Thursday, November 06, 2014


        As a person, all we think of ourselves are just how we're not bad people. We don't like hearing things such as how mean we can be and how hurtful our words can be. I just come to realize that not every bad trait is bad.. It's just a part of us. 
     Not everyone will like and accept the person we are but there will be people who will love us exactly the way we are. I have this friend, whom I consider her as my soul sister. Now, her attitude is different. Call it bad or call it good but she is who she is. I met her when we were in primary and not many people liked her then. I wasn't as close to her as I am now but I didn't really like her either. If she likes you, she's cool with you. If she doesn't? She's not afraid to tell you in your face that she does not. Her opinions are strong. Not many people can accept that. Many would assume that she's mean. Some would even consider her as a capital B. Not everyone can share the same opinion on the same things but it doesn't mean that, that person is bad. It all just depends on whether you can have that clique with them. She knows her attitude. The way she is and it speaks to me that it's okay to be myself. It's okay to look at the good and the bad side of you. 
          I'm the complete opposite of her. I'm soft in a way. I don't speak my mind to the people that does things that irks me. I keep my opinions to myself. I find that I can't tell many people how I actually feel about them directly but it doesn't mean that I'm fake. It just means that I want to look at people on their good side. I hide my feelings to not involve myself into anymore 'high school drama' and it's okay to do that. Everyone will find people that they can relate to. It doesn't matter about how many people you find but it's about how well you can relate to that person. It's hard to look at yourself in different perspective sometimes but for me, I was a very ignorant person. I judge what I see and not think twice about a lot of things. I get so frustrated when fights and misunderstandings happen but have I ever thought that maybe, I actually did do something wrong and hurt someone else. This world isn't just about yourself. You have to consider about everyone else. How they feel about things and there are so many opinions and perspective of things and the best thing to do is listen. I don't know what has gotten into me but I feel different now. In a way, my perspective of things have changed and I do feel like it will help me overcome things in the future. Things will still tear me down. I'm a rather sensitive person. I care about people's opinion on me however, I do want to use them to help me to be a better person. As long as I breathe, I can improve. I'm not going to lie of all the good and bad traits I have because I'm proud of who I am. Yes, even for the bad traits. I will still have days where I think that I'm not good enough as a person but going through pain and lessons have taught me to not focus so much on these insecurities that I have. We all have good and bad parts to balance us out. It's not that hard looking at the good and bad side of us. Everyone has it and that's okay. We're all just humans with feelings and attitudes. 

Sorry that this post is so random, thoughts just popped up from my mind and I'm in bed so I decided to blog using my phone. 
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan 


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