Sunday, March 02, 2014

Hang Zhou, China.

Someone should yell at me to update my blog. Not everyday but more frequently.
I should feel much ashamed that my China trip was two months ago and I'm uploading it now. I feel like my apologies are useless and not worthy anymore. 

So, I went to China for the first time and it was my first time being out of the country (not kidding). My mom  got tickets early to Hang Zhou as Air Asia was having some flight deals. It was after my SPM so it felt great to finally finish school and travel. I really really like travelling. I was quite happy to know that it would be cold and stuff like I felt so fancy wearing winter jackets, scarfs and beanies with boots. Hey don't judge me, like I told you it was my first time travelling to somewhere else. Our flight was quite early so it was such a drag to leave my soft and comfy bed at 4am. 

So when we landed and headed to the custom, I could feel the cold air in the airport which was quite exciting. It felt kinda nice to be able to walk around without having to sweat. We took a taxi to our hotel which we took awhile to find and the driver was really nice but I swear the people in China drives insane. They would speed and honk and speed and break. Our hotel wasn't anything fancy but we didn't really wanted to stay in somewhere above budget because we'd be out sight-seeing early and throughout the day and get back late so we really didn't need much of a fancy hotel. 

Hang Zhou is a beautiful city. Filled with Chinese authenticity but I guess the only downside of it are the people. Okay this is personal preference but I swear the people would spit their phlegm wherever. I'M SERIOUS! On the streets, in the malls, in restaurants and just wherever. They don't close their cubicle doors when they excrete. They push you when you're in the way like hello, 'excuse me' isn't that hard. Oh and they let their kids pee by the side of the road. I even saw this father who carried his son in the airport to let him pee in the trash can. 

After all, the trip was amazing and the food was yum! Well, I would like to travel more soon. I would love to travel with my friends too. It interests me to learn more about different countries' culture.

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