Friday, October 08, 2010


Hey guys, sorry it took some time for me to blog.
Exams're coming now.
I am like effing dead.
I need to study.

Anyways, I don't wanna talk about what happened today.
I was angry but I'm okay now.
Wells, I'm listening to Colbie Callait's Realize.
It's really sweet.

Oh wells, although I don't wanna talk about my home personals
I gotta tel you how much fun we had in school today :)

Ann got me this really yucky lipgloss from Australia
And it smells like paint.
Like really disgusting and soon, we put it on Sze and she frigging kissed my hand.
We chased around. It was hilarious.
Then we took turns to put it.
And guess what?
We wanted to put some on Bryan and we grabbed whole of him
cuz he's moving like mad.
It took like 7 people to peg him down and someone squeezed some on his lips

I don't know what else to blog.
Life seems pretty boring.
oh welllssss!
:) See you. x.x

Boring person.

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