Sunday, November 29, 2015

It's right to be wrong

It took me from being with the wrong guys for me to finally understand what I want in my future relationship or at least what qualities I want. People would always comment on pictures and posts on my social media saying how we are 'Relationship goals' just because they see pictures of us smiling but no one knows what's happening behind all of it. I wouldn't say that my past relationships were complete shit (even if it felt that way) because without them I wouldn't have mature in the sense of knowing what I want before getting into another relationship. I wasn't happy with materials they gave me knowing that the person I love did not treasure me the way I felt that I deserved and trust me, I am worth more than terrible fights over nonsense that does not even add up. When two people freshly got into a relationship, it's all about the flowers, fancy dates and cute little surprises but what matters in my honest opinion is what comes after all those. I'm pretty sure you all can relate to that as we'd often start to feel frustrated when our partners won't be able to keep up with what they presented at the beginning. To me, it's simple. Be thankful for the little things your partner does for you and think of ways to show your partners simple appreciation.

Being with the wrong guy made me understand myself better. After my last break up with my ex, I assured myself with the fact that I will NEVER settle for anyone less than what I think I deserve. I made a list of what qualities I want my future boyfriend to possess. It's funny because no one in the world would ever fit so perfectly into what you want exactly in a person. It's simply impossible isn't it? Yeah, that was what I told myself. I kept that in my heart for months. I want someone who's kind and loving. Someone with good values and moral. Someone who has all the patience in the world. Someone who loves his parents a lot. Someone who cares about his future and would work his butt off in school. Someone who shares the same goals and interests as I do. Someone who would laugh at my lame jokes. Someone who understands me and most importantly, someone who would value me. 

I once read this post saying how this girl made a list on how she wishes her future boyfriend to be like and it all came true! I thought to myself that these things rarely happens and surely it will never happen to me. Strange enough it did. I know I broke up only for months but everything just feels right. I have never been so sure about being with someone before. I'm not just saying it, I promise. It didn't matter to me about the fact that it was 'fast' or 'too soon' because the puzzle pieces came together perfectly this time. When you know about something, you just do. For the first time I know what real love is. When you care about the other person's well-being and goodness above yours and simply when both parties in the relationship are working to maintain it, that's how you know. None of that one-sided bullshit occurs. Both of us know how much we love and appreciate each other. You know it's real when both of you see a future together, not just one party who pictures it all. 

I'm not saying you'll never have fights or rough times but when you do, both of you must be willing to put in effort in to make things work. Patch up your fights and let down your egos. Things will be fine as long as you admit your mistakes and learn about each other. Don't be afraid to grow together and learn. Don't be afraid to fall for the wrong person in order to find the right guy. I couldn't be happier that someone who fits all the criteria exists in my life. He came into my life when I least expected it and I honestly couldn't be more thankful. No relationship is easy but I hope that I'm doing my best to ensure he knows how I exactly feel for him. No relationship is perfect, but in this 3 months, I've learned so much and I truly hope that we will last. I do not want to look back in the future and regret the fact that I did not appreciate him well and enough. He has showered me in nothing but love, effort and patience and for that I am forever thankful and grateful for that.

So, don't be afraid to meet people and find out what you like and what you don't like in a person. Without being with the wrong person, you'll never know how amazing it feels being with the right person without knowing what isn't the best for you and also, make a list. 


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