Monday, November 17, 2014

14 Things I learned in 2k14

Am I hipster enough?

Hey everyone, I'm finally done with my AS and this calls for celebration. And by celebration I mean come home and just do nothing. Anyway, anyone else thinks that 2014 went by too fast? It's already November! Another six more weeks away from Christmas! Not that I actually celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving  like eat turkey and mashed potatoes and what not but this year's just extra special to me because I get to spend it with my man. Something that I'm really looking forward to. Not about the presents, it's just spending time with him and being happy and warm with all the Christmas carols in malls. And their car parks too. 

This year, I feel and think differently about a lot of things. Not sure what's the cause of my sudden feels but I just do. Maybe it's the people that associates with me that influenced me but I honestly appreciate my feelings a little more and learned not to ignore it and shove it away (unless necessary). Often times, I doubt myself. I am negative about a lot of things. Especially when it comes to myself, my doubts rises to a whole new level. I can't get the hang of why my self-esteem is a piece of shit but I guess we all have that in ourselves to keep us sane and not cocky but I guess that for some people, it might be a little lower than others. Before I get into that, again, I better get on with my boring life lessons ha ha

1. I learned to love myself. 
Now, I know, I self loath all the time. Everyone does that. That's how people feel pre-depression. I never really loved myself where I sat down and really understand myself completely. When I say that I learned to love myself, it doesn't mean that I never loved myself. I have always loved myself. Just not as well as I do now. I learned to love myself for who I am. See, the thing is, no one will ever like you for who you are. This is a fact. That's why people fight. Because they don't see eye to eye on a lot of things and this is where self-esteem goes down too. Bullies and hurtful remarks about everything they do. It will always get me and bring me down but it's also important to get back up after being down and learn to love the good and also the bad side of yourself. Learn to admit to your flaws and see beneath those covers you try to mask to everyone. Learn to accept yourself for who you are. I'm crazy and jumpy and I am easily amused. I melt so easily when my man tells me corny, cheesy things. As stubborn as I am, I do listen too. It's just alright to admit that you have bad sides just as you have good sides and the best part? You understand yourself well enough.

2. Acceptance.
Life throws hard curves at everyone. As unfair as it is, it's fair. Because someone once said 'Life is fair because it's unfair to everyone'. So when life do throw shit at you, accept. As difficult as it seems to accept, you do. You must. Just  remember that there will always be someone who's going through something far worst than yours. And everyone does have the rights to feel that what they're going through is the shittiest, because it's their life and we will never understand completely. You can feel as down and shitty as you want but bear in mind, life goes on. We move on. For better or worst.

3. It's okay to be down and feel crappy.
There will be days that we all just feel terrible. Maybe something bad happened in school or something and we'll have people telling us mean things and bad news just flies through the window and hits you like a tonne of bricks. This is one thing I learned. It's okay to be sad. It's okay to have emotions that are negative. It's okay to be unhappy out of the blue but always, always remember to get back on your feet. And for those of you who knows someone who's going through a bad day, be there for them. A simple act of kindness and patience will actually help. Because what you give is what you would get.

4. Patience is virtue.
Yes. It really is. Patience solves everything. Though, everyone and everything has a limit so remember to never push it. It goes both ways for me. I'm not just talking about everyone else. I have learned that patience can help solve things and mend broken wounds that we all cause. And to the people that we love, there are no doubt that your patience will be the greatest. After all, they are your loved ones. Patience is what gets everyone through rainy days and bad storms.

5. Believe.
I learned to believe in the impossible. Let your heart fall in love. Let your mind believe that it's strong enough for difficult obstacles. Believe in good faith. Believe in good people. Believe in yourself. our belief is what keeps us going.

6. To never stop learning.
We all have endless things to learn about. From how to change the highest lightbulb in the house to how to handle an individual's problem. We don't stop learning. Learning is more than just education as learning about everyone makes you a good man. Those who think that they know enough will not get them far in life. We have so much in us to be better and those who makes mistakes, learns from mistakes and we move on and be a better man. Life's a lesson :)

7. I learned to fall in love again.
Love is magical, they bring us to another dimension where no one will understand but only you and the other person. Love is also a whole package, it comes with a whole bunch of good and bad side dishes (like that disgusting Bean Boozled by Jelly Belly). You can't choose to take the bad side dishes away but you can learn to accept and maybe make the best out of what we have and chances are we will make something extremely beautiful. You can't have a complete Ying & Yang if we don't have the Ying in the Yang and the Yang in the Ying. Fights will happen. Love promises no perfection of no arguments but those are the elements that will add extra flavors into our love. 

8. Learn to forgive and be sincere with your apologies.
Now, when we make mistakes, the only good thing that will come out of the whole situation is realizing your mistake. Remember how I said that mistakes are never ending? Yes, and those are the things that will determine if we make it or break it in a relationship. Spears are bound to be thrown and each other and once you said what you said, you can't take it back and that is when we all sit down for a little and realize your mistakes. When you finally accept your mistakes, apologize. Be sincere. If you aren't? Don't say it. Because one day, our apologies would not matter to the other person anymore. If the other person apologizes for their mistakes, learn to forgive. Hold the grudge for a short while and move on. That's how we learn. That's how we be a better person. Let them know that you have forgiven them and mend things up too. It's not only the person who hurt you's job to completely mend things. Because that's how we make a team, we patch things up and let them know that you're in it with them too.

9. Enjoy the littlest things in life.
This particular thing I have, has been in me for quite a bit now. I always tell myself that the littlest things in life makes the biggest impact. Maybe you help someone wipe the sauce off of the corners of their lips and you write them a little sticky note on how great they are or just compliment someone about their shoes, these are the things that will actually make people remember that good things do happen and sometimes they come in small doses. I will often slip and overlook this but it's only fair to pull yourself back in to realize how amazing life is and appreciate every moment of things before it's too late.

10. Be a little crazy.
Not party wild but spontaneous crazy. Go on an impromptu date with your girlfriends or your man. These are the moments where we will one day look back and story to our kids. 'Your father came over to my place out of the blue with some flowers', or 'Your mother set up a nice picnic out on the living room floor'. These are the kinds of things we live to do for. Make a mark in someone's life with your craziness. Do something special out of nowhere, we only live for such a short life and how we should live is without any regrets when we're old and wrinkly one day.

11. Be sane too.
As much as the craziness makes a big impact in our lives, it's safe to say that our sanity should be there too. There will be serious times where you would have the need to sit down and have proper conversations about certain things and have deep conversations between you and your partner too. Connect in the minds as much as you wanna connect physically.

12. Be positive.
Depression isn't the best thing to have. Okay, depression is the worst that could do to anything and the feeling of being depressed cannot be saved easily. But with the right person, insane patience and a big bottle of positive juice, life isn't as dull as it seems anymore. There is always a better side to everything and boo, if you're reading this, this is for you. Thank you for pulling me out of my depression. Your patience, love and kindness do make me a better person and same goes to you. There is nothing we can't face and solve in a positive way. Life is full of colours, however grey, black and white are colours too, don't forget that there is so much more in life to only have three monotones. I'm not saying that I won't be negative sometimes but I am learning to be better when I face certain things to have a brighter outlook of the situation.

13. Have fears and take risks.
Our fears are what makes us human. As brave as we can be, we have fears. Life's like that. You be afraid and if you think that it's worth taking a risk to be better or the risk of achieving what we want, then grab it. Take that leap of faith and just remember, no matter how bad the outcome is? Don't regret. Learn from it.

14. Give and take.
I learn to give as much as I learned to take. Sometimes it might seem to people that all the other person does is take and not give. But here's the thing, we all only see what we give and how the other person only takes but we miss out on when they do give back and when we take. I do that too, we all do that too. We take more than we give too. This is where we should all look at the big picture and re-adjust our attitudes on things.

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” ― Paulo CoelhoThe Alchemist

I promise to blog more now that my exams are over :)
Enjoy today's little read.

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