Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Step 1

Sorry that I'm vain, kinda rhymes with my name. Hey. 

What do you do when things don't turn out the way you expected things to turn out? Accept. As hard as it is, as much of a denial people are, I guess the best way to handle things is to accept. It's not easy. Awhile ago when I was on twitter, I saw tweets that says how some people love each other but can't be together? I thought it was silly. Why? Why wouldn't and why can't people be together when they love each other so much? It does not add up.

But when that situation actually fall upon me? I understood why now. Why some people can't be together even when they love each other. Maybe it's because of disapproval from families or there's a reason why they have to be separated but who knows? However, the most common reason I can say is misunderstanding. So, how do you get over things? I don't know because I'm still trying to figure out how too. My friends always tell me that time heals it all. Yeah as much as they understand you, they will never understand the pain. The thing is that you would have to go through all the emotions thinking that maybe there wouldn't be a second chance in the future to be in that person's arms and laughing with them is just so hard. Almost torture. You know how when people say things like 'Oh, he/she ain't worth your time to cry over for', well truth is it doesn't matter about how worthy that person is, you fell for him/her and when something happens, you will feel the pain. You will feel empty, like a part of you is missing. You can't deny it no matter how hard it is to accept it. It is hard. You will think about what if that person who once or still does, mean so much to you, to suddenly not be able to love you like they do or not be able to be with you. You will think what if that person loses feelings towards me and what if that person can live without you despite of all the promises you guys made to each other. All I can say is that, if both parties still love each other, I know that it's not just you who would feel it. The other person will too.

Some people aren't as lucky as those who gets second chances with the same person again. For me, second chances are rare ( I'm sure I've repeated that far too many times already in this month but hey, it's true dawg ). One thing about second chances with the same person is that, you guys already know each other. Maybe the reason why it failed the first time is because you guys didn't understand each other and you get so frustrated when the both of you argue. Throwing words at each other and hurting each other to a point where it just feels like there's no point of working things out anymore and you'd just give up. You give up something so beautiful but it doesn't mean you don't love that person. You do, that's why it ended up this way. But if you guys still love each other, do try to work things out. It's not easy to fall in love with someone and give your all to and suddenly it all just goes to waste. This isn't just one person's fault. It's both, so listen to each other out and work things out slowly. If you love that person, your effort is all that is needed.

As for me, I have a lot to tell to one person. I miss you. As hard as it is to be apart from you, I understand how hard it is for you too. Although, I will never understand exactly how you feel, and you wouldn't either, I just want you to know that if our second chance comes, I'm going to appreciate it as much as I do the first time. I still do, in fact. Distance and time will help. I understand as bad of a denial I am sometimes, I would love to know you a little better too. Go out on dates and have the second chance for me to fall in love with you again. But this time? I'll fall a little more because my love for you has never faded and I still keep it in me each and every day. I'll always check my phone every now and then to see if you text me. However, when I won't hesitate to start the conversation. At the same time, give you the time and distance away from me in order to make yourself feel better. We all need that. We all need to feel the pain in order to be better. As much as 'appreciating that moment', we often need to go through certain things to look back and learn from them too. I appreciate that you want to fix this too instead of breaking it and leaving it no strings attached. I know how you'd avoid that person after a break up and it does make me feel special that you would still want to give this another chance but after fixing ourselves and slowly picking up the scattered pieces that our hearts left. I appreciate how we can have the chance to slowly build an understanding and trust again and most of all, how we still have each other in our lives.

There are still a lot of things in me that I can't exactly put into. But I guess I need to slowly pick up my scattered pieces that I need to pick up myself and accept how things are. It is always the hardest step. The first step. Your phone gets a little more quiet and your chest has a constant feeling of pain, sadness and emptiness. But I'm taking it step by step each day and get to know my best friend a little more now. I hope it all works out.

I guess we all have to adapt to changes and be happy. It's okay to be upset and have feelings. It's okay to be down and sit on the ground and refuse to get up for a while but it's better to know when it's time to pick yourself up and be happier and be a better person.

 Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering 'it will be happier'...” 
 Alfred Tennyson

Forever & Always.

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