't be alittle girl.

To you, little special someone :D

You could be the Peanut and I could be the Jelly :)

I am Hungry.

The post was saved and re-posted after 4 hours.

Sometimes big things comes bit by bit.

Be patient and your dream would come true :)

So , basically I did my project almost half a day.

And BOOM, I started re-tumblr-ing again :) I've been in office for the whole day and all I did was stone. STONE COLD.

Anyways, do you think projects are useless? Say 'I', I mean doing countless amounts of projects for PMR? Can't we just take the test and MOVE ON? Like hello? Wasting precious time on studying.

Just kidding. I dislike the fact that I have curly hair roots. Yesh , it's kinda hard to believe that I have curly hair when I was younger but as I grew older my hair became straighter but the roots're still wavy-ish curly.

People often mistakes me for malay, that is when I was younger. And to all the people who did. GO GET YOUR EYES CHECKED! :)

When I was younger, sugar was a treat for me. Yesh, sugar sugar. Me and my brother would take packets of sugar and pour into our mouths and taste the sweetness of it and the goodness of it while dissolving. Ofcourse that put us into trouble. If grandma or anyone catches us doing that we'd receive tons of scoldings. We were kids, and that was what we were suppose to do.

I wish I could go back to time.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


What's beneath that smile? No one knows.

I got back from a bad day.
I thought something good might happen today.
I thought things would go the other day around.
I wish people would see what I want at times, not to be selfish
but I'm just tired of living in what's killing me.
Sure we'all want a nice happy life, who doesn't?

But it would be nice to have someone who would really get me and be there for me when I really really need a shoulder.
When I need a breather, a punching bag and who doesn't mind all of my fuss.

And I'm sorry for my emo-ness lately.
Just like, just now, I went to my facebook and I saw this useless twat commented on my profile pictures and I was like, WHAT THE FUCK, DOUCHE? GET A FUCKING LIFE.
You don't need to comment if I don't look cool!
So get a life.

Why is my life so bad now? :(
I wish I could just be somewhere else and not give a damn about no one now.
I wish to just break your freaking neck and leave you in hell.
Satan wouldn't bother about you.

I wish to just cut myself...
Thank you for this fucked up life.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Love sparks

Don't know where it was from, but it made me feel better.

I need to feel appreciated , ASAP!
At the point I kinda had a bad time at tuition, I tried to top Brian(Ee)'s high score, I beat him at first and he beat me then. It was a fun game, it's called... *thinks* I forgotten >
But it's related to balls and hoops.

And I am proud of you, bro.
Like I've always thought of her as a bitch before anything happened, you should actually fight and defend yourself form those rediculous lies and jealousy.
She's a big fat bitch. She two timed with you and A.P and now that she was officially with you, she two-timed with someone again.
Man, girls these day's are plain desperate.

A touch of paint.

Kylie, please don't get mad at me

Thanks for borrowing me Dear John.
It was an amazing book :)
I really appreciate the meaning of the book, and for some reason it kinda relates me.
Anyways, I finished Dear John within 1 and a half days.

Anyways, I felt miserable today, I got yelled at for no reason cuz this douche who was sitting beside me, stared at me like literally in a disturbing way, and he poked me with a pen. MY pen. I borrowed him cuz he didn't really disturb me for past weeks, and now what the fuck. I got scolded thanks to that douche.

The teacher judged the problem without even knowing what happened and she 'blamed' me for talking to him - which I soooo did NOT - and later I cried over the bad things that happened to me lately, I couldn't hold my feelings anymore knowing I could do worst if I keep holding it back..

Anyways, I didn't really have much to say to anyone except Kylie.
She's been always trying to keep me up and I know, I'm a really terrible friend at times.

Please love me, Kyls.
Thanks for the math cheats !!
Naah, I'm kidding!

So, tell me how's your holiday. :) Leave it at the cbox :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

hooplaaa :D

I love this picture :)

No, this is NOT porn.
*serious face*

I got a new hat :D Guess who's it from?! A FRIEND :D TADAAAA. Ofcuz, I had to lie to my mom about it. She'd ask who's it from. Don't worry, it's a girl.

Sorry for not posting lately, it's because I ran out of things to post :/ Anyways, I camwhore-d alot and there's tonnes of pictures but I can't really post things online, it's not safe *winks*

Sorry, I get that alot from like, people. They tell you tonnes of things like how unsafe the world is now, bla bla bla, and dad says 'NO FACEBOOK IF TOO MUCH INFOMATION ABOUT YOURSELF' -If you think I wrote information wrongly, then you should tell me dad. He pronounces it that way.

I am kidding :)

And whoever knows my dad and who's reading my blog? Tell him, and you shall burn, in hell.

I am kidding - again :D

I like doing that, not that it's annoying, it is, but yeah. :)
Anyways, one week of holiday's gone.
All I did was stone, shop and got yelled at.
I did a cover :) Me and Nicholas
And apparently, Nicholas likes my fag face when I made mistakes, which is one of the bloopers >
Click here if you wanna see it :) 'HERE'
and here for some bloopers >< 'HERE'

The video on YouTube sounds better than the ones on Facebook ><
But yeah, some laughter for everyone :)

Anyways :) Thanks for reading. Gonna catch some wave now :)

Lotsa love.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The incredible pie


You may not be the bestest brother, but happy birthday bro :D

Anyways, I can't wait for tomorrow's outing :D AWESOME!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Don't I look scary?
Booo :D

I can barely feel my legs! Poor legs. I received compliments about my legs and shoes though, so, it was worth it..

Had lunch with my old friend Zuee and I can't believe it's been 10 years. A pretty big deal to me. We ate at Garden. The new place before the bridge to the Gardens. It was pretty nice, pretty tasty, environment and also the PRICE! Oh we ate up 84 bucks and I got yelled.

And I hanged out with Brian , Jackie and some dude, awesome day but I'm half dead now, ciao.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Look at em' shoes!
Ignore my toes but admire the shoe!
Yes it's mine!

Yes, the heels killed my feet. OH NO, don't look at me like that! It was on half price and it was too attractive NOT to have it! My mom didn't take out a single penny for this baby, I used my savings on it! Anyways, walking with THIS baby ain't no problem at first, then it turned sour now my feet hurts
Walked pass the Toilet Bowl concept restaurant and I really wanted to try but too bad, no time.
Had epic food time.

Bought a pair of slippers, yesh I bought again, BUT! It's cuz it's like half price! And it's like 5 bucks! And it's really cute ><>

So, anyways, I've been watching loads of Shane Dawson and Brittani Louise Taylor videos and yeah, I LOVE YOU GUYS :)
Thank for all the laughters.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dear, Japan

What do you think about my blue eyes :D

It's not really blue it's actually called sterling grey P:

Anyways, the whole CNN's filled with the Japan disaster and I feel that it's a really sad thing.
Yes, even though Japan had a massive killing spree with our last generation-and I forgive you on that, I think it's really creepy how the waves flushed the houses and stuff away.

My friends who worshiped Japanese' culture cried over the news. My dad wouldn't stop watching the news! I kept wondering is 2012 really happening to us? What would we do? No, we, commoners can't get onto the metal ships so, we're gonna have to die? What theory is that?! But if it's really happening, there's no way to prevent it. All we could do is do what we want to do and die willingly.

Spend time with people you love and apologize for the wrongs we've made to them.

So, enough about Japan. What about Malaysia?
Will it hit Malaysia? Will we have crazy earthquakes and massive waves hitting upon us?
My mind wouldn't stop wondering about it.

I couldn't stop listening to sad songs.
I wish it was all just a dream. But it wasn't.. maybe injust a few more days it'll be the end of the world.
Or maybe tomorrow. Anything could happen and all we could do now is hope for the best.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Cuz I can't live without you

Some part in this world, there's only you and me.

So , another week has past.
Another lifeless period in life.
What do we DO for a living?
More work?
I wonder why.

Lately so much bad things has happened to me..
Was it my fault? Or was it just meant to be?

First, over-priced bills ( a friend's. But I caused it.)
Then Kylie literally stabbed me with her nugget stick and I bled.
Then homeworks, load of it.
Puberty. LOL.
Then stabbed myself with a splinter in K.H
Nailed my project wrongly.
Looked ugly in a school photo.
What could possibly go more wrong??

I'm trying to make the best for a friend who's currently in shit but nothing seems to be working.
I'm concerned about all the possibilities that would happen to my friend.
Not revealing who is he/she.

Somehow, I feel like quitting Ideal.
Cuz' literally, some people there are potential douchebags.
But my mom and dad wouldn't let me change.
And the problem is, where to.

Went lunch with Rick and his friends.
They seem nice but I couldn't really click with them.
So I just kept quiet.

Somehow, I feel like doing something crazy for someone.
But who?

Love could be the sweetest thing, but it also could be a murderer.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Striked through a bullet

I wish I could throw tantrums like I was 5 again.

Thanks alot. Know how much it hurts?
Yeah, seems like everything's my problem..
Seems like everyone thinks I'm making a hell of a fuss.
like it's my problem..

I wanna go back to the time when I was 5. When I barely even need to know anything..
Before I met you.

Cross country

Don't worry, I won't shoot you.
Thank you, Er Vinn for editing this picture :)

Anyways, cross country was exhausting :O If you wanna know why, wells, isn't it obvious?? I ran around the whole TD. Wells, actually it's half. But yeah, I ran half way and I started having this, can't-breathe feeling and I stopped. I guess I'm such a weakling. But, look at the bright side! I managed to get back to school in ONE PIECE. Though I felt really sick at some point that I nearly threw up on Kylie >

Rick went along running so I literally raced with him abit but obviously, he's way too fast. Then after that, I hung out with Brian and Jun Wen at the P.A room and had this ridiculous fight with Jun Wen which was funny! Fight as in hitting each other and kept slapping and poking. It was fun but I was all sweaty and having some pain in my tummy. x.x

Guessed I was hungry then Jun Wen gave me a bar of Snickers and god, it tastes so effing good! Maybe I was just hungry but anyways, I got hyper and started jumping around :D

Then my legs got all numb and tired. :/

I'm feeling terrible now, so blank that I don't know what to blog.. tatas love.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Love stands for hurt.

Me, at the CHS Prom :)
It took ages for TK to upload them.

Don't you feel that the more you love, the more it hurts? Yeah, that makes sense. So today at school, not a good day. NOT a good day. I got my English marks ; 80% NOT GOOD.

Somehow lately I'm really emotional. Yeah , emotional pains. Maybe it was because of that day? I got blamed just for buying a book for my cousin. Which I have no idea how it got torn. Somehow, I got blamed for not checking it properly. And somehow, I don't really know why is all these crap happening. I mean, literally why do I deserve it? x.x Not fair. This world is UNFAIR.

Secondly, my fucking grades are dropping. I gotta start picking up my books.
Yeah, I mean it. Somehow.

I wish I had a time machine so I could go back in time when I was a little kid staying at home playing 'masak-masak' with my imaginary friend which I forgotten. Like, literally I had little moving cars. Which was big to me at that time and now, that I'm really big. I have a hard time fitting my ass into little rides at Toys 're Us.

I find that embarrassing yet upsetting :/
Know what's worst, having ER HAU asking if I was having hormone imbalance.
Now, what the fuck, what does hormones gotta do with like, this period of my life.
Maybe it is, but yeah, like what the hell right?

I couldn't sleep well, I woke up with tears all over my face and eye sore with a blurry vision which was creepy.
I ish lacking of blood. x.x
God, I wish a vampire would come and drain out my blood. Save all the trouble for dying.
It's like doing double deeds, I fed the vampire and I would stop living here in misery.

I wish to end my miserable life once and for all.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011


See this guy??
This is what you get when you're hot.

Yesh, me. Pretty weird in person.. but if you really know me. You'd know who I am. Precisely, I did something good for someone I know, ended up getting blamed for doing something good. So what am I suppose to do? I learnt my lesson. No matter how many great/good/nice things you do for other people, you'd never get back in return. Not even a little thank you. So, screw that.

Life wasn't pretty good. It never was. But I did feel a little better knowing i had the best results in class for Science and K.H for girls. :D Yeah, then after that it was all shitty.

Anyways, ate lunch at Tony Roma's' and boy am I full! I ordered this extremely huge burger and surprisingly I could literally finish it :D


lets shake our feets.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Safe and sound

This is me.
Safe and sound knowing that you're gonna be there for me.

Maybe I was wrong.
maybe I was stupid enough to hope for things I wish would happen to happen.

I had a terrible day.
And I wanna release stress.

Sometimes, do you even know how I feel?
Do you bother enough to care?
Do you understand me?

Did you even know how much you let me down?
Did you know how disappointed I felt?

Life ain't always perfect, and will never be.
But have you ever thought of making it better than expected?
We can't expect too much , I know.
But can't we do better instead of mouthing all the wrongs and problems?
Instead of talking, SHOW it?

Instead of yelling at me,
giving me attitude,
leaving me all alone,

I have no idea what to do at times, I have no idea why I'm being like this..
Maybe it's because of the pressure of everything lately.
Everything seems wrong.
Everything IS wrong.

Hope tomorrow would be better..
I pray.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

We'll be a dream.

Look at KYLIE!
haha I'm such a poser P:
Had no idea this existed, sorry to say,
it doesn't taste good.

Yesh, You. I love you.

So I went out with Kylie, CT, and CY today :)
It was freaking awesome! We went starbucks and hung out for awhile, did abit of our projects and went Red Box! Had a blast screaming my lungs out since I was having kind of a bad day. My best song was 'Happy Ending' by Avril Lavigne. They looked surprise when I did the bridge. Anyways, talking about tuition.

Doesn't the candy look so tempting? Yeah but guess what? They're literally expired ><>

Yeah the choco-banana thing tasted like crap. No offence but WHO THE HELL in this world would make things like that? :O right?? I should stop being a critic.

I'm exhausted. After a day of camwhoring and loud singing. Talking about singing. We spent almost 200 on Red Box today. Like what the fuck right? I literally got shocked. NO, all of us did. It was CRAZY SHIT expensive. I owe Kylie 46 bucks. DIE.

Anways, I gotta learn to sleep early. I'e been sleeping uberly late latey and it's killing me so, ciao. Loves.

We The Kings & Demi Lovato ; We'll Be A Dream.

Do you remember the nights
We'd stay up just laughing
Smiling for hours
At anything
Remember the nights
We drove around crazy in love

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream

Do you remember the nights
We made our way dreaming
Hoping of being
Someone big
We were so young then
We were too crazy
In love

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream

Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream

Friday, February 25, 2011

Strawberry shoes.

A. From ikeA.

Yeah, if you read my tittle and was wonder what is up with strawberry shoes and where do you get it? Well, you CAN'T! Cuz you can't buy it anywhere and it's because I washed my school shoes with my sister's strawberry shampoo! It was nice :)

I did it because :
  • It smells nice
  • the other soap was in the balcony
  • I was naked.
  • I was kidding.

HAHA, like dude, it smelt really good! That made my day. My strawberry shoes.

School was bad. Like bad bad. Pfft, don't wanna talk about it. It brings back sad memories. Anyways, there's gonna be band real soon again! Somehow I really miss band. I wanna sing again. I wanna have fun again. But now I gotta hit the books cuz' my grades, are dropping.

And I should really buck up before it's too late.
I should start sticking post-its everywhere and go gaga over chocolates. Sleep late and read books. I know what I said didn't make sense, maybe I should sit down and stare at the mirror for awhile before I start picking up anything.
Yeah that sounds like a great idea ;)

I've been thinking of singing Back to December for band.
Sounds like a pretty dramatic song.


Hey guys, just came back from tuition.
Heard the most devastating news ever.
Synn's leaving to another tuition centre.
Know what's ever more heartbreaking?
HER, not telling me HERSELF.
She told Wei Jian and Wei Jian told me..
How sad for a best friend.

I can't believe it.. not at all.
Oh boo, Jane, WAKE UP. Your bestie left you without saying a proper good-bye.
You're the only girl in the 4 person gang now.
You're not gonna be defended while Brian Ee bullies you.
You're not gonna have someone to tell your problems to, especially to someone you've known when you were 10.
You have to stand alone now.

Way to go, loner.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The cutest

I have a fake mustache.
It shows my manly side!
Ohoh I'm kidding :)

Dear, Ian

I'm just thinking why are my hands so big. -But! It's the perfect size for your hands.- Haha, anyways, incase you don't know, the baby picture above is my cousin Ian. The cutest thing ever. He is like the sweetest thing ever.

Never really cries and rolls on the floor like other kids, never cries when he wakes up from his sleep. Makes people laugh and defends me from my sister. (Yesh, I am retarded.)

The cutest things about kids is that they could be like little angels or they can be mischievous little things. I still remember the times when Ian was just afew months old, I would take care of him while grandma was busy and I would feed him and make him laugh. It was a great time :)

Though it's tiring taking care of a kid it's totally worth it :) You get to see them grow, learn how to walk and talk and do funny things you would never think of.
I sound like a mom. Gee. x)

By the time Ian learned how to call me.
I felt really happy and close to him. And everyday I would come home and he would race to the gates to call me and he would follow me everywhere I go.
Imitates me and sing songs.
Nursery rhymes,actually.
I would teach him 'You are my sunshine'
since it's a meaningful song to me.

I would feed him at times and catch him from falling down from the stairs. Push his stroller under his demands when we're out. And hold his hand while he runs around.

His Birthday is coming up so, Happy Early Birthday Ian!
Have a great 2nd Birthday :)
:Loves, your ka jie :)

School was exceptionally bad.
I failed Sejarah.
I got bad BM marks
And I got BAD English marks.
Yeap, apparently it is.

I had a bad time after school

Me and Kylie waited outside the school. And yeah something happened, don't wanna talk about it. Yaddi yadda.

In case you're reading it now?

I wasn't quite a good sport today since I was in a bad mood.
Though I had fun with Kylie, CinTing and ChinYee.
Talked to Jackie and people started looking weirdly.
PFFT. Get a life, losers.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


IAN!! :D
My little angel.
Who drives me crazy with his cuteness.
Just so you know, I was too lazy to make my bed x.x
Yeah, my over-sized uniform P:

So, I am back from a hard and tiring day.

Dayum, don't think wrong. What I meant was I did work. *laughs* I'm making it more akward aren't I?? Let's just say I've been doing stuff.

And I'm back. with a smile on my face. Don't really know why, but better than frowning. 'Cuz Kylie always gives me ONE reason to smile ; smiling releases endorphine to bla bla bla, something like that and it goes on.

And.. I have to sleep soon so I shall BLOG tomorrow. FTW.

When I look at you.

This is the last time I'm gonna think of it.
You're far and gone.
Out of my life.
Everything was a fake.
I don't need you to light up my life when I can light it with my own happiness.
Mow's the name.
I like Mow.
Mow ish tasty :D

Skipped school today. Aren't I such a bad human? Kylie texted me this morning saying DARN YOU. *smirks* I feel so evil. But I bet she'd have a great time.

I recently listened to Miley Cyrus' When I Look At You. It's beautiful. Though i don't really like her. I mean you're great Miley but bong? WHY? So, anyways, I didn't watch The Last Song but I so want to. I heard it's heart-warming.

I'm dying to buy a notebook. But it's expensive. Like expensive. Really. It's 27.90 for ONE. But it's thick and the cover is felt. It's really pretty but like I said, expensive. I can't really use my ang pau money anymore. Mom says she wants to put the money to my account. And so it goes on.. bla bla bla.

I somehow wanna learn cooking and baking. Know why? Cuz I can't cook. Or bake. I feel pretty useless at times cuz Rick? Has this friend and his sister could bake cook and stuff like that. She's quite pretty and smart. I get compared alot. So that pretty made me useless P:

Pfft, mom came in and made a fuss about me blogging. I should off now.
Fussy pants. x.x

Gah, I hate my blog it's so lame. x.x

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why is it complicated ?

Burning butt.

Some of the days, I wonder why must things be complicated while it's actually quite simple. Maybe it's just 'cuz we want some drama to spice our life? Or is it we drown ourselves with thoughts? I think both. I'm a person who thinks alot, so I say I like drowning myself with thoughts. Yeah, I over-think, then over-react. I think of myself as a loser. Like loser, loser.

I need a therapist. Like literally D:
So I went to Ikea, fought with my sister, argued with my parents, wow could life get any worst? Yeah, kinda fought with a friend.
Fighting all over the place.

A typical topic for every human
(who has feelings)
Every teenager(mostly) goes through this stage.
Either end up happily together or left with a deep scar that not even bio-essence could make it go away.
First loves are usually killer, if it ends up crappy.
Because it basically effects your whole love life after that to some people who have weak feeling immune systems or they're the one who hurts the shit out of someone.
Which I totally would bitch slap because no one deserves to get hurt out of their first loves.

What the fuck. I have no idea what I'm saying.

Have fun reading. Out of ideas. =.=

Cycle of blood.

Bryan and I's 18 pl tickets :P
I feel so illegal!

In the car, trying to be lala.

Naaah. Just joking. Hate lalas P:

AHA! Guess what day today is? It's the last day of exams! I sound like I just pass my PMR but pfft, it's only the first intervensi. I ish retarded. Anyways, was happy that I partly made Brian feel better after all, it was partly my fault. Hell yeah.

I woke up early in the morning and felt sleepy. Dragged myself to the bathroom and brushed my pearly-whites then went to school. late. thanks to my tummy. Then went to school talked to Kylie and then Sejarah test, pfft, i couldn't really concentrate well on it, I just quickly finished it and went to sleep. I literally dreamt of something-which I forgot. Cin Ting woke me up by hitting my head. Boom.

I woke up then.

Then it was recess! I ate ham and bread. Pfft, I was forced to! FORCED to. Mom says I barely eat thats why I'm so petite I should GROW. I wanna answer her 'that's cuz you NEVER let me go out with my friends and eat lunch after school!' which I know is unreasonable. So, eff it la. I have to beg them now, Cuz it's NO FAIR that I can't. I'm 15 now, damn. Gah, whatever. i haven't finish.

After recess, we had geography test which was quite easy but I doubt I'd get good results so yeah. Took the test, slept. And went home. Rick fetched me home. Lucky to not get myself killed this time :)
I shall post more tonight, right now I gotta beg my parents and go Ikea.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

sunshine, where is my sunshine?

I see you. Hot sauce :D

I ish back. From a long day. I went out with Bryan Lloyd today :) My super bestie. HAHA, do you believe me? Naah, it's true. We actually watched No Strings Attached. No, we didn't need help from an adult to get tickets! We went up the counter and asked uhm, could we get No Strings Attached and she was like but it's 18 pl and she asked us how old were we and we said 15 then she said, let me check. So she rolled her chair and dialed for someone then after that she came back clicking something went, No Strings Attached, right? 2.10p.m. that would be 46bucks.

This is my first R-rated-ish movie :) IN THE CINEMA. It was a really nice movie. I literally cried at the end.

Sobs rights?

We had ice-cream and walked around. It's really nice to see him and my friends. Lately, I really em. I studied. SEE I'M A GOOD GIRL. DAYUMM. I also gotta spend less. Saving for Bruno Mars' concert. Like, demmit. I wish I had an ATM card. FREE ATM CARD.. HOW I WISH..
I'm wishing crap. BOO.

Wells, gotta study now. Blog ya later peeps :)