Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hot crossed buns!

Isn't this so cute?! Piggy buns!

I got this picture from my Aunt's trip to Hong Kong. 

So, I've been having a busy schedule on alot of activities. Kinda tired of planning and thinking of it. Additional problem, my EYE! It's swollen. As disgusting as it sounds its like a little pimple there. To avoid looking like some fucked up person, I wore shades. Everywhere I go. Shades on. Even in the mall. Yeah, people DO look at me like a weirdo. One guy even passed by me and asked his friends if it was very sunny. I literally yelled at him to fuck off. Haha. Laughs!


I kinda drafted this post that night because I was beyond tired. Anyways, I feel that my life is really boring nowadays. Although I don't want much excitement, life's really dreading me. All I ever do now is plan things, rehearse and hang out with friends. Not to brag, but this holiday is one of the most busy one. Friends texting me 24/7 asking me to go out. Besides hanging out ( More like throwing my cash away :'( ), I have to practice band with Nic and Lloyd. Though we're not that good, I could be honest, we aren't that bad either. Haha. So, my birthday is coming up! Okay, not so soon but yeah two weeks time? :D *GLEEEEE Yeah! I'm so happy that I'm finally 16 BUT there's a part of me that don't wanna grow up. Let's say, I'm more of a baby beyond a baby. Pfft, I'm precious! Oh, I'm just kidding!

Okay let's talk about my eye. IT'S STILL HERE! GAH :( SAD. I took some medicine it did work but meh, still here ;( I WANNA CRAIIII. I gotta look like a fool wearing shades in the mall. :( So sad. 

You guys want the second part of the story?

Elizabeth left both Jason and Mitch. She didn't want no triangle love. She didn't want to hurt anyone. But she was just tired of everything. She needs time alone from all of the mess she caused. She broke up with Jason.  She wanted to escape this world that is filled with anger and pain. She hates the world for throwing all these at her.. 

Okay, grandma wants me to leave now =.= Damn. Sorry! Continue tonight!

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