Thursday, October 20, 2016


Life update time!

It has been months now. I no longer have an aching heart looking at your pictures. I no longer feel the sinking feeling when I think of you or your name. I am happy. Moved on and happy with how things are now. You're now just another blog post from the past. I don't regret, don't worry, but I am happier now. I'm learning how to be more independent with my feelings. Learning how to do things and make choices without worrying if what I do would upset you. I wish the same for you.


I have not updated my blog for three months so how is everyone? I feel like I owe my blog more entries but I can't afford to find the time and energy to move my fat fingers after a long day at Uni so I'm sorry *insertscryingemoji* 

In July, I went on a trip to Langkawi. It was amazing to be able to bond with the people who are around you everyday but don't really know that well. We drank, had car-dance parties, had tons of good food, had some bad hangover, shed some tears, drank some more, etc. We're not alcoholics.

Don't worry, I only drank wine. Like lots of wine.
There were no hard liquor or beer involved for me.

Jokes, maybe just a little bit of cider and Smirnoff.

I felt like the trip was much needed as we were all going through some stuff. We got to know more about each other and learned how to be better friends so thank you guys :')

Me feeding Mr.Ray :3

I got a job in mid-July too! It was exciting, Something new and fun to add to my boring holidays. I needed more pocket money as we all know how the equation goes for every uni student on break:

Holiday + Freetime + Friends = -0.00 in the bank

I got a job
Yet, I was still broke.
How?? IDK.
Is there a time when I won't be broke? 

Probably not.

I got a job as a tele-surveyor. Yes, I was one of those pesky people who calls you up like a conman trying to cheat your money to do surveys.The job was simple and repetitive which makes it boring after some time. The working hours are odd but we get paid a decent amount per hour. I got to make some new friends too. People I hope to still be able to go out with every now and then just to catch up on how things are going. 

Also, I learned how to speak mandarin a little better. Monz gave me tests every now and then, pointing out to things at our cubicle and I'd do my very best to answer her in my retarded mandarin. If you heard our conversations you'd probably laugh till you get a seizure.

Monz: *pointstokeyboard* What is this?

Plus, I was also forced to speak mandarin with Chinese respondents- if i'm unlucky to get a Chinese Respondent-, just to make sure they understand that I'd get someone who can speak mandarin to get back to them in few minutes time. Usually it'll go like this:

Me: Good evening, my name is Jane and I'm calling from ***** a market research agency... (bla bla bla reading out the intro from the monitor)
Respondent: Ah? WO BU MING BAI AH
Me: Oh uh oh, deng yi xia (plis hold on) *shovesphonetomonz*

Sorry that I'm an embarrassment.

 I do miss being there sometimes. Most of the time I don't but it was all for the experience. 
The experience of getting rejected all the time because people are afraid that I'd con them for real :(

August rolled by, our long awaited family trip is finally here! We literally waited a whole year for it. Mum decided to breathe some ang-moh air this year so we all went to Perth for 7 days. 

We took a night flight there and thank the stars that I'm the kinda person who can sleep at literally anywhere. I fell asleep to a point I nearly fell off my seat so much apologies to the girl who sat beside me for 5 hours :3

It was my first time being in Australia and it was really cool to experience being in a new culture. The people were friendly as hell and the food there was so good. The burger patties are fresh and marinated to perfection. Another thing I'm super impressed with was public toilets! Their toilets everywhere is clean and well maintained and best thing is they provide toilet paper. Like rolls and rolls of toilet paper!

Aside from that, the weather was perfect for me to wear make up. I can't put on a full face of make up without feeling icky and gross here at the end of the day but over there I can wear make up without feeling like my skin would be invaded with pimples at the end of the day. Also, the weather was perfect for us to wear cute coats and scarfs. 

I swear you can also see cute guys every corner you turn. The immigration officer, zookeepers, Target workers omg you name it. Those guys in suits are especially good looking I swear. 

This is exactly how my sister and I everytime a cutie passes by.

Everything about koala land is good except their nightlife? 8pm and it's a complete ghost town already. No one walks on the streets, all the shops closes at 5pm like do you guys not go out yumcha or chill out? 

 Indian Ocean.

I do have a complaint though, how is it that there's only one bathroom and one toilet in an apartment? A family of 5 had to fight every morning and night to use the toilet. I mean it's only temporary but how do the people there survive with only one toilet and bathroom? 

I came back and classes started early September. I'm honestly quite happy that my life is now a routine again. The holidays were great and I enjoyed it but having nothing to do everyday was just too much for me. It's now October which means we're 2 months away from ending 2016. I have no idea where the time went by and it's pretty scary to think that we're all getting older and older each day. FML, I don't want to age :( I don't want wrinkles, or responsibilities to come crumbling down on me so soon. I'm just going to enjoy the moment now as much as I can. Flood myself with reading articles and friends who offers good vibes.

To everyone who's reading this, 
Happy last 2 months of 2016!