Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jane is..


Okay maybe not really sick but I do feel sick. At the moment.
I skipped school - AGAIN. Okay, twice this year. Isn't
that good? I swore to make perfect attendants but no avail.
I failed.

So, Twilight is on FOX Movies. Grr. Yes, you must be wondering why I'm watching it and all if I don't really like it. I say it's because I'm home alone and I don't want to be in a 'quiet' condition. Yes, I'm afraid.

Oh god, Bella, stop being a slut when Edward doesn't wanna make love before marriage. Chillax sikit-lah! That's a really funny part. Oh yes, I'm watching Twilight -Eclipse now.

In US, it is Valentine's Day. :')
Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

Oh, Jane. Silly girl, no one wants you as his Valentine. Therefore, I am : Forever Alone.