Friday, June 25, 2010

He said she said.

Yeah, Jane, it's my birthday!
YES, today I'm ponteng-ing school. I have Open Day. Boo. Yeah my mum's busy and I have backache so I decided not to go to school. Yeah, you might be thinking what lazy bum am I. HAHA, anyways I really want to watch Karate Kid. So I'm hoping Divyaa would come. And bring a friend along. Yesh yesh. I'm super bored. So kill me.

I got number 22 in class. Damn. I feel so stupid. YESH. Anyways, I'm bored. Lately my life has just turned me into a 'blame machine' - like seriously. I get blamed for no reason. Scolded for no reason. WOW.WTF right?

Dem I'm waiting for Div. When is she coming?! KARATE KARATE KARATE!! I'm rotting here like shit. Save me, mother.

I went KFC with Saanjay and Synn yesterday, yeah technically we're kinda okay now. PFFT. Yeah I ate like a child, behaved like a child. I knocked myself on the glass door. And yelped. Mushed my elbow into the mashed potatoes! It was hilarious!! And yeah I made a big big mess out of the poor chicken. HAHA yeah and I made me quote 'Pleasure yourself before you pleasure other people!' ,it was hilarious !


DAMN! I need to go out ASAP. xP

Tata. :D

Monday, June 21, 2010

Like O.M.G

Rick's IU. Yeah uhuh, that's me.
Look, to be frank and the tittle, I'm just not happy today. Yeah, everything started on last Thursday. I just hate, HATE being betrayed - Who doesn't? I'm not really betrayed just feel like it. Someone just did something really hurtful to me. Right, if you knew what happened you might think, JEEZ ITS NOT SO HURTFUL after all? Excuse me, think.. as in if you're facing it. So yeah, LAY OFF. It's not nice to take what's NOT yours. I'm all depressed now, cried in the shower. Yeah, complete bullshit right?

Anyways, school reopened. Boring boring boring. I woke up with TWO sour legs. Ouch. I walked like some retard. I just got ready for school. I went to school, all rushed up and sigh you have no idea that how forgetful I was. Anyways, school sucks, I didn't talk to one of my friend today. Yeah, my emo-ness.
F*ck off
. I'm pissed. I'm just ignorant today. And angry. But I did have fun with Sze and Carmen and all.

I don't think I'm being reasonable now but it is if you're me. See? I don't even know what I'm saying.

Are you just another regret? I just don't want things to be all wasted. After everything. Just making me depressed. I've had it. Once. twice. thrice? How many more times? I've just had it.

You may be one of the best things that has ever happened to me but why must the same things always happen.
it's not really your fault-yes but why didn't you tell me? Thats all.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Andy oh Andy

Hello! I had a great day!! Well, kinda. Anyways, went out with Sze, Dixon and Jay!! Watched A-Team, and boy was it dead boring!? Oh wells anyways after A-Team we met up with Nicholas and Chee Wong and went to eat at Paparich. It was good! I ate so so so much! Wells, kinda. I ordered a plate of nasi lemak and Toast and iced lemon tea. I ate them ALL!! Dixon was shocked. HAHA I told him how my brother eats he got EVEN shock! Okay, then we bought Toys Story 3 movie tickets and while waiting for time to come we went Borders.

I REALLY LOVE TOYS STORY 3! IT WAS SO AMAZING. Andy grew up and he was so hot! And I suddenly felt a kick then I turned back and I saw this couple they were like making out! Like the girl SAT on the guy and stuff. I WAS LIKE OMG. WHAT??? How creepy was that? YESH.

Sze and I ate Subway for breakfast.


Wells oh wells!

I'm playing bowling with Jing Wai on msn. TATA! I'm going to watch my drama.!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ju on attack.

Sze, Synn and I went over to Vee's house today. Watched Ju On! TADA!! Was scary. But not really that scary. I WAS scared. There were freakishly scary parts but I was okay. We went down to the playground after that. Wells. boring boring day. we played with the swings and seesaw and scared the shit out of ourselves! We went ice cream later. Just me and Sze.


You know how hard is it to stay angry at a person? Yes I do. I'm so tired.

But I really hate people copying what I BLOG :) I hate how people copy my skin. Hate how people follow how i blog. The style. No life.
. HAHA Anyways me and Synn yi, we love talking bad about people who DONT know what they did wrong but just act so innocento. I DO feel bad. Oh wells.

I'm boring. TATA. Ate mee and 0.04 a.m gonna go FAT :D

I'm a greedy child. thanks Sai keet :D

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reality check

I see you
Yesterday was my birthday. Hmm.. A few friends and I celebrated at 'Thank God It's Friday'! Well it was a blast until I got my period. Damn annoying. I stained myself like.. like.. GRR. everytime! Anyways, we had super good food and Lucas and Saanjay sucked helium from the balloons and sang me Happy birthday! Those TGIF people made hell out of a noise that time singing happy birthday and stuff like that. They tried to make me sing but I shook my head then dance, shook my head finally a speech to each and every of my friends. And so I did. I had a great time at TGIF. We head to Red Box after that and went crazy and wild! We sang so loud and everyone sang till we dropped dead. Lucas , Sze Yie, Bryan and I
went crazy then Dixon came.

Thought of going for a movie but it was abit too late so we decided to go bowling. Woots. They had fun but I didn't play because I was wearing a dress and well, my tummy ached. I watched them go crazy. Oh wells, at night Rick and I went to this studio for band cuz today was like IU day so they needed to practice. Hmm!

IU was great! There were dancing and sketch and everything! It was awesome! Hmm.. Oh wells,

Here I am blogging!
Watching Glee and killing my back!

I finally met Chloe! She's so nice! She gave me this frog key chain for my birthday
! I got so many froggies this birthday! A big frog soft toy! I named him Banana :) 3 frog cups. Yeah I got two same ones. and a magnet thingy and a phone holder. HAHA it's cute.
Back hurts like shit.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Your love is my drug

So.... Ann, Bryan and Divyaa went out together yesterday and BOY did we had fun?? We watched 'Bounty Hunter' and oh my god is Gerard Butler's so so super HOT. And and Jennifer Aniston's so pretty. I like her eyes.

Lolliess, I'm feeling hyper! I woke up to grandpa's chatter and then I heard an unfamiliar woman's voice. I woke up anyways. I was all blur! It was freezing though and I went down. Ian was munching to his bowl of cereal, HE IS SO CUTE!! Jay was stealing his cereal when HE had a bowl full. How mean? Boo! We were playing
like around the island table it was so funny he(Ian) ran everywhere! Even the woman(grandpa's friend) loves Ian,too. Who doesn't?

Glee, I'm watching it all over again! It's so addictive!
Wells, not as addictive as 'your love is my drug'!Lols. I was singing it like since yesterday. It was so funny. I sang it when the movie was over. Everyone was laughing! We ate SUBWAY!! Italian B.M.T's the best. Lols. Lately, I don't know what to blog. I feel so bored.

So, I'm bored. DEAD bored. What should I blog about? Tell me.!

**Aftermath- Adam Lambert **
Have you lost your way?
Livin' in the shadow of the messes that you made
And so it goes
Everything inside your circle starts to overflow
Take a step before you leap
Into the colours that you seek
You give back what you give away
So don't look back on yesterday

Wanna scream out
No more hiding
Don't be afraid of what's inside
Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
In the Aftermath
Anytime anybody pulls you down
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed
Just remember you are not alone
In the Aftermath

You feel the weight
Of lies and contradictions that you live with every day
It's not too late
Think of what could be if you rewrite the role you play
Take a step before you leap
Into the colours that you seek
You give back what you give away
So don't look back on yesterday

Wanna scream out
No more hiding
Don't be afraid of what's inside
Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
In the Aftermath
Anytime anybody pulls you down
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed
Just remember you are not alone
In the Aftermath
In the Aftermath

Before you break you have to shed your armor
Take a trip and fall into the glitter
Tell a stranger that they're beautiful
So all you feel is love, love
All you feel is love, love

Wanna scream out
No more hiding
Don't be afraid of what's inside
Wanna tell you you'll be alright
In the Aftermath

Wanna scream out
No more hiding
Don't be afraid of what's inside
Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
In the Aftermath

Anytime anybody pulls you down
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed
Just remember you are not alone
In the Aftermath
In the Aftermath
Gonna tell ya you'll be alright
In the Aftermath
In the Aftermath
Just remember you are not alone
In the Aftermath

Monday, June 07, 2010


You don't have to treat me like shit if you don't like it okay? I'm sucking everything to myself. But I tend to forgive and forget. Yes I was upset last night because of TWO person. YES, I really hate them last night. But i tend to let it go. I'm alright now. I can't possibly hate them, just very hurt by what they said. Not one but two of them. Sigh. I couldn't sleep well. I thought till this morning. I kinda argued with one of them. BUT, i'm okay now.

People tend to make me feel so insecure sometimes. YES, I might be a little bit too sensitive at times. Yes, what people say about tends to make me feel super insecure. Yes, I have problems. But it's all over. Oh no, I'm not those type of emo girls who needs a therapist,or who cuts themselves, cuz thats plain stupid . That'll be weird. Akward.
I have my friends who makes me laugh like mad.
We're the hyperballs. We go crazy. :D Sorry. I drafted this post. I had to turn it off 'cuz my dad came home from the hospital. BOO. I'm at music school now.

I had some sugar-cinamon pretzel sticks. It tastes good!! But i'm craving for subway. its crunchy veges and yummy ham and turkey and the sauce!


i have a duet with Melissa.

COOL eh? But German. I need tokio hotel to teach me how to pronounce. HAHA

Done singing, I couldn't get my part right cuz it's like super hard. I've to sing the second voice. Meli's the first voice. And we pronounce 'W' as 'V'. Teacher was like hitting the piano key and I was like 'oh crap'! Lols. But I managed to sing it :D Can I get a 'woot woot'?

Had subway nyum nyum!! Sister was driving me crazy to go to subway so we did. It taste so good!

Wells I guess thats all? :D Muaaahs! Have fun reading today.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Mummy don't cry.

What do you call MEN who beats/pushes/abuse? I call them f*cked up bastard. Cool. NOT. I'm not gonna say what has happened but I just want YOU GUYS to know it's NOT cool to beat women. Girls. Not even push them. You call yourself a man, if you do? Na ah. Not to me. not to US. US women.

Yeah not cool. I'm bored.
I had a terrible night. Who could save me? no one.

I dragged Owen along with me 'to buy candy'. Wells, thanks buddy. I got back with a pack of Dentine and a heart-shape lollipop ;D FAMOUS AMOUS ONE! Woots!

So........ Bored. I shall blog later. Tata~~

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Love at first sight.

I saw him. He saw me. I went red he went pink. I saw him while I was on the swings that day. And he was right beside me. Swinging. So high. When it started raining we went for cover. I was digging for tissue to wipe myself when I found out I don't have any. And a packet of tissue was offered, I looked up and it was him. We started a casual talk and we went on a date. Just the two of us. He gave me some roses. I gave him nothing but a nice warm hug.
The END. :D

Okay, face it. It's like the lamest thing you've ever read right? Who agrees? Say 'I' on my cbox.
So the bitch thing really got me in fire. She's super two-faced bitch I wouldn't wanna look at her.
-I rather DIE than look at her-

Everyone hates her.
Come on, get a life will she?

Okay, so let the holiday begin! I woke up to the sounds of mummy walking around getting ready for HER weekend and for instant MY weekend morning was ruin. BOO. I got up with a loud sigh and brushed my teeth and sad to say my contact lenses were making me angry. I finally got them in my eyes but it hurts. so I closed my eyes and blinked. It was all okay :D I showered quickly and did my hair-never been UGLIER xP I look super ugly today. Rushing like mad. ): BOO.

Reached Mid Valley and had breakfast at DeliFrance. It was good. SO SO GOOD. Went up to shop. SAT THERE. And it was dancing already. Danced. Came out. Went to buy ice-cream. YUMMMMMM :D And now here I am blogging. Boo!

Dad seems so weird. Hope he doesn't know ):


I'm so sleepy!! HEHE.

It's addictive!
It's a drug.
It's an adrenaline.


Thursday, June 03, 2010

Goodbye to bitch.

OMG, get a life cheap bitch! I'm so sorry for you, boo! Sorry that you have no friends and most of all for being such a whore! I'm also sorry that no one likes you. Today you just gave me an opportunity to bitch you. Just like you ever did to me! So thank you. You have no life. Poor girl. You have no idea how everyone hates you. You think i sang with you to be popular? Well, YOU'RE WRONG! I had no idea you were THIS bitchy and to be frank I have true friends ; unlike YOU! BOO. You think you're gorgeous? Well, think again with your ugly eye!

Okay, enough with the bitching now. I have other things to blog about. So, I flunked two subjects, ahh boo. This exam is super hard, everyone dropped grades! Oh boyyss. Poh Ming! God knows how much I love her. She's so nice :D Hehe, I love her mouse thingy on her blog. She tried to get me that too. Oh wells. hers comes from her blog skin.

Boo! I'm bored... I've been figuring out on what to blog the whole day! Wells, I've been busy spamming comments on facebook! Boooo :P I guess I should blog tomorrow :D