Sunday, February 27, 2011

Safe and sound

This is me.
Safe and sound knowing that you're gonna be there for me.

Maybe I was wrong.
maybe I was stupid enough to hope for things I wish would happen to happen.

I had a terrible day.
And I wanna release stress.

Sometimes, do you even know how I feel?
Do you bother enough to care?
Do you understand me?

Did you even know how much you let me down?
Did you know how disappointed I felt?

Life ain't always perfect, and will never be.
But have you ever thought of making it better than expected?
We can't expect too much , I know.
But can't we do better instead of mouthing all the wrongs and problems?
Instead of talking, SHOW it?

Instead of yelling at me,
giving me attitude,
leaving me all alone,

I have no idea what to do at times, I have no idea why I'm being like this..
Maybe it's because of the pressure of everything lately.
Everything seems wrong.
Everything IS wrong.

Hope tomorrow would be better..
I pray.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

We'll be a dream.

Look at KYLIE!
haha I'm such a poser P:
Had no idea this existed, sorry to say,
it doesn't taste good.

Yesh, You. I love you.

So I went out with Kylie, CT, and CY today :)
It was freaking awesome! We went starbucks and hung out for awhile, did abit of our projects and went Red Box! Had a blast screaming my lungs out since I was having kind of a bad day. My best song was 'Happy Ending' by Avril Lavigne. They looked surprise when I did the bridge. Anyways, talking about tuition.

Doesn't the candy look so tempting? Yeah but guess what? They're literally expired ><>

Yeah the choco-banana thing tasted like crap. No offence but WHO THE HELL in this world would make things like that? :O right?? I should stop being a critic.

I'm exhausted. After a day of camwhoring and loud singing. Talking about singing. We spent almost 200 on Red Box today. Like what the fuck right? I literally got shocked. NO, all of us did. It was CRAZY SHIT expensive. I owe Kylie 46 bucks. DIE.

Anways, I gotta learn to sleep early. I'e been sleeping uberly late latey and it's killing me so, ciao. Loves.

We The Kings & Demi Lovato ; We'll Be A Dream.

Do you remember the nights
We'd stay up just laughing
Smiling for hours
At anything
Remember the nights
We drove around crazy in love

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream

Do you remember the nights
We made our way dreaming
Hoping of being
Someone big
We were so young then
We were too crazy
In love

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream

Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa
Whoa whoa

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound
We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be

When the lights go out
We'll be safe and sound We'll take control of the world
Like it's all we have to hold on to
And we'll be a dream

Friday, February 25, 2011

Strawberry shoes.

A. From ikeA.

Yeah, if you read my tittle and was wonder what is up with strawberry shoes and where do you get it? Well, you CAN'T! Cuz you can't buy it anywhere and it's because I washed my school shoes with my sister's strawberry shampoo! It was nice :)

I did it because :
  • It smells nice
  • the other soap was in the balcony
  • I was naked.
  • I was kidding.

HAHA, like dude, it smelt really good! That made my day. My strawberry shoes.

School was bad. Like bad bad. Pfft, don't wanna talk about it. It brings back sad memories. Anyways, there's gonna be band real soon again! Somehow I really miss band. I wanna sing again. I wanna have fun again. But now I gotta hit the books cuz' my grades, are dropping.

And I should really buck up before it's too late.
I should start sticking post-its everywhere and go gaga over chocolates. Sleep late and read books. I know what I said didn't make sense, maybe I should sit down and stare at the mirror for awhile before I start picking up anything.
Yeah that sounds like a great idea ;)

I've been thinking of singing Back to December for band.
Sounds like a pretty dramatic song.


Hey guys, just came back from tuition.
Heard the most devastating news ever.
Synn's leaving to another tuition centre.
Know what's ever more heartbreaking?
HER, not telling me HERSELF.
She told Wei Jian and Wei Jian told me..
How sad for a best friend.

I can't believe it.. not at all.
Oh boo, Jane, WAKE UP. Your bestie left you without saying a proper good-bye.
You're the only girl in the 4 person gang now.
You're not gonna be defended while Brian Ee bullies you.
You're not gonna have someone to tell your problems to, especially to someone you've known when you were 10.
You have to stand alone now.

Way to go, loner.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The cutest

I have a fake mustache.
It shows my manly side!
Ohoh I'm kidding :)

Dear, Ian

I'm just thinking why are my hands so big. -But! It's the perfect size for your hands.- Haha, anyways, incase you don't know, the baby picture above is my cousin Ian. The cutest thing ever. He is like the sweetest thing ever.

Never really cries and rolls on the floor like other kids, never cries when he wakes up from his sleep. Makes people laugh and defends me from my sister. (Yesh, I am retarded.)

The cutest things about kids is that they could be like little angels or they can be mischievous little things. I still remember the times when Ian was just afew months old, I would take care of him while grandma was busy and I would feed him and make him laugh. It was a great time :)

Though it's tiring taking care of a kid it's totally worth it :) You get to see them grow, learn how to walk and talk and do funny things you would never think of.
I sound like a mom. Gee. x)

By the time Ian learned how to call me.
I felt really happy and close to him. And everyday I would come home and he would race to the gates to call me and he would follow me everywhere I go.
Imitates me and sing songs.
Nursery rhymes,actually.
I would teach him 'You are my sunshine'
since it's a meaningful song to me.

I would feed him at times and catch him from falling down from the stairs. Push his stroller under his demands when we're out. And hold his hand while he runs around.

His Birthday is coming up so, Happy Early Birthday Ian!
Have a great 2nd Birthday :)
:Loves, your ka jie :)

School was exceptionally bad.
I failed Sejarah.
I got bad BM marks
And I got BAD English marks.
Yeap, apparently it is.

I had a bad time after school

Me and Kylie waited outside the school. And yeah something happened, don't wanna talk about it. Yaddi yadda.

In case you're reading it now?

I wasn't quite a good sport today since I was in a bad mood.
Though I had fun with Kylie, CinTing and ChinYee.
Talked to Jackie and people started looking weirdly.
PFFT. Get a life, losers.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


IAN!! :D
My little angel.
Who drives me crazy with his cuteness.
Just so you know, I was too lazy to make my bed x.x
Yeah, my over-sized uniform P:

So, I am back from a hard and tiring day.

Dayum, don't think wrong. What I meant was I did work. *laughs* I'm making it more akward aren't I?? Let's just say I've been doing stuff.

And I'm back. with a smile on my face. Don't really know why, but better than frowning. 'Cuz Kylie always gives me ONE reason to smile ; smiling releases endorphine to bla bla bla, something like that and it goes on.

And.. I have to sleep soon so I shall BLOG tomorrow. FTW.

When I look at you.

This is the last time I'm gonna think of it.
You're far and gone.
Out of my life.
Everything was a fake.
I don't need you to light up my life when I can light it with my own happiness.
Mow's the name.
I like Mow.
Mow ish tasty :D

Skipped school today. Aren't I such a bad human? Kylie texted me this morning saying DARN YOU. *smirks* I feel so evil. But I bet she'd have a great time.

I recently listened to Miley Cyrus' When I Look At You. It's beautiful. Though i don't really like her. I mean you're great Miley but bong? WHY? So, anyways, I didn't watch The Last Song but I so want to. I heard it's heart-warming.

I'm dying to buy a notebook. But it's expensive. Like expensive. Really. It's 27.90 for ONE. But it's thick and the cover is felt. It's really pretty but like I said, expensive. I can't really use my ang pau money anymore. Mom says she wants to put the money to my account. And so it goes on.. bla bla bla.

I somehow wanna learn cooking and baking. Know why? Cuz I can't cook. Or bake. I feel pretty useless at times cuz Rick? Has this friend and his sister could bake cook and stuff like that. She's quite pretty and smart. I get compared alot. So that pretty made me useless P:

Pfft, mom came in and made a fuss about me blogging. I should off now.
Fussy pants. x.x

Gah, I hate my blog it's so lame. x.x

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why is it complicated ?

Burning butt.

Some of the days, I wonder why must things be complicated while it's actually quite simple. Maybe it's just 'cuz we want some drama to spice our life? Or is it we drown ourselves with thoughts? I think both. I'm a person who thinks alot, so I say I like drowning myself with thoughts. Yeah, I over-think, then over-react. I think of myself as a loser. Like loser, loser.

I need a therapist. Like literally D:
So I went to Ikea, fought with my sister, argued with my parents, wow could life get any worst? Yeah, kinda fought with a friend.
Fighting all over the place.

A typical topic for every human
(who has feelings)
Every teenager(mostly) goes through this stage.
Either end up happily together or left with a deep scar that not even bio-essence could make it go away.
First loves are usually killer, if it ends up crappy.
Because it basically effects your whole love life after that to some people who have weak feeling immune systems or they're the one who hurts the shit out of someone.
Which I totally would bitch slap because no one deserves to get hurt out of their first loves.

What the fuck. I have no idea what I'm saying.

Have fun reading. Out of ideas. =.=

Cycle of blood.

Bryan and I's 18 pl tickets :P
I feel so illegal!

In the car, trying to be lala.

Naaah. Just joking. Hate lalas P:

AHA! Guess what day today is? It's the last day of exams! I sound like I just pass my PMR but pfft, it's only the first intervensi. I ish retarded. Anyways, was happy that I partly made Brian feel better after all, it was partly my fault. Hell yeah.

I woke up early in the morning and felt sleepy. Dragged myself to the bathroom and brushed my pearly-whites then went to school. late. thanks to my tummy. Then went to school talked to Kylie and then Sejarah test, pfft, i couldn't really concentrate well on it, I just quickly finished it and went to sleep. I literally dreamt of something-which I forgot. Cin Ting woke me up by hitting my head. Boom.

I woke up then.

Then it was recess! I ate ham and bread. Pfft, I was forced to! FORCED to. Mom says I barely eat thats why I'm so petite I should GROW. I wanna answer her 'that's cuz you NEVER let me go out with my friends and eat lunch after school!' which I know is unreasonable. So, eff it la. I have to beg them now, Cuz it's NO FAIR that I can't. I'm 15 now, damn. Gah, whatever. i haven't finish.

After recess, we had geography test which was quite easy but I doubt I'd get good results so yeah. Took the test, slept. And went home. Rick fetched me home. Lucky to not get myself killed this time :)
I shall post more tonight, right now I gotta beg my parents and go Ikea.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

sunshine, where is my sunshine?

I see you. Hot sauce :D

I ish back. From a long day. I went out with Bryan Lloyd today :) My super bestie. HAHA, do you believe me? Naah, it's true. We actually watched No Strings Attached. No, we didn't need help from an adult to get tickets! We went up the counter and asked uhm, could we get No Strings Attached and she was like but it's 18 pl and she asked us how old were we and we said 15 then she said, let me check. So she rolled her chair and dialed for someone then after that she came back clicking something went, No Strings Attached, right? 2.10p.m. that would be 46bucks.

This is my first R-rated-ish movie :) IN THE CINEMA. It was a really nice movie. I literally cried at the end.

Sobs rights?

We had ice-cream and walked around. It's really nice to see him and my friends. Lately, I really em. I studied. SEE I'M A GOOD GIRL. DAYUMM. I also gotta spend less. Saving for Bruno Mars' concert. Like, demmit. I wish I had an ATM card. FREE ATM CARD.. HOW I WISH..
I'm wishing crap. BOO.

Wells, gotta study now. Blog ya later peeps :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Honestly, it's nothing.

Tuition. Was the time when I can release myself.

Pfft, I had the worst time of my life. I got bailed and ditched not just by one person. But two.
First, was my very own bestie. Like always, she bails on me, ALWAYS. I literally exploded. I didn't really care what she thinks about me anymore.

I can't seem to forgive the second person who did it to me.. Did it too many times, I can't count. I am tired of being treated like shit. I'm tired of being ditched and bailed. ALWAYS. And when they do it, somehow I get blamed, either way around.

I don't mind.
Just push me around.
Do it..
As if I ain't getting enough already.

Maybe it's just me PMS-ing.
But I shouldn't be treated like that.
I deserve to be happier.. atleast more than now.
More than what I'm going through now.
No one seems to understand 'cuz no one ever knows how it feels being pushed around and ditched at a time when you need someone.

I have to pretend, fake a smile and say ;
naah, it's nothing.
I'm okay.
Honestly, it's nothing.
but inside i'm all,

I've had enough..


Nom nom nom, Rawr this PacMan monster eating my cupcake!

So today's a Friday. What do I usually do on Friday?? Tuition but today, there's a party at the community. Should I go? x.x Pfft, retarded right? Anyways, today's maths exam was uber hard. UBER. GAH, i'm going to fail it. I bet. It's not like I've never failed it before.

I have such bad self-optimism IF that's what you call it :P I'm officially obsessed with the song Valentine. :D In case you don't know why, DON'T ASK! Naaah, just kidding :) Went back to dp after school today with Brian. No, not what you think it is. He went to hunt for someone and I went to get back my Science peka. But unfortunately, teacher wasn't there so I went there for nothing. Boo.

School life sucks. I got my ass touched by someone I don't know and I'm really scared about it. I practically walk with a book behind my butt at times. Yay, right?

I wish something weird would happen to me.


I need a doctor, supreme stupidity has struck me! So, tell me guys, how did YOU spend your friday?

Rick's on a date. I wonder how would my life be after school? I wanna die my hair in a weird color. Like pink or purple. Or blue highlights! Just the thought of it makes my nerves jump! HAHA, what the hell!?

You must be thinking what the hell I just said right? I mean, nerves can't jump right?? x) HAHA.

I have a date with Ann. And she BETTER come.

Thats all for today. LAME, I know. But yeah, loves ♥

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shooting Star

Me in Rick's car holding my Katy Perry CD :D

So guess what? Just afew minutes ago was still Valentines day. Lovers everywhere, flowers in girls' hands and boyfriends. Pfft! I have to admit something, Valentines day is just another shitty day for me. First day exam. Period. Literally! I mean, no one ever does anything for me. But honestly, it kinda sucks that no one really bother doing anything for me. I have history with Valentines last year, ( PSH, kinda have a story about it but can't really blog it out) I spent my Valentine sitting on a bench at the basement of Mid Valley staring at couples going up and down the escalator while my dad was fixing the car.

It literally died. Boo.

So I had school. Yesh, exams. But before that I reached early and went to the hall to pass Brian something and I heard terrified by Katharine McPhee but I had no idea what was the song called so I ran up to Jun Wen and asked. Obviously he told me. Yay, how smashing :) And ever since that I'm addicted to that song. Exam was abit hard. Yeah, don't ask. Don't wanna talk about it. Pfft, literally hung out with them at the P.A and Jun Wen was carrying this player thing and he knocked the edge on my head. Yes, it was painful.

I didn't really sleep well the previous night. Guess what?
I SLEPT AT 4.30 a.m.
Yeah you must be thinking I'm pretty insane
-because I was being a bitch-

So, there goes my explanation :)

I don't really know who reads my blog now?
And to you who reads my blog please leave a comment on my cbox.
I just wanna know that I'm actually worth reading.

Doesn't it bothers you that if you're with someone and that person asks his/her friends that are you worth being with? It does right? Ofcourse. Pfft. I feel like SUCH a bitch now, nyeeks.

Wells, whatever, I should hit the books soon. By soon I mean the next 12 hours when sun rises :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

exams. pimples. sleep.

Winks ;)

Firstly, exams, know why I hate it? Okay, basically everyone hates it. It's nothing but stress, and cheating. x) haha who doesn't cheat?? I have. Oh gosh, I sin, but yeah who doesn't? ><>

Valentine's Day. I kinda hate it, know why? It brings back sad memories of last year and two years ago. Brrrrr x.x No one ever gives me anything for Valentines. Why celebrate it..? x.x Every year when I go out on Valentines day, almost every girl I see would be with her partner holding flowers or gifts and MAN, Stop shoving it in my face, PLEASE.

Pssh, and just today. Rick made me shop with him for a gift. I feel so.. x.x
like why don't I ever get one? :(
pfft. I want that.
I am soo jealous x.x

Caused by exams. I had two f*cking scars on my nose before that. I couldn't look at people in the eyes cause I was practically too embarrassed to have my nose being looked at. Everyone goes through the pimple breakout period. And practically people teases them, my advice? Ignore it. Because those loser might have one someday and someone else's gonna laugh at them. I always say pimples doesn't change who you are but, it's something everyone WOULD be embarrassed of. Cuz it hurts the bejesus out of us. x.x and it looks UGLY.

I like, lack of sleep. First of all, I talk too much. yesh, I sleep late cuz I talk. I talk alot. x) I don't know. I just like staying up.. Cuz I think it's cool. Not eyebags but yeah. Cool that when people ask you what time you sleep you say, LATE *smiles* cuz i was doing ________(fill in the blank). I'm kidding :) yeah, just lacking of sleep to study (and talk). I shall change my style from today..

NOT :) I like sleeping late. I like falling sick. Because I get to ponteng. :) HOHO I'm on Santa's bad list this year :x no present for me :( boo.

Anyways, I shall blog again soon cuz' I'm like kinda getting ready for tuition :)