Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pimple. Fuck you

I'm out. 

Hot crossed buns!

Isn't this so cute?! Piggy buns!

I got this picture from my Aunt's trip to Hong Kong. 

So, I've been having a busy schedule on alot of activities. Kinda tired of planning and thinking of it. Additional problem, my EYE! It's swollen. As disgusting as it sounds its like a little pimple there. To avoid looking like some fucked up person, I wore shades. Everywhere I go. Shades on. Even in the mall. Yeah, people DO look at me like a weirdo. One guy even passed by me and asked his friends if it was very sunny. I literally yelled at him to fuck off. Haha. Laughs!


I kinda drafted this post that night because I was beyond tired. Anyways, I feel that my life is really boring nowadays. Although I don't want much excitement, life's really dreading me. All I ever do now is plan things, rehearse and hang out with friends. Not to brag, but this holiday is one of the most busy one. Friends texting me 24/7 asking me to go out. Besides hanging out ( More like throwing my cash away :'( ), I have to practice band with Nic and Lloyd. Though we're not that good, I could be honest, we aren't that bad either. Haha. So, my birthday is coming up! Okay, not so soon but yeah two weeks time? :D *GLEEEEE Yeah! I'm so happy that I'm finally 16 BUT there's a part of me that don't wanna grow up. Let's say, I'm more of a baby beyond a baby. Pfft, I'm precious! Oh, I'm just kidding!

Okay let's talk about my eye. IT'S STILL HERE! GAH :( SAD. I took some medicine it did work but meh, still here ;( I WANNA CRAIIII. I gotta look like a fool wearing shades in the mall. :( So sad. 

You guys want the second part of the story?

Elizabeth left both Jason and Mitch. She didn't want no triangle love. She didn't want to hurt anyone. But she was just tired of everything. She needs time alone from all of the mess she caused. She broke up with Jason.  She wanted to escape this world that is filled with anger and pain. She hates the world for throwing all these at her.. 

Okay, grandma wants me to leave now =.= Damn. Sorry! Continue tonight!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe

I love this song! It's super catchy and cute! Perfect flirt song <3


I have this! YUMMEH <3

Oh hello there. Long time no blog. It's been more than half a month of dreadful exams. I'm finally free! Okay not exactly, but I'm prepared for the two week of never-ending fun! The worst test was Accounts. Know why? I have absolutely ZERO clue on it. I think I did quite a terrible job this term. Can't wait to DAIIIII! :'(

Basically everyone in class kinda cheated. Passing notes and whispering to each other haha 4k2 is the best class ever.

I haven't really been updating my blog so first of all, thousand apologies! Secondly, life hasn't been putting on rainbows on me. So yeah. I won't exactly tell you guys what but I have a little story.

Elizabeth was just 13 when she met Jason. They did not exactly hit off when they met but as time passed they became from strangers to friends, friends to best friends and finally best friends to everything they could imagine. They were the sweetest couple alive until one night when Elizabeth got jealous over a little incident. She ignored Jason for the night and she wanted to apologize for her attitude last night but it was too later. Jason broke up with her. She begged and cried and did whatever she could to save what they shared for the past 2 months. It wasn't a long period of time but it was definitely one of the best moments she had. Time stood in and she began to move on. Somehow, no matter how hard she tries, yes, in a way she did move on but deep inside her heart still beats for Jason. Jason moved on to Sabrina. A bitch. He told Elizabeth he was happily in love with Sabrina. He had no idea how much he hurt her. He poached her heart, stake it right through her heart. After a year or so, she continued to mask her pain and lived with it soon she found Will. Will and Elizabeth didn't really work out after 6 months. Slowly, Jason realized that he still loves Elizabeth and they took it slow. A step at a time and soon enough their relationship bloomed. Their relationship together was just so special. They're crazy together. Happy as ever. But it wasn't long till Jason began to screw up. He mistreated her. She waits up for his calls every night and in return, he would lie to her saying he's doing work but ends up gaming. Leaves her hanging through messages, blames her.. and soon enough it all turns into heartbreaks and trust fades away. Just then another guy came into her life, his name is Mitch. He is the most determined thing ever.    He was there for Elizabeth when she was troubled. When she needed help, when she was as down as dirt, he was also there. Elizabeth soon began to doubt. Her relationship with Jason, is it gone? Is there no point of return? Has she not given enough chances for getting hurt over and over again? Mitch soon fell for Elizabeth and things are getting more and more confused...


You guys crave for more?
Leave a comment! 

Anyways, sorry I can't upload pictures from my phone, as you see this isn't my laptop so yeah :) 
I'll post it all when I get a new lappie!

Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Tali Ho.
This is Paul.
 Paul is gay. Happy gay.

It's been ages since I've blogged. I know. Do you guys miss me? :D Kidding. So, exams are next week and I decided to blog - a short one maybe :) Blogspot changed so much and I guess it shall take time getting used to it. Any ways, I guess I'll just fail everything next week. I didn't really study.. guess I would really fail :( and I got some last minute help from Leo. I guess that WOULD help.. maybe a little. But still, what if I don't do well? Okay, I should really stop over-thinking. 

Spending my whole day home doing some revision and it's hot. Crazy hot. Malaysia weather is just horrible. It's so humid. Why can't it snow *sad face* ?? Gah. It's burning. Pictures. I'm starting to put in less picture now because my old laptop's dead and gone. So it would take time for me to get use to this one. My dad's. He intends to give it to me but he needs to get a new one first. I'm okay with that. I still have my phone :) And iPod.

I'll come back when I have some ideas on what to blog about. 

Cheerios :D

Maroon 5 - Payphone (Lyric Video) ft. Wiz Khalifa

I love this song. It's so nice :)
If happy ever after did exist