Saturday, April 24, 2010

Breathe, I love Glee.

Okey, Violin exams over! Finally! Sorry for not updating for so long, sozz!! So, yesterday was awesome~!! I had a blast xD We watched When In Rome!! It was so romantic and awesome!! Haha, talking about the MOVIE!

I don't feel happy though, this few days. Feel super lazy to blog, talk..? Back hurts, I feel it's out of shape alittle bit. Shuen felt it and she even said the bone on my left side is slightly higher than my right side! I was like aww shit. I can't believe it. Now, I'm in torture / depression mode!

And so , I'm in deep doo doo. Wells, miang face, eat some hot dogs and have some capri-sonne! Just joking. Where did that come from? I'm shooo sorry xD

Ring ~ A symbol or promise and love if you give it to someone special. And it's so sweet. And bullshit if you're unfaithful!

I'm having a bad time. So byees

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I'm loving Glee! It's so awesome! All the songs they sing're awesome! :D ZOMG. Blogspot's having problems. Facebook and msn's having problem too. I HATE MY INTERNET! NOOOOOO! I'm growing means growing pimples. Damn! Internet sucks. SUCKS.

I'm so tired. Defying gravity's sweet. It makes me think. HARD. Haha.

So, today, Grace spent the whole day at my shop. Thanks for 'temaning' me :D

He made me upset today, but I'm okay now.

I'm waiting for my new phone. 2 MONTHS.

Love hurts. If you think of it that way-it'll forever be that way.

Barney will always be purple.

Glee makes me GLEE.

Life sucks. Deal with it.

Teenagers are rebels. Most of em.

Defy MY gravity.


I miss you..... NOT.

So bored.

Munch munch munch, I ♥ Eating!

Chocolates are sexay food.

Endless love - does exist.

Say no to me?? I'd GIVE YOU HELL.

Don't stop believing in yourself.

I'm walking on sunshine-WHOAH

I'm blogging crap :D Happy me. So, Sunday's coming. Oh yesh! Grace told me that WE missed picture day! WHAT THE HELL!? CANT BE HAPPENING! Sigh. I'm always missing the good stuff.

Gotta go :D

Friday, April 16, 2010

to do, Or not to do.

I'm addicted to I wanna and blah blah blah. I was dancing to blah blah blah for weeks. OFCUZ, keep it a secret! My leg's still not OK. So i sang to it, only. Yesh, hyped out! The week has past slowly but hello, it's Friday! But too bad no band because uncle Patrick's home so we'd probably head somewhere tonight.

Mum abandoned me and Marsha at the shop and went to get some supplies. Marsha's suppose to study and stuff. And I am supposed to practice my violin since exams are just around the corner. I really mean - around the corner. AND imma fail my ass off. Yoke San( teacher) wanted to kill me as I didn't get the pitch or scales right. YIKES.

Singing is fun, but when you can't get the tune or pitch right? It kills.

What the hell is wrong with me? Lately, I'm listening to 'emo' songs. I'm an EMO CLOWN! NOT NOOOO!! I hate threatening my sister. But she asked for it -
SIS, can you threaten me?

Eric is saying I'd regret. NEVER.

:D Im happy now. Yes, you must be thinking, JEEZ, Jane! You're such a clown. what the hell? You're emo one mintute and the next you're happy?
The truth is, I'm not emo. I LISTEN to emo songs. But I'm happy xD

When In Rome is coming out!! weeee! Imma so watching it. This time, imma calling Nicholas. He's trying to mend his broken heart. Poor thing. YESH. Uhuh.

My ears hurt.

Stop talking about BLAH BLAH BLAH, Get lost! The clock's ticking like TiK ToK!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Boom boom shake shake.


My only exception.


♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Okay, admit it. Paramore's latest song's nice. WEEEE. Thumbs up for that! NOT to Jonathan's singing. WEE. I'm addicted to FB! Someone. Go. Call. HELP!!! HAHA. Spending days at home - alone - bored is NOT an idea. Since I'm bored, and theres no one to talk to and I'm alll alone at home, LETS DO SOMETHING! Just joking. My parents are out to my grandparent's newly renowated house to help out so I'd be sticking around later. I can't help with my oh-so-stupid knee.UHUH. BOOM! Uncle Patrick's coming home tonight! WEEE everyone's gonna cramp in my room.
THREE CHEERS for that! xD

I'm a loner with oh-so-not-sexy legs! I am praying for new legs everynight. WHAT THE HELL? Joking :D This is what happen when you're staying at home- BORED. You'd talk crap. Mumble crapp.

I have coughing symptoms.
Cross my fingers - no!


OH WELLS. THATS all :D will blog at night if i feeel like it ♥

Monday, April 12, 2010


What I learnt and things that happened when I was at the hospital -
  • The doctor called me crazy as I should have went to the hospital earlier. NOT 3-4 days LATER.
  • Nurses laugh at me when I told her what happened - which made me laugh too.
  • NEVER wear fancy underwear when x-ray.
  • Back hurts when x-ray (to me)
  • I was forced to sit on a wheelchair - which I hate so much.
  • Ended up playing with the break of the wheelchair.
  • The wheelchair could move by itself. WOOOO creepy xD
  • I laughed non-stop at myself.
  • I'm OKAY! :D

Right! What a day. While I was doing my x-ray, I was laying on the bed thingy and my back hurts like shit - I couldn't even move. Hard time being there when people stares at you like you're disabled when you're still young! I hate wheelchairs - but I HAD to sit on it. I couldn't limp to the x-ray room. Impossible.. I cannot believe it, the doctor called me crazy!! The nurses laughed at me and said, are you trying to make us laugh? I wanted to reply her, OH YESH I AM! TRYING TO MAKE YOUR JOB AND LIFE LESS BORING :D SAY THANK YOU! Ofcuz I didn't. That's insanely disrespectful.

I can't think of anything else to blog about, that's all for now.

OH YEA, I don't needa go to school for a week. WEEE. But boring. Cuz I dunno what to do for the whole week.


Saturday, April 10, 2010


Okay, days has past Thursday already and my knee has gone from OK to BAD. As in really bad. I have to walk/limp like some orang cacat. I couldn't dance today - needless to say. My back really hurt from all the sittings. Yesh. Grace accompanied me the whole day. It was nice. We hung out at the multipurpose room the half the day. I didn't do my vocal- couldn't stand. didn't do guitar - couldn't cross my leg or anything. Bob was like *sigh* what la youuuu. PSH.

It's kinda annoying when you're limping, people asks you what happened. It's like~dejavu.
Sigh. I'm so tired. I'm aching allll over. Life sucks.

I'm such a potato.
most of all... I'm Jane.

I can't help NOT to be clumsy. Worst thing? Uncle Patrick's coming back on Tuesday and the new house is almost done and I can't help out. I feel like a complete douche.

I bandaged my knee like, funnily. This morning. While mum was in a rush, she just rolled the gauze around my knee like super messy. I went out and people were staring.
Dislike the attention.
It's annoying.

Rick wasn't being very nice today. Aiks. I wasn't being in a very good mood. I was aching everywhere.

I'm planning to stay at home tomorrow. I can't go out with a bad leg. Sour leg.

Janey the depressed!

Friday, April 09, 2010

Pain pain.

Okay, my right leg still hurts so badly. WHY?! Okay, blame me for not being careful. Blame me for being such a kluts talking to Synn, Vee and Grace and NOT looking at where I'm stepping. But thinking back, it is so funny! I skipped school today - obviously! I couldn't possibly like stand for an hour or two then climb up like a flight or stairs. That's like, impossible.

I woke up this morning feeling sweaty. Mum turned off the air-cond. THANKS MUM. Anyways, i looked at my phone it was like 8 something and I was lying around. I finally got up and went to the toilet and peed - after peeing, I watched tv. Dad came back took my foot turned it and left me alone. I was like whaa? Anyways, he went out and I watched tv and got ready.

As you see, I'm wearing Rick's shirt cuz I'm too tired of my fitting clothes so I decided to wear sth lose today. It took me minutes to wear my shoes. Sigh. Welly belly.

People just can't seem to stop asking why am I not in school or sth. When I tell them my story, they'd laugh or say YOU"RE SO CLUMSY Sigh. this is LIFE.

I want my life to be like a gigantic candy ball. WEEEE.


Thursday, April 08, 2010

Leg twist.

Okay, school was like a bullshit topsie. First, me and my pals got scolded for our hair. Right. We had so many things else to get into trouble. big ass. We helped teacher with chairs and tables. After helping we got free drinks, unexpected. He was like okay, lets go get a drink. Drinks on me! we were wooing and cheering for how awesome he is. We drank for like 20 minutes because school was ending soon so we sipped slowly.

And it was koko soon. I went to put my bag on the stage and went out. Before I could do anything,
I fell down! Stepped into a drain and trip and fell. scrapped my knee and hurt my elbow and ankle. OUCH hmm? Yes. I sprained it. Ouch. I didn't play volley ball. I just sat aside feeling the pain. Ouch. I limped everywhere in pain! Lucky thing, Synn and everyone was there for support and help. They carried me here and there.


It still hurts though. I don't feel like going to school tomorrow. Sigh.

Oh wells, I don't know what to blog about. Sigh. life's boring. I should see you guys, tmrw.? Maybe.

Tatassss :D

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Oh, mandy.

Yes, It is I, JANE. As bored as ever.

Chloe and I had made a new friend. Her name is Mandy. Weee.
She's blond.
She loves wearing dresses that's revealing and i doubt that guys would turn their heads even
if she's wearing it.
loves 3 inches highheels.
She's a cool chick who loves to laugh.
Chloe and me loves dressing her up.
And laughs at her.

MAN. We're evil ; AWESOME.

So school was usual just a mad woman came in shouted craps. Stayed back.
Bla bla. I'm so lazy to blog it out. Nothing special tho.

Jing Wai. Hello(: HAHA.

Im bored. Thats all.

Monday, April 05, 2010


When I look up to the sky, guess who I think of? PETERPAN! I used to adore him so much- but I kept it to myself. Just like Tarzan. LOLS. Anyways, I'm super uber happy that exams are over but we still have oral exams. Like what the hell. I'm tired.

I hate mondays.

Mondays always drain out my energy. I couldn't sleep well last night cuz Mr. Mosquito was busy buzzing around me. It was so irritating I wanted to sleep on the floor! But I didn't. I woke up at 6 but lazed around till my mum came in to call me. I let out a big moan to her and she was like, you ain't to skipping school, PFFFT!
Okay okay, I'm getting up!

School was OK. As usual. I hate mondays. You know why? Oh YOU KNOW WHY xD I don't like singing on mondays. And standing for like 2 hours. YES. It's torture. In my list of torture chamber. How awesome? PSH. Hyper bug bit me this morning, I guess. I slept like during the last period of school and no one called me up! Until the bell rang and Grace yelled at me.
I was shook awoke

I'm a big disaster. I looked at myself. looked at my hair. looked at my face! UGLIEST monster I've ever seen.


I feel uberly hyper. PETERPAN. WHOOOOSHH.

. I saw someone. And that person vanished. I have no idea. Have I gone loony?


okay, i love blogging madness. How awesome? YES. ILYguys. WHOOSH! OFF TO NEVERLAND!

Friday, April 02, 2010


everything says it all. Wait, what did anyone say anything? Blogging would ease up my mind but I don't know what to blog about today.

AHH. Morning ; I woke up feeling extremely uncomfy it was like 6 already so I got up and groaned to myself going, I DUN WANNA GO TO SCHOOL! But too late mum saw me and that time I really needed to pee! So I peed and brushed my teeth. Showered. Changed. Tied my hair, OOH I looked cute xD I'm perasanning to myself.

went to school. Did my duty. PAs and Form 1s this year are so rude and disrespectful. One of the fat-PA guys talked bad about me and I got so pissed I whacked him with a book and scolded him. He gave me a MEAN face and I wanted to slap him. YES I DO.

School time ended after a long time. We got some of our exam marks and I got like 1A 2 Bs so far. Kinda disappointed atfirst but I got 93 for English, so, I'm okay now. WOOO. I'm bored.

Helped teacher to clean the science lab. new science lab ;) Those taps were so dirty. When we first turn it on brown water came out. Looked like shit and threw up combo. Hui Lim turned one on but that tap still had its cap(rubber thingy on a new tap? HEARD?) on so basically, the dirt splurged everywhere. EW. I think it went in my mouth( not sure) I got so pissed I was spitting my saliva out .
I ran back to class and drank water.

2Bakawali's the best class! Haha, you don't get much pressure, unlike 2A. We could have fun and stuff. Not to say 2A's the over study class but ppl have more fun in 2B. SORRY SYNN! and Veee. Well, not everyone thinks the same way as what most of us do.




Drafted post (:

♥ Nothing's gonna change my love for you♥

Thursday, April 01, 2010


LOLS. I finally finished my exams. How I hate it when my exams are done, my mum wouldn't let me go online. DUDE. GIMME A BREAK?! PSH. Anyways,

GAH, exams on tuesday. Must. study. HARD!

DEAD! All I can think of is 'dead'-ness. Bm, English and Maths. Epicness! I did my BM and slept, finish my english within 35 min and slept. MATHS. I used my calculator but some I just don't know how to do. wow. I suffered x.x WEEE.

Sejarah and K.H. OMG. I didn't study KH. deadness. Sejarah was hard enough already, needless to say, KH. sad sad glooomy day.

CHEER UP, people! It's the last day of exams. I studied the hell out of me for science and geo and surprisingly, it's quite easy! Happiest day of my week. BUT!!!!! I had tummy ache during science exam, so I did half of my paper and I couldn't 'tahan' anymore, I raised my hand and asked if I could go to toilet. Cam back and finished my paper. OOH I LABELLED the parts of my ears correctly alrighty! Happy but sad, my mum was all curious about who I was talking to lately, MAN, can't I have privacy? Stop invading.

Could a pimple grow on your hand?


HAHA yawwwn.. My mum said I didn't work hard. PUH LEASE. Most of us(my friends and I) didn't study. I did. Just not very..... alot?

I'm too lazy to go to school tomorrow but I have to. I will skip a day when Uncle Patrick returns and we shift. WOOTS>< NEW HOUSE AND ROOMS><>

Looking for new songs to sing. Any suggestions? Leave it down! Lokians! I really don't know what song to sing.

Oh wells, shall blog more when smores are done. I shall gulp beers and shandys and get wasted.