Saturday, March 26, 2011


What's beneath that smile? No one knows.

I got back from a bad day.
I thought something good might happen today.
I thought things would go the other day around.
I wish people would see what I want at times, not to be selfish
but I'm just tired of living in what's killing me.
Sure we'all want a nice happy life, who doesn't?

But it would be nice to have someone who would really get me and be there for me when I really really need a shoulder.
When I need a breather, a punching bag and who doesn't mind all of my fuss.

And I'm sorry for my emo-ness lately.
Just like, just now, I went to my facebook and I saw this useless twat commented on my profile pictures and I was like, WHAT THE FUCK, DOUCHE? GET A FUCKING LIFE.
You don't need to comment if I don't look cool!
So get a life.

Why is my life so bad now? :(
I wish I could just be somewhere else and not give a damn about no one now.
I wish to just break your freaking neck and leave you in hell.
Satan wouldn't bother about you.

I wish to just cut myself...
Thank you for this fucked up life.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Love sparks

Don't know where it was from, but it made me feel better.

I need to feel appreciated , ASAP!
At the point I kinda had a bad time at tuition, I tried to top Brian(Ee)'s high score, I beat him at first and he beat me then. It was a fun game, it's called... *thinks* I forgotten >
But it's related to balls and hoops.

And I am proud of you, bro.
Like I've always thought of her as a bitch before anything happened, you should actually fight and defend yourself form those rediculous lies and jealousy.
She's a big fat bitch. She two timed with you and A.P and now that she was officially with you, she two-timed with someone again.
Man, girls these day's are plain desperate.

A touch of paint.

Kylie, please don't get mad at me

Thanks for borrowing me Dear John.
It was an amazing book :)
I really appreciate the meaning of the book, and for some reason it kinda relates me.
Anyways, I finished Dear John within 1 and a half days.

Anyways, I felt miserable today, I got yelled at for no reason cuz this douche who was sitting beside me, stared at me like literally in a disturbing way, and he poked me with a pen. MY pen. I borrowed him cuz he didn't really disturb me for past weeks, and now what the fuck. I got scolded thanks to that douche.

The teacher judged the problem without even knowing what happened and she 'blamed' me for talking to him - which I soooo did NOT - and later I cried over the bad things that happened to me lately, I couldn't hold my feelings anymore knowing I could do worst if I keep holding it back..

Anyways, I didn't really have much to say to anyone except Kylie.
She's been always trying to keep me up and I know, I'm a really terrible friend at times.

Please love me, Kyls.
Thanks for the math cheats !!
Naah, I'm kidding!

So, tell me how's your holiday. :) Leave it at the cbox :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

hooplaaa :D

I love this picture :)

No, this is NOT porn.
*serious face*

I got a new hat :D Guess who's it from?! A FRIEND :D TADAAAA. Ofcuz, I had to lie to my mom about it. She'd ask who's it from. Don't worry, it's a girl.

Sorry for not posting lately, it's because I ran out of things to post :/ Anyways, I camwhore-d alot and there's tonnes of pictures but I can't really post things online, it's not safe *winks*

Sorry, I get that alot from like, people. They tell you tonnes of things like how unsafe the world is now, bla bla bla, and dad says 'NO FACEBOOK IF TOO MUCH INFOMATION ABOUT YOURSELF' -If you think I wrote information wrongly, then you should tell me dad. He pronounces it that way.

I am kidding :)

And whoever knows my dad and who's reading my blog? Tell him, and you shall burn, in hell.

I am kidding - again :D

I like doing that, not that it's annoying, it is, but yeah. :)
Anyways, one week of holiday's gone.
All I did was stone, shop and got yelled at.
I did a cover :) Me and Nicholas
And apparently, Nicholas likes my fag face when I made mistakes, which is one of the bloopers >
Click here if you wanna see it :) 'HERE'
and here for some bloopers >< 'HERE'

The video on YouTube sounds better than the ones on Facebook ><
But yeah, some laughter for everyone :)

Anyways :) Thanks for reading. Gonna catch some wave now :)

Lotsa love.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The incredible pie


You may not be the bestest brother, but happy birthday bro :D

Anyways, I can't wait for tomorrow's outing :D AWESOME!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Don't I look scary?
Booo :D

I can barely feel my legs! Poor legs. I received compliments about my legs and shoes though, so, it was worth it..

Had lunch with my old friend Zuee and I can't believe it's been 10 years. A pretty big deal to me. We ate at Garden. The new place before the bridge to the Gardens. It was pretty nice, pretty tasty, environment and also the PRICE! Oh we ate up 84 bucks and I got yelled.

And I hanged out with Brian , Jackie and some dude, awesome day but I'm half dead now, ciao.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Look at em' shoes!
Ignore my toes but admire the shoe!
Yes it's mine!

Yes, the heels killed my feet. OH NO, don't look at me like that! It was on half price and it was too attractive NOT to have it! My mom didn't take out a single penny for this baby, I used my savings on it! Anyways, walking with THIS baby ain't no problem at first, then it turned sour now my feet hurts
Walked pass the Toilet Bowl concept restaurant and I really wanted to try but too bad, no time.
Had epic food time.

Bought a pair of slippers, yesh I bought again, BUT! It's cuz it's like half price! And it's like 5 bucks! And it's really cute ><>

So, anyways, I've been watching loads of Shane Dawson and Brittani Louise Taylor videos and yeah, I LOVE YOU GUYS :)
Thank for all the laughters.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dear, Japan

What do you think about my blue eyes :D

It's not really blue it's actually called sterling grey P:

Anyways, the whole CNN's filled with the Japan disaster and I feel that it's a really sad thing.
Yes, even though Japan had a massive killing spree with our last generation-and I forgive you on that, I think it's really creepy how the waves flushed the houses and stuff away.

My friends who worshiped Japanese' culture cried over the news. My dad wouldn't stop watching the news! I kept wondering is 2012 really happening to us? What would we do? No, we, commoners can't get onto the metal ships so, we're gonna have to die? What theory is that?! But if it's really happening, there's no way to prevent it. All we could do is do what we want to do and die willingly.

Spend time with people you love and apologize for the wrongs we've made to them.

So, enough about Japan. What about Malaysia?
Will it hit Malaysia? Will we have crazy earthquakes and massive waves hitting upon us?
My mind wouldn't stop wondering about it.

I couldn't stop listening to sad songs.
I wish it was all just a dream. But it wasn't.. maybe injust a few more days it'll be the end of the world.
Or maybe tomorrow. Anything could happen and all we could do now is hope for the best.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Cuz I can't live without you

Some part in this world, there's only you and me.

So , another week has past.
Another lifeless period in life.
What do we DO for a living?
More work?
I wonder why.

Lately so much bad things has happened to me..
Was it my fault? Or was it just meant to be?

First, over-priced bills ( a friend's. But I caused it.)
Then Kylie literally stabbed me with her nugget stick and I bled.
Then homeworks, load of it.
Puberty. LOL.
Then stabbed myself with a splinter in K.H
Nailed my project wrongly.
Looked ugly in a school photo.
What could possibly go more wrong??

I'm trying to make the best for a friend who's currently in shit but nothing seems to be working.
I'm concerned about all the possibilities that would happen to my friend.
Not revealing who is he/she.

Somehow, I feel like quitting Ideal.
Cuz' literally, some people there are potential douchebags.
But my mom and dad wouldn't let me change.
And the problem is, where to.

Went lunch with Rick and his friends.
They seem nice but I couldn't really click with them.
So I just kept quiet.

Somehow, I feel like doing something crazy for someone.
But who?

Love could be the sweetest thing, but it also could be a murderer.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Striked through a bullet

I wish I could throw tantrums like I was 5 again.

Thanks alot. Know how much it hurts?
Yeah, seems like everything's my problem..
Seems like everyone thinks I'm making a hell of a fuss.
like it's my problem..

I wanna go back to the time when I was 5. When I barely even need to know anything..
Before I met you.

Cross country

Don't worry, I won't shoot you.
Thank you, Er Vinn for editing this picture :)

Anyways, cross country was exhausting :O If you wanna know why, wells, isn't it obvious?? I ran around the whole TD. Wells, actually it's half. But yeah, I ran half way and I started having this, can't-breathe feeling and I stopped. I guess I'm such a weakling. But, look at the bright side! I managed to get back to school in ONE PIECE. Though I felt really sick at some point that I nearly threw up on Kylie >

Rick went along running so I literally raced with him abit but obviously, he's way too fast. Then after that, I hung out with Brian and Jun Wen at the P.A room and had this ridiculous fight with Jun Wen which was funny! Fight as in hitting each other and kept slapping and poking. It was fun but I was all sweaty and having some pain in my tummy. x.x

Guessed I was hungry then Jun Wen gave me a bar of Snickers and god, it tastes so effing good! Maybe I was just hungry but anyways, I got hyper and started jumping around :D

Then my legs got all numb and tired. :/

I'm feeling terrible now, so blank that I don't know what to blog.. tatas love.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Love stands for hurt.

Me, at the CHS Prom :)
It took ages for TK to upload them.

Don't you feel that the more you love, the more it hurts? Yeah, that makes sense. So today at school, not a good day. NOT a good day. I got my English marks ; 80% NOT GOOD.

Somehow lately I'm really emotional. Yeah , emotional pains. Maybe it was because of that day? I got blamed just for buying a book for my cousin. Which I have no idea how it got torn. Somehow, I got blamed for not checking it properly. And somehow, I don't really know why is all these crap happening. I mean, literally why do I deserve it? x.x Not fair. This world is UNFAIR.

Secondly, my fucking grades are dropping. I gotta start picking up my books.
Yeah, I mean it. Somehow.

I wish I had a time machine so I could go back in time when I was a little kid staying at home playing 'masak-masak' with my imaginary friend which I forgotten. Like, literally I had little moving cars. Which was big to me at that time and now, that I'm really big. I have a hard time fitting my ass into little rides at Toys 're Us.

I find that embarrassing yet upsetting :/
Know what's worst, having ER HAU asking if I was having hormone imbalance.
Now, what the fuck, what does hormones gotta do with like, this period of my life.
Maybe it is, but yeah, like what the hell right?

I couldn't sleep well, I woke up with tears all over my face and eye sore with a blurry vision which was creepy.
I ish lacking of blood. x.x
God, I wish a vampire would come and drain out my blood. Save all the trouble for dying.
It's like doing double deeds, I fed the vampire and I would stop living here in misery.

I wish to end my miserable life once and for all.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011


See this guy??
This is what you get when you're hot.

Yesh, me. Pretty weird in person.. but if you really know me. You'd know who I am. Precisely, I did something good for someone I know, ended up getting blamed for doing something good. So what am I suppose to do? I learnt my lesson. No matter how many great/good/nice things you do for other people, you'd never get back in return. Not even a little thank you. So, screw that.

Life wasn't pretty good. It never was. But I did feel a little better knowing i had the best results in class for Science and K.H for girls. :D Yeah, then after that it was all shitty.

Anyways, ate lunch at Tony Roma's' and boy am I full! I ordered this extremely huge burger and surprisingly I could literally finish it :D


lets shake our feets.