Friday, April 02, 2010


everything says it all. Wait, what did anyone say anything? Blogging would ease up my mind but I don't know what to blog about today.

AHH. Morning ; I woke up feeling extremely uncomfy it was like 6 already so I got up and groaned to myself going, I DUN WANNA GO TO SCHOOL! But too late mum saw me and that time I really needed to pee! So I peed and brushed my teeth. Showered. Changed. Tied my hair, OOH I looked cute xD I'm perasanning to myself.

went to school. Did my duty. PAs and Form 1s this year are so rude and disrespectful. One of the fat-PA guys talked bad about me and I got so pissed I whacked him with a book and scolded him. He gave me a MEAN face and I wanted to slap him. YES I DO.

School time ended after a long time. We got some of our exam marks and I got like 1A 2 Bs so far. Kinda disappointed atfirst but I got 93 for English, so, I'm okay now. WOOO. I'm bored.

Helped teacher to clean the science lab. new science lab ;) Those taps were so dirty. When we first turn it on brown water came out. Looked like shit and threw up combo. Hui Lim turned one on but that tap still had its cap(rubber thingy on a new tap? HEARD?) on so basically, the dirt splurged everywhere. EW. I think it went in my mouth( not sure) I got so pissed I was spitting my saliva out .
I ran back to class and drank water.

2Bakawali's the best class! Haha, you don't get much pressure, unlike 2A. We could have fun and stuff. Not to say 2A's the over study class but ppl have more fun in 2B. SORRY SYNN! and Veee. Well, not everyone thinks the same way as what most of us do.




Drafted post (:

♥ Nothing's gonna change my love for you♥

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