Thursday, April 01, 2010


LOLS. I finally finished my exams. How I hate it when my exams are done, my mum wouldn't let me go online. DUDE. GIMME A BREAK?! PSH. Anyways,

GAH, exams on tuesday. Must. study. HARD!

DEAD! All I can think of is 'dead'-ness. Bm, English and Maths. Epicness! I did my BM and slept, finish my english within 35 min and slept. MATHS. I used my calculator but some I just don't know how to do. wow. I suffered x.x WEEE.

Sejarah and K.H. OMG. I didn't study KH. deadness. Sejarah was hard enough already, needless to say, KH. sad sad glooomy day.

CHEER UP, people! It's the last day of exams. I studied the hell out of me for science and geo and surprisingly, it's quite easy! Happiest day of my week. BUT!!!!! I had tummy ache during science exam, so I did half of my paper and I couldn't 'tahan' anymore, I raised my hand and asked if I could go to toilet. Cam back and finished my paper. OOH I LABELLED the parts of my ears correctly alrighty! Happy but sad, my mum was all curious about who I was talking to lately, MAN, can't I have privacy? Stop invading.

Could a pimple grow on your hand?


HAHA yawwwn.. My mum said I didn't work hard. PUH LEASE. Most of us(my friends and I) didn't study. I did. Just not very..... alot?

I'm too lazy to go to school tomorrow but I have to. I will skip a day when Uncle Patrick returns and we shift. WOOTS>< NEW HOUSE AND ROOMS><>

Looking for new songs to sing. Any suggestions? Leave it down! Lokians! I really don't know what song to sing.

Oh wells, shall blog more when smores are done. I shall gulp beers and shandys and get wasted.


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