Sunday, October 28, 2012


Watch the whole video. It contains 3 parts and this is part one. 

I've been spending too much time of my nights watching these kind of documentaries and I find myself really lucky and thankful. In fact, I find all of us should be really thankful to God as he created us 'perfectly fine'. In my perspective, everyone is fine.. no, perfect. Yes, even those who has Down's Syndrome or whatever diseases. When I scroll down to read the comments, I find some people being really nasty and insulting and I just want to say, what gives you the right to do that? As if they don't have enough pain already. I say, it is a blessing and a curse to special people. The blessing is that God created them to make us realize that no matter how different all of us are, we are still the same and we should respect each other for our own individuality. Some of us get so unfortunate to be given with these kind of pain through life as it carries life-threatening operations and never-ending diagnosis throughout their lives and while the rest of us have perfect arms and legs do ridiculously stupid things just out of our own negativity. The biggest curse of all these are that at least 70% of us in this world treat them like freaks and all. I don't know why but this is the reason that made them FEEL and LOOK like freaks. If people have the hearts to give them patience or even tiny bit of our love, care and support I can assure that these world would be in a better shape ( no, it won't turn into another shape, just saying ;) ). When I hear the people in the videos saying that just because they were different from the others, no one liked to play with them, people outside would look at them in a weird way and it just breaks my heart. It kills me to hear that in reality, humans are such jerks. They don't have any respect on how hard life is getting them. They have no idea how much pain their families have to struggle through to make sure they are healthy and happy. Picture if your child end up like that, how heartbreaking it would be and all the other obstacles in store for them.

I just think that each and every one of us are special in our own way and we should be thankful that we are blessed with a healthy life and body. No one deserves to be treated of looked in a different way. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Canon EOS 650D

Drum roll please!

Canon EOS 650d


This camera is what I want. It is amazing and I simply lost my words for this awesome camera.
Now, don't judge me by saying that I don't know how to use it. Everyone has a starting line to what they do. It is touch screen and its LCD screen is movable. It enables us to shoot pictures in different angles while keeping a sight of it. Okay, I don't really know how to explain it. Anyways, my dad actually wanted me to get a camera below 2k. Look it's not that I don't want to but the quality of the screen and the features isn't that good. Not that I want to complain, but it is around 1.8-9K and I was thinking why not add another few hundred bucks to get this camera which I can use it for a longer period of time? I mean, the screen is better, the mega pixels are much greater and also, the feature range are wider. I mean, WHY NOT?! This is my point of view. I don't want to spend that amount of money to get something which I could get another one better with the differences of a few hundred. I just hope my dad understands.

I am saving up my money in the hardest way I can just to make my dreams come true. I hope my parents understand and supports my dream but it's kind of hard of them to do so as they are not interested in photography. I'm working hard ( as in my job ). As hard as I can just to get this. I've been upset just the thought of the money wise. This just means a lot to me. :(

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Jason Mraz - Living In The Moment (Official Audio Video)

This beautiful song from Jason Mraz is perfect. His songs are always great and soulful. Not to mention that I've also went to his concert this year in June and it was amazing! Even though I got really back tickets. The second last zone actually but I shall not complain! It was a great birthday present from Bryan Lloyd :)

Thanks buddy!


I feel so Asian.
I look so Asian.

First of all I have no idea how in the world did I get tongue ulcer. If you think it's disgusting then click off this blog. I woke up last week and I felt this burning kinda thing on my tongue not to mention it really really hurt. Who am I kidding? I can't eat, I can't drink properly, I can't do nuffin'. I feel hopeless and definitely don't feel like talking. Hmm watermelon powder. How Asian can I be? :3 *Meow

I went Ikea this morning :) I love that place. I love how beautiful the designs are. The smell of wood and how nice their products are, I mean who doesn't like Ikea?! Not only that, their products are tittled with Swedish . Sounds sexy and I also love their food! If you have never, NEVER, tried their meatballs. You should probably dig a hole and jump in it. Just kidding! But how can anyone possibly never tried it before? It's the best meatball ever. It's the combination of the gravy that made it more yummy. Seriously, if you've never tried it, please. GO DO IT. I actually woke up at 8 or 9. I don't remember but I usually don't on a holiday. Even if I do, I'd end up dying in the afternoon. Anyways, all I did was hop around and embarrass my brother through out the whole time. Okay, not exactly whole time but.. I did. A lot. Sometimes I wonder are we even siblings because he likes to be all serious all the time but on the other hand I laugh and do ridiculous things most of the time. Yes I said most. Not all but most. I bought some Sweet Tarts. Yummers. I didn't really spend much today because I'm trying every ounce of myself to save for the camera. Hmm mm.

My mom's getting really annoyed with me talking about the camera all the time. Meh, mom would never understaaanddd how much I love taking photos. Probably my pictures with end up like crap for awhile now since I've got alot to learn from it. Excuse me but all these while I took pictures with my lame phone but hey, look at it! It's pretty somehow, right? Probably nawwt. I will prove to them step-by-step.

I almost bought the book Fifty Shades Of Grey. I know what you're thinking. No, I am not sick. Very funny. It's just interesting that everyone seems to talk about it. So I wanted to get it but sadly. Mom said no. Not that she knows what it is about, trust me, if she does she would never let me buy it. Won't even let me get close to the book. Meh, just kidding heh. I'm sorreh. So, anyways, I didn't really get anything because I didn't bring enough cash. AND if you don't know what the book is about, do check it up and don't judge me, okay?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You Are Loved - Short Film

Honestly, I am proud to say I am a Malaysian. Do check The Grim Film on YouTube as they make really beautiful videos :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cher Lloyd - Want U Back (US Version)

This song is epic.

Keep it up

I recently just tried Wonka's Sweet Tarts and it is A-MAH-ZEEENG. I just don't get how all his sweets are so good. Good to a point that I wouldn't even mind getting diabetes. 
I know, stop laughing at me for being such a noob :( His sweets are pricey in Malaysia but it's worth it. Worth the sugar.

GAH, I can't wait for the holidays now! Damn it. I have so much to do, I planned so many things and I just hope that this time I could really stick to my so-called schedule or planner or whatever you call it. 

Holiday Plans:
  1. Get a hair cut.
  2. Get those hair extension highlights which cost like $30
  3. Study and revise my F4 syllabus 
  4. Get MY CAMERA
  5. Work more and work harder
  6. Go on road trips
  7. Hang out with le girls
  8. Get another hair cut
  9. Go to the gym. Yes, I am fat.
  10. Read a book or two

That's like what any of us would want but it's the matter of fact of keeping it up. I'm looking forward most for my camera. It's just the thought of crystal clear and beautiful pictures that makes me so excited! My collection of cameras. One by one. See, I'm getting all ecstatic just by typing it out.

Lomo camera - Diana F++

I got my maths paper back today and surprisingly I passed it. Me. A math dumbass. I am proud of myself and also even though someone special to me did not pass, I'm still very proud of her. I mean it. Yes, if you're reading this, know that I love you dearly (PSH, even no matter how much you annoy me at times). You're someone I can be super comfortable telling 'stuffs' to. Hmm mm :)
Besties For Life. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cereal Killer

Okay, so I bought a box of Cheerio's and when I came out of the shower, I saw mum pouring my Cheerio's into a jar for me to put in my room so that I could nibble on some when I feel hungry. I was like 'AAAAWWWWWWW'! Isn't she just the sweetest? :3

Look at my dog, such a poser. 

Oh, Stop it you!

Yeah, give me all the freaking chicken sticks.

Hell, naaw.

Like I said, I don't have a camera so bear with my phone.

Okay meet my best friend. I have to say we do have a lot in common and our personalities are kinda alike, so I guess this is how we click. Hmm. You'll hear more about her.

I don't know why I put Tanner below her. 
I should've put MY picture. Isn't he just A-MAH-ZEEEENGGG?! His gorgeous face, sweet eyes and hot looking hair makes me wanna go all NOMNOMNOMZ on him. No, stop thinking dirty you guys. He's just really amazing. DO CHECK HIM OUT. 

Went out on a lunch date with my dad. He brought me to The Garden Cafe AT The Gardens. No it's not literally under them. Just the name coincidentally. Anyway, I ordered Aglio-Aglio. Yeah, it's not spicy. The salad wasn't good and the carrots were okay. So basically we fine-dined for the nice view. 

Know what I mean? Dad ordered Fish n' Chips. Not a fan of it and I ain't that into heaty things. 

Hurrah! Exams are finally gone and out but the worry of my results just begun. I can't officially say that it's gone totally but just the unimportant ones are left like art. Okay, art IS important for me but yeah, I don't have to really pick up a book and read. Basically, I was free and bored to a point I google-d my name. Awkward isn't it? I didn't find anything interesting, though. Just random things about other Jane's. Oh, I did saw my blog :D It's a good thing isn't it? It's a boring Monday evening. Nothing much to do. Not planning to go to school but got blackmailed by two teachers. Economic's and Accounts.

Okay, very anticipated about my camera but my only dilemma now is that my phone's being really jacked up and I think I need a new phone. As you know I don't have that much cash/money (yeah, either ways its the same) So, I kinda need your help to help me vote. I'm going to set up a poll. I've been dying for a camera so badly. I don't know why but it just feels super important to me but at the same time, I also need a new phone. So it's either one. Why can't I be rich-errrr. Sad soul.

I just watched some horror film on FMX (or whatever channel that was on). It's called 'When a Stranger Calls'. This show is just awkward. It stars Camilla Belle. Basically she was a babysitter, for a rich couple. They live in a mansion. Literally a big mansion. Left their two kids with a new babysitter and went out for dinner. Oh okay, next Camilla received some weird phone call from some random stranger and she calls the cops and begins running all around the freaking house just to find who the hell's calling her. She went around and found a dead house-keeper, a dead best-friend and a weird man hiding on the ceiling in the kids' room. How epic is that? So the weird man starts chasing her all around the house breaking vases and finally they battled for like 10 to 15 minutes and Camilla finally stabs his hand with some sharp thingy. She ran out of the house and the police caught up to her and brought her to a hospital. She woke up and walked out of her room to find that the whole damn hospital was empty and suddenly the phone rings (yeah, you must be thinking not again.). She went back to her room and the man was behind her and she wakes up on her bed going all insane. YAY! 'Happy ending' not to say anything but seriously? Who in the world does this? Calls and stalks a random person and you should be ashamed if you are a grown man.
Shame on you. 

Meet Le Furby.
Not to forget, my sister have been dreaming about this little thing since weeks ago and she agreed to pay half the share of it. 

This is how it looks like :D I'm excited too! I remember how they use to have the classic ones when I was a kid. They sold it everywhere! McDonalds' free toy for the set and yeah it was really fun yet creepy at the same time. They speak Furbish and has a mind of its own.
Find out more about them in here : Furby 

Last but not least. I isn't her just SO KAWAII?! While my sister is away with her Furby, I figured out why not spend a little time with him. Yes by that I mean putting him on my table while I blog. Shh, let's keep it between you and I.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


 Amateur photographer. 
Don't laugh okay? All I have is a 5 megapixel phone. 
I've been dying for a camera and I think it's coming true, soon. 

This is Beef Bolognese Penne Pasta from Irish. 
I'm not a food critique but I dislike it. A lot. 
This pasta gave me two days of tummy ache and it was hell. As you know I have a sensitive stomach so yeah, I doubt I'll be going back there ever again. 

I do not own this Okay?
I just love how pretty it is. The colours and all. I don't get how anyone could paint this well especially with water colours. The ratio of the paint to the water is just off for me. I never really get it. When I try to paint like that, I always end up ruining my art block making it shed. I'm such a terrible artist.
 Boo freakin' hoo.

I can't wait for my exams to be done with. I'm so exhausted. My back hurts and I'm just dying from all these work. I can't wait for the holidays and I'm sure I'll be saying the opposite maybe after 3 weeks of holidays. I planned out a list of things to do already but always doesn't go by it in the end. Sucks to be me. I planned my work out days already. Everyday I'll try to do some thread-mill and some bicycle to tone up my legs. My  legs are the worst part of my body. Yes, I accept the fact that God (and my parents -.-) gave me this 'beautiful' body but yes, no one is perfect. I just want to look and feel better that's all. No matter how your body look like, nobody deserves to be treated differently just because you are too fat or too thin. There are no such thing as that. I understand that we, yes everyone of us, have our own imperfections and insecurities. I will be the first to admit that. I just want to give a little motivation to those who read me blog who has issues on how they look. I myself have issues with my legs but I'm reaching out to make it better instead of (just) always ranting about it. I sound so stupid.

Secondly, I want to work more. I have a stable job for the holidays and my job is quite flexible. Yay me! I just need more students. I have a big goal to reach. MY CAMERA! I can finally act like a pro and bring it everywhere! How exciting?! Of course, I ain't the only one who's paying everything. I talked my parents into it (well, mostly my dad). They said that I must pay $800 of the share and they will pay the rest and that is a DONE DEAL. Heh, you guys can see my better quality pictures on my blog yay! I can't wait. I'm being so ecstatic! I still have tons to learn but the thought of it just makes me happy. 

Thirdly, Christmas! Every child's best time of the year. Although I wasn't brought up celebrating Christmas every year but I just love the jolly season. I mean who doesn't? The malls would be nicely decorated and things would be on sale. I love walking around looking at things I can't afford to buy. I know, I am ridiculous but it's just nice. The great thing about this year is that I have a new thing looking forward to; my camera! YAY! That could be my Christmas present from my parents! I don't really care if I got it earlier or whatever. I just get so ecstatic with the thoughts of that. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Look at my baby! Ngaaaw :') 

Newborn pugs
Too precious. I CAN'T HANDLE IT!

My baby, again.

Look at Jenna Marbles and her greyhound, Kermit!

Hey lovelies.
I'm a week more to finish my finals! *Excited*

Anyway, I wonder who reads my blog. It feels like I talk to myself all the time. So, how are you guys doing (see what I mean?!)? I had a tough time with my exams. No, I'm not smart.. yet I didn't study. Serves me right, huh? I also redid my Tumblr. so if you guys (if anyone ever reads this blog) wants to check it out. Be my guest! :) I'll leave the link below the post. Shall blog more when I'm free! There're lots of things I want to blog~ Can't wait!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Never ending needs

Okay more like never ending wants. As much as I hate to say.. All of us are greedy when it comes to materials. I am. Sometimes. Okay.. Most of the times. Only because they keep coming up with better things. The good thing is that I don't need to have the most updated thing, i just pick the ones I could relate too. Lately, I've been saving up for :

» make up brushes (God knows how pricey they are.)

» a freakin new camera. I love photography. Not that I'm good at it. I don't even own a compact camera. Wtf.

» an awesome paper wallet. Don't know what it is? Well it's wallet made out of paper, duh! Its tear and water resistant. Its also very slim. Perfect for school as my wallet is super buldgey.

So far, this 3 are my tops. I love them so much I'm dying to save my allowance.