Thursday, August 30, 2012

Chalk dye.

Yes, my first attempt on chalk dye in pink

I added a green tip for my first try

This was my hair the next day. Blue-green and a failed red-yellow. Mostly it turned red.
 It actually stained my new white shirt from Nichii.. I'm a sad girl now :(
I was out with Lloyd, Lucas and Grace and we went for a movie and tea after that at Plan B
The red velvet cake was super super yummy! DO try it out even though it's a little pricey but it's still worth the taste! The flourless fudge cake ( More or less the spelling) was also very good. :) 

My lovely grandma trying out this badass beanbag. I love her.
Isn't she very sexy? Okay, kidding. Don't wanna give you nightmares. She's the best Grandma ever!

And I got back my polaroid! Sadly it's film-less now due to the very very expensive films.. Yes I'm keeping it on the shelf above my bed and look at it always.. Talk about weird obsession.

My aunt's mom from China made this traditional Mantou yeast. Mantou is a type of traditional Chinese bun. Very cute and tasty too :) Anyways, she left it outside under the sun. I think it's rising.. soon enough. Anyways, my aunt's parents from China came and as you know, their Mandarin accent is really strong and I don't really know what they say sometimes, but they're friendly so yeah, it's al right!

 I love how Chinese I can be sometimes. With Mantou and bamboo trees and endless folk-tales.. what more can prove? My granddad planted this bamboo tree behind the front wall. 

A dandelion in a perfect sunset. 
I do not own the picture. 

Follow the Shaytards on YouTube! They're the most adorbs family ever! The awesome parents and the cute kids are just perfect :) The baby boy in the picture is Rocktard and his sister over there? She's Babytard! :) Ngawww, look at him trying a bra on!

Tribal nails. Perfect in every way! /Jealous\

I admit, I like stealing taking people's amazing photographs. But I only do it because of its beauty! I just love the whole picture! The sad thing is, I don't own a camera to experiment it myself.
 Again, I do not own this magnificent picture.

Yummy cupcakes! The cupcake with the green icing looks like poop. Cute poop. I love baking but somehow I could never find the time or the ability to do so. My mom did not provide an oven when we shifted back into the house. Wait a minute.. she don't even cook in the first place! Yeah, let alone baking. I understand her busy schedule and her struggles for trying to provide what we need and want. Not just me but my whole family. So yeah, after my Form 5. I shall learn to bake!

Sorry for not blogging for so long. I just caught a bad cold, terrible cough and sore throat. I went to the doctors today and the doctor I used to go to wasn't there so I had to see another doctor. She was not the most ideal doctor, but yeah.. I had no choice OK? She gave me 5 types of medicine in total and 3 of it will cause me to be sleepy so I returned home after picking up my sister and slept till 6. I woke up and had a light dinner because I lost all my appetite. Well, not all. Just for rice and all heavy things. I wanted sugar crackers. I know, I'm getting weirder and weirder nowadays. Hah. I have shaky hands due to heavy medications. My immune feels like it's been beaten up by a bunch of assholes. I lost my voice, too. Basically if you talk to me now, I would be sounding like a man. Eww, right? I avoid talking now.. To the aid of scaring kids. Just kidding.

Gotta go finish my Black Lace essay. It's already overdue. I know, I'm such a badass. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Say WHAT??

Simi is a really bad robot.
I can't believe it! He actually said that :(

I probably would go to jail if any politician sees this. ZOMG. No offence to Mr. N.
I appreciate everything you've done even if you did nothing.

 I've seen many reviews on chalk hair-dye.
Basically called soft pastels here and I can't wait to try it.. soon.
I'm afraid that it'll just give me some bad allergies or cancer or hair damage or something.. Oh Jane, STOP OVER-REACTING. JUST TRY IT! I can't wait!

Belly piercing.
Okay, tell you the truth.. I really want to try belly piercing but, due to parental issues typical reason, I dare not do it. Let alone the pain.. Ouch! But I do find this picture very interesting :) Especially with the dream-catcher pendant! So cute. Maybe if I find one, I'd just buy it to look at it. No, not happening. Belly piercing is also super expensive and it'll easily get infected so.. I doubt I'd ever do it for the rest of my life.

This is not my dog and I do NOT OWN this picture. 
This is Domo, Bubz' poodle. I posted this because I think he's just so frigging cute! 
Why can't my dog be as cute as him? Oh right, maybe because he has been abandoned before?? :O
Nah, I appreciate my dog's cuteness even if its not that cute. He's still my baby.

I officially died when I saw these nails! Aren't they to die for? I have a deep confession.. I SUCK IN PAINTING NAILS. Yes, there you go. I said it loud and clear. I just don't know how people could paint it so perfectly. I've never had manicures or pedicures. Growing up, my mom would never spoil me with all these spa things.. she always told me when you're older, and when you can earn your own money and you spend it. You'll feel good about it and you can do anything with it. Which is true.. well.. Kinda.

Shoes! ZOMG. Again, I do not own this pretty shoe-lific picture. 
I love the colours and styles! I love these pretty pretty pastel colour shoes! Somehow nice shoes always comes with a price. Okay not just shoes, but everything. Obviously, but do you need to get all these nice things? No. Lets not just spoil ourselves with all these. :)

The Bilboard-Sky-Picture.
The problem with me is that I don't have a good camera. Wait, I don't even have a camera! I only have my phone. I've actually begged my parents to get me a camera but obviously but oh wells.. a phone is enough :3 for now. They think that it's not worth investing a camera for me. :( BULLNESS! Well, I can't blame them. They have too much to pay. So, it's alright. I might just be a little more patient. I would get it maybe next time :)

Enjoy :)
Im too tired to colour my post. Im sorry :(

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012


Garnier Light B.B Cream.

I've seen so many people review on their on BB creams and I always think to myself that all types of BB creams are the same shit but I got this one and actually compared this one to my mom's BB creams and this is just awesome! I'm new in this so I find this BB cream really good. It's very smooth, not like those textures that will leave your skin feeling greasy. I don't really use a lot of it on my face, just a small amount for me would do. It's very velvety actually. It's also a sunblock and a moisturiser, so it's like a 3-in-1 kinda thing. It's also quite reasonable, it costs like $20! You can get it from any pharmacy or supermarket. Very good. I like it a lot!

Maybelline The Falsies mascara 

This mascara is just so... It just works like wonder! Though it didn't make my eyes exactly like those you see with the real false lashes but it really gives a good texture to the lashes. It comes in two colours if I'm not mistaken. Black and brown. The one I own is in black. Love it. I don't use it everyday don't get me wrong. I use it once in awhile, I take good care of my make-up even if I don't use it always.

Vaseline Lip Essence Advanced Petroleum Jelly
Maybeline Baby Lips (Limited Edition)

Honestly, these two are my absolute life savers! I have chapped lips almost most of the times due to the crappy weather in Malaysia. The Vaseline tube really keeps my lips moisturised and it smells really nice, unlike the pot ones (the pot ones actually are pretty odour-less but it's just a little troublesome to carry everywhere and it's less hygienic as you need you stuff you germy finger in there to dig up some petroleum jelly for your lips unless you wash your hands all the time) . It makes my lips feel really smooth even after a really thin layer just to put me out of my dry lips misery. I usually put it on especially when I go to sleep because of the air-conditioning and I hate the dry-lips feeling when I wake up. The Maybeline Baby Lips lip balm is actually in berry flavour. The one I got was the special edition one and there are actually another tube that is also berry flavour but they only had this when I went to the pharmacy and I really like berry scented things so I got that. It was the same price as the others. It doesn't make my lips peel, unlike some of those lip balms that if you apply more often. I would have to say, it moistures my lips pretty good but the Vaseline does a better job. So if you have dry lips all the time like me, I suggest you get these two. The price is reasonable too. 
I got my Vaseline for $9 because it was on a sale and I forgot the price for the Baby Lips. 

M.A.C SuperGloss Lip Gloss in SuperGlass Sweetheart.

I got this baby from a friend as a birthday present two years ago and I don't know the price. I would say expensive because, honestly everything in Malaysia is overpriced. I'm pretty sure the price range would be above $120 (estimation). Okay, what I absolutely love about this lip gloss is the glitter. It really stands out from those other boring ones. No offence. If you are a performer you would wanna get this lip gloss. It stays for a longer time compare to other lip gloss'. What I don't really like about it is the stickiness, other than that I'd give it a 5 star.

Maybeline HyperSharp Liner in black.

Okay, honestly when it comes to eyeliners, I have a big problem. It's either I smudge like crazy or I'd end up looking like I have bad eye bags and for me, I work really good with liquid eyeliners. It's easy to put on, easier to draw designs and it won't smudge like pencils or crayons. I've never tried on gel liners but I really do not have a deep appreciation for pencil liners. The bad thing about this liner is that it goes off after some time, like I don't know about other liners but it does go away easily. No worries, if I wear eyeliner that day then I would carry it around for touch-ups and not to worry that I'd look like some retarded clown. You can get this eyeliner from any pharmacy or beauty shops, I'm sure. Oh, it also comes in Brown. 
The price if I'm not mistaken is $20+. 

Vaseline Total Moisture Nourishing body lotion.

I absolutely love this lil' mofo. I've actually never finish one bottle of lotion growing up then because I'd end up being too lazy to apply all the time and it doesn't work most of the time but surprisingly, this body lotion has really worked for me like magic. It also improved the smoothness of my skin and it has this really nice and soft smell. They have it in three sizes and in this range they have three types such as Cocoa, Aloe Vera and this, Pure Oat. The big one, which is the one above costs about $17.90 and the smaller ones costs less, obviously.  

Body Shop Aqua Lily Eau De Toilette 

Okay, basically I'm not much of a perfume person. Sure I've used some perfume but I really like this scent. I smells really fresh and stays for a long time. I'm sure you can get this from any Body Shop outlets but I don't know the price is because I got it for my birthday this year. I usually have bottle of perfume that either don't stay on for long or just really expensive that I don't wanna use it. Like that one, so I don't really dare to use it all up. Silly O' me.

Anyways, I actually saved this post last night apparently I had to 'sleep' but I kinda stayed up late a lil' bit playing Bubble Shoot. Yes, I'm an addict. I don't play RPG games. Just this. Okay and don't get me wrong. I'm not a professional in all these beauty things but it's just what I think of the products I use. Just a normal suggestion. Hope you guys don't mind on my review :) Lotsa love! PS. Not feeling so colourful today :(

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I got this giant Salted-Chocolate macaroon for free

Best place ever - Delectable by Su
Honestly Su, You make the best cupcakes ever :D

I bought this at first ; Caramel-Latte and trust me, never, ever get this flavour. 
I really don't know if it tastes more to caramel or Latte. It's just bad. BAD.

Okay, first of all I would die to have nails like that. 
Aren't they just so pweety? :3

I had a pretty tiring day today. Woke up at 11. Yeah, I'm such a bum. Surprisingly, even though I woke up at a time like that, I felt like I was from the Walking Dead. I know, it's the lack-of-sleep-syndrome AGAIN. I got ready and went to work. Thank God, I only had one student - currently, so it's more flexible for me to move her around. It's a her. Yes. She is pretty naughty for a girl. After teaching, I went out Burger King for lunch with Lloyd and my sister. Yeah, we're eating fast food every weekend. Can't wait to die of heart failure , LOL. I know, it's not a nice thing to say but it's a fact. If you think that Mid Valley is a place of everything well, you're right BUT, the fact of me being there all the time made me pretty much clueless on what to eat almost all the time and Burger King is fast, tasty (Well... quite) and cheap. They have a value meal which cost around $6 that includes a soft drink, fries and a burger. Talk about it! They have a spicy fried chicken burger, a grilled chicken burger, Whooper JR. and Mushroom Swiss. Yeah, four sets but good enough. After Burger King we went back to my shop and chilled awhile. We literally gamed the whole 20 minutes playing some lame-but-very-frigging-addictive game; Bubble Shoot. Basically, it's just shooting bubbles. I'm usually not a gamer but, it's really addictive. You guys should really try it :D

We went to Delectable, a place where its filled with yummy cupcakes and treats and we met this two guys who works there and  the first guy which I don't know his name actually talked to us first and the second guy who's name was Sam started talking to me and he even complimented my bag..AWKWARD! I have been eye-ing on those giant macaroons from their store for a really long time and I decided to give it a try today. WRONG FLAVOUR, JANE. The guy, Sam, actually recommended me to try the Salted-Chocolate or the Vanilla one but I picked out Caramel-Latte and guess what? IT TASTES LIKE CRAP. Okay I shouldn't be mean, but really it didn't taste as good as I expected. This is why, never hope on something so high, guys. It'll always turn the other way around. We sat there trying my macaroon and obviously, I did not finish it. I left it half broken. Lloyd decided to get the really expensive popcorn and he came out with another box of macaroon, which was the Salted-Chocolate one. I haven't eaten that one yet but yeah, obviously, my sister and Lloyd thought he had a thing for me but no way. I ain't buying that. 

Anyway, I'm dead tired now, shall blog more tomorrow. Since it's the holidays and I have absolutely nothing to do. Cherios.

Friday, August 17, 2012

A beautiful mess.

Ain't my 'photography' awesome? :) I love this picture

Oh this tart is just tempting me.

Oh hello!

I love this Ms. Selfridge dress! But sadly it's really expensive. It cost like $240+. ZOMG right?

Meet Graceeeeyyy! Nah, it's just Grace! Yeah, I got stuck in that dress for at least 10 minutes!
Indeed. I needed her to pull it off my fatness!

Oh my beautiful cloth rose :)

This is my cousin, Ian. Isn't he cute? Mr. Lotso was almost his height :) So adorable.

This was taken last month of Kylie's birthday. Yes, meet my 'husband', Siew Wen and my 'son', Upin. I know. The expression on my face is just priceless.


My honey and I :D

My current obsession! Dream Catchers!
A Beautiful Mess by Jason Mraz 

This song's just so beautiful, like I just wanna slow dance to this.


Oh hello :) Didn't see you over there. Oh, I'm kidding. So how are you guys? Sorry that you can't answer my question. I removed my cbox or whatever you call it. It was getting really annoying with those lame websites trying to promote themselves on my chatbox and I got spammed by unknown sources. Anyway, I've been really busy lately. Getting my homework done. Ms. Liew just started giving us homework on mythology. Ahh, the blood and soul of the ancient society. O-Kay, that did not just make sense. I find myself being really into all these history. It's really interesting reading about the Gods and Godess' and their magic and those crazy creatures that you'd only see or read about in movies. I hope they were real. It'll be really cool if they really were. Well, I do believe some of them were true.

So, finals are coming up and I just started my tuition lessons, and I'm not trying to trash talk my old tuition centre! It's just this centre is nice :) Well, so far. Just 3 lessons but it's okay so far. The teacher's are quite nice there. Anyways, I get to see Grace every two nights of the week now. She gets to help me with Accounts, which I'm SO BAD AT. ZOMG, prepare to fail this shit! But please, whatever it is I SHOULD PASS my Economics! Or I'd be chewed into pieces and die and be a failure for the rest of my life!

GAWD, I'M SO SLEEPY! No, I should be more energized. But I don't know how due to the LACK OF FRIGGING SLEEP. Somehow, lately I've been getting nightmares quite often. I just had one last night and it was really bad. (DOH, ITS A NIGHTMARE! WAY TO STATE THE OBVIOUS!) It was a killer 'clown' wells, I don't know if I could consider it a clown. It had bright red cheeks and long black hair. Brrrr, and there was a TV in the room playing a movie and it was about 'US', I don't remember who was in it but definitely there WERE people I know and not to forget.. ME :( And each time if we die IN the movie, we die real life :( OH MAI GAWD. ISN'T THAT JUST HORRIBLE?! I DON'T WANNA DIE, okay, lets not exaggerate :( 

Alright, God, please don't give me ANY MORE bad dreams.