Friday, July 31, 2015

Promise me

"Promise me that when you fall for me, let it be forever. Even if forever is impossible, let me know that I will be loved by you everyday, every minute, every moment and I will promise you that I will love you will all my heart and soul everyday, every minute and everyday.
Promise me that you won't just put in effort during the chase but even after. Promise me that everyday will be like the first day you fall for me and I promise you the very same.
Promise me that you will love me. Love me for when I have assignments due and I am stressing out over the smallest things. Love me when I fall down, make a mistake and even when I have moments when I throw my temper at you. And I promise you that I will love you for better and for worst. 
Promise me that you will be patient. When I don't understand a situation or when I am going through something very difficult and that you do not understand, and I promise you that I will be my best for you when you are going through something that I do not or will not understand.
Promise me that you won't let go of my hand. Promise me that your hand will find its way to mine and never let go of it. I promise you that I will hold onto your hand no matter how bumpy the road is for us.
Promise me that we will always find the light out of the tunnel for every fight we go through. For every dark path we come across, you won't give up on finding a way to light it up for me and I promise that I will go through thick and thin just to find a way out if you are incapable of doing so at that moment.
Promise me you will give me your best and I promise that I will give you mine.
Promise me that you will still love me when I am wrinkly and fat at the age of 40. Promise me that you will still look at me like I am your prize possession and I promise you that your looks will never matter to me because all I ever see is you for the man that you have become.
Promise me that you will never cheat. Never betray my loyalty and most important to not betray yours. I promise that cheating is not even an option, nor a thought that will ever drift through my mind. If you are not happy with me, leave me. Promise me.
Promise me that you will treat my parents good. Love them, respect them and treat them like your own and I will love your parents like my own.
Promise me that you will be a good man. A man with a good heart. A man who is righteous and upright. A man who will treat his family right. I promise that I will be a good person because you inspire me to.
Promise me that you will never forget important dates. Anniversaries, birthdays, date nights, work due dates, remember them all. And I promise you that I will remember them even though my memory has the capacity of a goldfish.

Promise me that it will not be temporary."

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