Saturday, August 17, 2013


Sometimes, I wonder why is it so hard to start writing. Should I say my salutations? Or should I post endless amount of pictures? Or just type in some nonsense? What do you think? Hmm.. Does saying all my ''hello's'' work? Anyways, I've decided do to an overlook on the past 7 months in my 2013 and just realized how I w asted it was. Needless to say, this year should be the year which I sit at my desk for atleast 6 hours a day and do absolutely nothing but study and channel into my inner nerd. Instead, I procrastinate a ton and stare at books emptily. Urgh, I can't wait to fail my major exams this year *boo hoo*.
Also, trials are not far from now. Let's just say that it's around the corner and look at me. Busy with blogging and going to the movies and absolutely doing nothing but throwing out my precious time. I should start studying but I just can't seem to thrive and motivate myself to focus so let alone having the luck to get 9 important subjects into my brains. I repeat, 9 subjects! It ain't easy let me tell you. It seems like the older I get, the less into school I get. Weird, isn't it? Maybe it's a part of me that look forward a little bit too much for graduation and for school to end for good ( but no, my last paper is at 2nd December. Drag..). I keep thinking of the endless joy and fun I can have during the few months of freedom next year. Going out with my friends and reading and shopping and travelling. Yeah, way to go and I'm not even done with trials whilst planning all these on my list. 
Somehow, I tend to question myself on me being judged and misunderstood a lot in school. I often find when someone has a certain grudge on someone, they tend to see them as a threat and find things to pick on you. Tell me no. There's this particular guy who would try to make me as miserable as hell. He interrupts me when I'm talking to my other friends and asks them (very loudly) to move to sit with him whilst they are hanging out/talking to me and let me just tell you how insanely annoying and rude he is. Now, I'm not saying he's not a nice guy. Yes, he is, to the people he likes but honestly, he's much alike with girls. Okay, not trying to rant much here but I just want to cut short and say that I am happy with myself no matter how much bitching he does or other people do about me. I don't mind if I have no friends to talk to in class (not saying I don't. I do !), I will be who I am. I've learnt from these times not to backstab anyone or do something behind people's back and even if they do that to me. 
Hopefully, for those who reads my blog out there that you don't find me boring. I've been blogging for such a long time and I still feel like an amateur. Boo hoo :(

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