Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Guilt Trips and Super Moms

Captain America!

Slut body mist. 


Have you ever bought something and regretted it so badly that you might just dig a hole and die? Yes, that happened to me today. I went out while 3 of my childhood buddies and a lot of them could not make it don't ask why. I've been dying to check out Victoria's Secret for a long time and I finally got the chance then. So we went there and as soon as I step in the shop, the sweet smelling scent just filled my nostrils. It's crazy how it smelt so good. If you have never been in there? Just go in and smell it. Don't have to buy anything 'cuz everything in there is EXPENSIVE shit. If you really want to? Go find something that's on a special sale or something, but just to let you guys know? Even if it's on sale, it's still expensive. Like mad. I made a huge mistake today and it was crazy. The lady introduced me and my friend to some really nice body mists. I collected a huge pile of samples and it was nice until I saw the Vanilla section and I am crazy for anything that is Vanilla scented. It just calms me down and brings out this really nice feeling of me. It was on a promotion like 3 for $129 and you can choose from anything within the same range and I chose two types of body mist and a body lotion. I know. I used my card on it and BAM! Instant regret. Now don't get me wrong! I don't usually splurge on all these super expensive girl luxuries but it's just for today! I was happy for the first half hour I got it then after that I started worrying on how my mom would react on me spending on something this expensive. I used $50 from my card on a Varsity jacket last week and now another $129? My mom is gonna flip out and kill me. Literal Slaughter!! I called her and told her about it and she (obviously) gave me the talk with her angry tone. I expected that and I know it's my fault for this. I don't even have to say next that the guilt ate me slowly like an ant crawling to the top of a tree to eat the fruit. No, I am NOT exaggerating this time! Though, I used my own hard-earned money on it, and even though it's from my working salaries, she always tells me it's not about the money.. It's just the way I spend cannot be acceptable. Now, what you hear isn't as bad compared to when I was younger okay? I am NOT A SPOIL BRAT. I know the values of money and I don't use my mom's money for what I like and want to buy! When it was time to meet up with her. She acted kinda fine just to not let my dad know. Thank God! After that, she didn't even bother saying anything about it. It's like the 'I don't need to tell you what you did wrong, you should know it yourself' kinda thing. No need to say, the guilt just gobbled me up. I thought of selling it online but my friends kinda insist that I keep it. Yeah, totally! I'm gonna keep it to let it remind me of not to be so stupid. My mom didn't even have to get all super pissed and yell at me! Imagine that! I just know that I did wrong and I vow to not spend my money on ridiculous stuff anymore. 

I, JANE LEE, vow to never spend my money on ridiculous nonsense anymore.
Who wants to take this oath with me? :)

So, from now on. Every time I get tempted to buy something stupid, I'm just going to remind myself or make my sister or friend to remind me 'REMEMBER VICTORIA'S SECRET?' and I ain't gonna ever buy it. Seriously, I spend so much of ridiculous shit and after buying them, I think back on how much I could save for my future. GAAH. GROW UP, JANEY!

Last but not least, I have the best mother ever. No, not saying that your mom isn't the best. :P It's just, I wonder how she bears with me.. or my siblings. We're such jackasses and she still does everything in a caring way. Maybe this is what mothers do best and someday, when I become a mother I would do the same guilt trip trick to my kid. 

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