Saturday, May 30, 2015

Hey hey hey!

Finals are over! Well, just one more paper to go but but but it's almost over! After a long month I finally have time to do what I like and most importantly, to find myself again. I asked myself awhile back this question; If my 13 year old self saw the person who I am now, what would I think about myself? Would I be proud of myself? Would I approve of the person I have become?

And the answer is no. Although my 13 year old self won't be proud of me now, I wanna tell myself that it's not completely my fault for letting this happen to me. Ok, this post isn't going to be about me self-pitying myself I promise!

I'm not sure who's reading this but the month of April and May has been a crazy two months for me! I met new friends, tried new ice creams, went out for movies and had my finals (pretty sure I mentioned it too many times liao). I have three whole months to enjoy and have fun. I already have it all planned out, I'm going to work through the month of June and celebrate my birthday! Last teen liao, I feel so old oh my goodness T.T Hitting the big 2-0 next year but I still feel like a kid somehow. Anyways, getting back to my amazing holiday plans :D 

In the month of July, I'm going to have a mini getaway with my friends to the beautiful Redang island! I've never been there before so I hope everything will work out the way it's suppose to! Mom booked a mini getaway at a hotel near Raya,too. In August we're going on a family trip to the mainland! Honestly, I'm not super keen on the sidewalks covered with spit and the unsanitary toilets but it's a trip back to visit some distant relatives therefore I will do my best to endure T.T
Also, started working out :)
I feel healthier and happier and not to mention to prep myself for a bikini body :P Sorry, I don't want to look like a muffin T.T

Coming back in early September just in time to collect my results *cries* I hope I can pass everything to move onto degree >< 
*prays super hard*

But I can't wait for my busy holiday. Sounds kinda strange to say it but I am looking forward to keeping myself busy with work and hanging out with friends. Lunch dates to catch up over busy schedules and mini trips to the zoo and cafe hopping!

"Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark."-
Rabindranath Tagore