Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hey, soul sister(:

OMG, I'm addicted to Hey, Soul sister! Thanks Josh(: Yes, it has been weeks since I've updated my blog. It's getting more boring-er. Yea, this week has been a long week but it's past already! So crappy. Sports day was on Wednesday. I'm much tanner now. Ann fainted during the rehearsals. I WENT OMG ANN! WTH?She went all weird and went back a few steps and then collapsed. It was creepy as Dixon told us not to move even if anyone fainted on sports day but we couldn't just stand there and do nothing so we carried her to the hall. UHUH.


Sports day.
OKEY. I admit it. I DID suck alot. I did loads of wrong moves! giler betul. Blue house cheerleader extremely sucked this year. Red house was super nice. Yellow was creepy! Green's okey. Tired.

Woke up at 6 today. It's a SATURDAY! 6! How can mummy do this to me?! Thanks to Rick and Marsha. Rick's got a band competition, and Marsha's got sports day. I met Sophyy there. :D we walked and talked abit.. She belanja-d me a drink. I left. HAHA.

OKEY! THIS IS MY DRAWING. Don't you just love it?

I hate growing up sometimes. You get acne and pimples! WTF? I got one on my effing cheek guess what? EVERYONE'S EFFING TALKING ABOUT IT. Give me a break, like you guys DONT GET THEM. You don't see me teasing YOU GUYS when you guys have an enormous pimple so quit being so effing mean. This is to Jason Ooi, Wong Jing Wai, Yeou Yen, Pik Kwan and all my schooolmates. You're not my anyone to comment about my cute pimple. Eat that. Yes, I find it super embarrassing but cute at the same time.

I'm watching Cirque Du Freak all over again. I ♥Darren Shan! And Steve Leanord!OH SO HOT STEVE but dang he's a bad boy.

Man, it'll be so cool if I could really go to a freak show. I'd deff go and ask someone to turn me into a vampire. I'd be a vampiress. WOOHOO. I'd live on for centuries and go WOOHOO DARREN SHAN. Too bad, it's fantasy. I don't know why, MAN. I wish there is one. They're awesome.

I have a bruise spot on my knee and it hurts. I knocked onto one of the chairs that day in the computer lab. Ouch. Wednesday's aday out with people. I don't know why I said that. So akward. Sigh. ALICE IN WONDERLAND HERE I COME.


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