Sunday, November 11, 2012



Guess what I did today? I went grocery shopping with my dad and sister. Okay, it's nothing new but guess who's making pancake tomorrow morning? That's right! Me! You must be thinking it's not much of a big deal but for a person who's never really cooked it's a big deal. Happy deal. Anyways, we were at the pancake section and I picked out those 'ready made, just add some milk and water' ones but my dad insisted that we make it from the scratch ourselves. Which is, great isn't it? I'm so excited for tomorrow! Can't wait. I've been cooking a lot lately. Maybe it's because dad thinks that I need to pick up some responsibility as I'm old and mature enough to do so. PANCAKES! WOOHOOO!

Anyhoots, I went to see and Eye doctor again but this time at Tun Hussein On's Eye Hospital a few days back 'cuz my eye's are irritated and still feeling a bit irritating. So the doctor said my eyes aren't really dry-spot-free yet and I have to stop wearing my contact lenses for at least a month from now with full medications. He gave me a big box of eye drop. Think I'm gonna go all blind or having some serious eye issues after this. He also suggest that I change my contact lens from monthly-s to weekly-s. Not a problem but I just bought a whole year supply of monthly ones a few months back. Yeah, can't wait to finish them - next year.

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