I feel bad. As in.. really bad. I ate curry for breakfast and now my stomach hurts so badly. =.= Gawd.. I feel cold. Haha.. Choosing a picture to put is hard. I'm not a good camwhore. Haha. I suck at taking pictures. Lame and retarded. Camwhoring is a talent. xD Ann got it. Haha. I look frigging ugly in pictures. RAWR.
I'm so bored. Can someone save me? Captain underpants.. Booring. Wanna wannna wanna.. Go MPH (: Haha.. I wanna buy books. And maybe get an anklet with bells. Hehe.. Wearing the shirt I bought from Nichi and short skirts. Sneakers and white socks. Like I said.. Growing to like my hair. Haha.. But having trouble straightening it. Hehe.. I like my fringe but I look like a guy when my hair is tied up. I tried that day. wierd? Gaaah! What am I saying? Haha..
I feel hyper today. Lols.. I so wanna eat lollipop. Someone treat me a lollipop! Gaaah.. Shoot. My stomach hurts.! Blog later pepo. Pain is here!
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