Sunday, April 10, 2011


Ann and I.
I gotta admit, IR was pretty dead but yet it was fun. I mean yeah :P Atleast the people I knew had fun.

Look at us, macam cheerios saja ;X
And this was a saved post since I couldn't blog that night.
I gotta say, this was an epicture
(get it? EPIC-PICTURE- it's a cool one word I made)

Welcome to the land of ALIENS.
(P.S Ignore my stoned face =.=, thanks ALOT Kylie!)
Talitha and I.
Yesh, I jealous of her Iphone4
Yesh yesh, LAUGH AT ME.
It's uberly funny. I know.
Suyin and I :)
My gay-ass friend Nicholas and Bryan and ANN :D
Yesh, I forgive your countless amount of ditching.
I love this epicture,too.
And here goes our nice shot :)
Yesh, bestie.
Gosh, Bryan :D You gay-nut
I love this EPICTURE! :D
It's me and my epic face, Nicholas and his Trophy-thingamajig obsession and Bryan's priceless face!
This is a perfect picture... TILL BRYAN FUCKING STOOD IN MY WAY.

This picture is uberly epic.Last but not lease, me and my winks :D
Look at Justin at the back and laugh xD

So, people may start rumors. Not just rumors- ABSURD RUMORS, and you'd probably be like thinking what the fuck did I ever do to them to start up something to pathetic?! I mean if you're so unsure of something why would you wanna say that out?

I'm dying for a new wallet. My wallet's just pure retarded. I've been eye-ing on this Hello Kitty one. :) It's precious!

Anyways, I'm webbing with a friend :) I'll blog later :)

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