Thursday, February 23, 2012


Tomorrow, is my time to shine.

Yes, we're finally on tomorrow night. Though I've performed many times, everytime I think of being on stage gives me cold feet. Yeah, I'm such a loser right? Yeah, I am. Anyways, I PROMISE to take TONS of pictures tomorrow. Know why I'm so happy? 'Cuz I got a new phone! Okay, not that new but yeah. I finally don't have to worry about mom or anyone calling me without it DYING on me.

No, I am not exaggerating! I better get ready my black pumps :) Nights!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Tadaaaa. Could anyone help me find out who's it from?

Guess what guys? I got a stork of
rose today. How odd. For Valentine's? If it is, thanks but super late. That was what Rick said. Either ways I was very surprised. Somehow, happy that I mean something to someone. I spent the whole day trying to guess who it was from with the help of Sher Main and Becca.

Oh gosh, my phone is f*cked. I need a new phone asap. :( My contacts and all are screwed with all the battery problems. It drives me insane. I'm using my super old phone the pink Sony Ericsson flip. I don't get why the battery is always the problem. Not just my phones, most of the phones nowadays are having bad batteries. Someone better invent something new and yeah like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, they get famous and earn tons of money-just by designing a super-saver battery. How awesome would that be? Save tons of money from changing batteries. Last words in the end - I NEED A NEW PHONE.

So, yesterday after school I went back to grandma's right? The first thing Ian gave me when I got home was a cheery smile and a warm hug. Yeah, literally WARM cuz he was playing and sweating a little. Eww but cute. Grandma forgotten to buy my lunch so she boiled some eggs and and ate eggs with bread. She made an extra egg for Ian. We're egg fanatic! I gave him this Transformers keychain. He was super happy! He kept laughing and jumping around, awww. He's super adorable, I JUST WANNA SQUISH HIM TO DEATH! GAHAHAHA. No, Aunt Chloe would kill me. Literally. When it was time for him to take a shower, he refuse to because I was still here. Excuses. He said 'Ka-Jie, I don't want to shower now. Later you go home ady then how?' *sad face* But, I managed to convince him to shower by promising that I won't go until he's done. He went up and about 10 minutes later my dad came to pick me up. He saw me walking out from my grandma's window and he called me but I obviously couldn't hear him so I just left, grandma told me he was upset and said 'Ka-Jie bluff people-one.' That was the guilt I felt :( Today he was okay, not pissed at me or anythin. Laughed and played with me.

'Ian, you love me or you love Marsha more?'
'Heheheheh, you' *grinnnn
'AWWWW :D okay do you love me or Rick more?'
'Hmm hmmm you!'
And Aunt Chloe asked 'You love Ka-jie or me more?'

How cute is that? I love that bond I have with him :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Filling Japanese rice.

My dinner.

Okay, as NOT like what I had for dinner.. It was something like that. Okay, I'm kidding. More of normal rice and loads of Japanese seaweed and spices mixed together and that was it.
Don't judge me. It is mega-ultra-super-duper filling. I feel like a fish now-bloated fish, I might add.

So, after school dad picked me up from grandma's and we went to TDA (Taman Desa Aquarium) to get some fishes. (Yea, my fishes are all dead- Most of em.) and a tortoise. My previous (just got it not long.) tortoise somehow managed to climb out of the bowl and my mom accidentally stepped on it. R.I.P young thing. :(

Homework, not something I do very often. I'm too tired nowadays. Yes, excuses, Jane. You useless pig, but I just can't seem to recharge.
Okay, this is to-die-for!

I've been dying to have a camera for ages but I'm not sure to get a Polaroid one or save up for a Lumix one. Choices. But I don't know if I should get the Polaroid one 'cuz the films are mada-fudgin (Yes, I amphasised) expensive plus, the downside is that there's no effects to it. But it's so cute!! Okay, enough blabbering, Jane.

Gosh, I feel like dying now. I should be getting ready for school tomorrow but instead I'm stonning here doing nothing :(

Anyhow, I started checking out alot of people's blog. Such as Audrey's
She's the girl who's engaged to the boss/owner of nuffnang. Remember the crazy proposal that went on for days on Facebook? Yes, her. She's short. But pretty. Oh wells, girls with looks. :) no, I don't mean me. I'm pretty unattractive.

Notice how girls always say that they're fat? It's kinda unreasonable for when a girl who has no boobs, stick legs and smaller than average waist and they complain that they're fat right? Yes, they want attention. Okay, not just attention but a whole loads of comforting words telling them they're not. Talk about insecurities. Yes, I am like that (Yes, don't judge me T.T but I don't have that skinny stick legs and yeah I have big thighs) Therefore, I should not say anything about it. But I can't help. Yes. I wish the Devil inside of me would shut the fudge up :( Before I upset anyone and get mobbed.

Stick a needle in my eye.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jane is..


Okay maybe not really sick but I do feel sick. At the moment.
I skipped school - AGAIN. Okay, twice this year. Isn't
that good? I swore to make perfect attendants but no avail.
I failed.

So, Twilight is on FOX Movies. Grr. Yes, you must be wondering why I'm watching it and all if I don't really like it. I say it's because I'm home alone and I don't want to be in a 'quiet' condition. Yes, I'm afraid.

Oh god, Bella, stop being a slut when Edward doesn't wanna make love before marriage. Chillax sikit-lah! That's a really funny part. Oh yes, I'm watching Twilight -Eclipse now.

In US, it is Valentine's Day. :')
Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

Oh, Jane. Silly girl, no one wants you as his Valentine. Therefore, I am : Forever Alone.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day!

I am here to apologize. For not blogging in such a long time!
For a sudden, I have the urge to blog after reading this beautiful blog by this man Jason Lee
Yes, you guys should check it out! He has two beautiful girls and his photography is just astonishing.
I've been dying to learn photography but my parents think it's a waste of time.
Oh gee, they would never get it. *sigh*
Anyways, today is Valentine's Day. Yes, nothing special. Any ordinary Tuesdays with a pinch of love and a multiple couples everywhere. Not to mention ROSES. Oh, how I die to get them.
Ha- nawwww, just kidding. I was talking about hoping to receive a bouquet.. or maybe just one piece of rose to Rick. But no doubt, it did not happen. No one wanted me as their Valentine.

Heeee, it's alright. I shall be blogging to waste time.
School was a bore. Because nothing much happened. 'Oh thanks, Captain Obvious!'
Yes, a bunch of homework piling up my table and I just can't be bothered to put my pen down. Just so exhausted! From endless school work to volleyball practices. Not to mention the up-coming event/performance :- MAHSA's annual dinner. GAH.

Guess what?! Someone decided to sell me his iPhone 3Gs for 200! YES, I WANT IT. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Oh, I just want/need a smart phone. My reloads are costing me a fortune. Yes, I use to that word - FORTUNE.

Anyways, I'm not gonna deny that I'm a big spender. I just have endless needs. WHY?! Though, I try to control myself. But I can't help it!
Like this! I saw one exactly like that in full black and less by one inch. It's branded and costs 80 Bucks. To-die-for, no?
Yumm ;D