Thursday, March 08, 2012


We'll be a dream.
One of the many places I wanna go - Rome.

Know why?
People say it's the most romantic place ever, filled with interesting histories and beautiful sights.
I would definitely do whatever it takes to make this dream come true.
Ah, maybe even meet a sexy Romanian there?! OH GEE, I'm kidding :) Although, I wouldn't mind.

Oh hello people. This is my bro, Rick. Driving. With me camwhoring.

I am young, I run ride free.

Eh, I'm sorry that I look like a complete freak here but it's funny :D This is what young people do nowadays :3
Yeah, we went parkson for food today! Guess what we ate?

McDonald's - Again! :(
Unhealthily yum yum!

Talk about McD. While we were eating, a man approached us and held out this little case. Inside it was a few notes and some coins. He couldn't talk, just mumbled out something we didn't understand. I asked Rick to loan me a few bucks. He said no, he wouldn't give money to him. I was angry, I mean come on, this man can't talk.. just give him a few bucks and done. He told me, he has arms and legs, can't he find a job? No matter how bad it is, can't you do something instead of asking people for money out of sympathy. Instead I offered the man some fries. Obviously, he wasn't hungry. :'(

He shook his head, smiled and left. I felt so bad.

Haha, yes, I'm trying to do whatever I can to help.

And guess what I did? I drew that on my friends' hand.
This is one small part I could do to help make Douche bag Kony famous.

Thanks to all my buddies in 4k2. Best class ever!

Guess how crappy my exam results are? I failed three currently. I'm so disappointed in myself. I know I could do waaay better than that. Wells, there's no point crying over spilled milk. I am working harder now each day. I will not be looked down by anyone. Somehow, trying to keep up my promises are hard. It's like you tend to go lazy and tell yourself you'd do it soon. Later. Then it never happens. And it'll be too late to regret anything.

I miss Ian :( I didn't see him for 3 days and I wonder if my little cutie pie misses me? He's a little saint of a saint :D Hah! Sorry for exaggerating but it's the truth. Hohoho, can't wait for grandma and grandpa to come back from China. Eesh, somehow that place scares me. Maybe it was because of the baby and the woman killing thing that happened. Talk about Kony, China's a place for un-humanity. Talk about crazy, they enjoy killing or seeing people die in front of them and not helping. I wouldn't wanna go there, ever.

Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know? You know I love you so
You know I love you so.

Yellow - Cold Play.

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