Tuesday, March 13, 2012



Yeah, this picture is mega old. That's because my samsung phone is in repair. I went to The Garden's Samsung center but they saif they don't repair major things. They told me to send the phone back because it'll take 3 months if they send it but guess what?! It takes only 3 days to 1 week if I went there myself. Worth the 1 and a half hour wait :)

Oh guess what?! I got a little poodle! Yeah, Poodle. Dog. It's so cute and fluffy and obedient! I got him for 6oo bucks. Yeah, he was all abandoned in the Pet Hotel at a pet shop (will not name the pet shop). It's a weird story of how I got him. We were at the pet shop to buy some wood shavings for my guinea pigs and I saw my friend working there. So, I asked if we could get a dog from him with a cheaper price. He then introduced me and my dad to his dad. Somehow, our dads knew each other. So His dad brought us into the pet hotel and thats where I saw my poodle. His name is Yaya. I actually tried to name him Slinky? But I think he's too old for a new name. He's 14 months old and very depressed. Yes, what we needed. Haha I quiet dog :) So yeah.

My job is to wash the bathroom after every excretion. Marsha's job is to pick up the poop. Yeah, and guess what? When I came home today, Yaya made a hot mess =.= Somehow he's smart till a point he won't pee again in my wet side of the bathroom after he poops. But after we clean it up he's pee in the inside again. Yeah, I washed the whole bathroom. The wet and dry part cuz HE PEED EVERYWHERE =.= But he's so cute :')

Oh, talking about his name. He went to the pet hotel nameless so the workers gave him a name ;- Yaya. From the little song 'Yippie yaya yippie yippie ya' I know! Somewhat LAME =.= But he grew so fond of it, it's hard to name him Slinky now. Plus he's 14 months old. Not a baby anymore. Yaya it is!

I'll post pictures of him when I get back my phone! Till then! Cheerios!

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