Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cycle of blood.

Bryan and I's 18 pl tickets :P
I feel so illegal!

In the car, trying to be lala.

Naaah. Just joking. Hate lalas P:

AHA! Guess what day today is? It's the last day of exams! I sound like I just pass my PMR but pfft, it's only the first intervensi. I ish retarded. Anyways, was happy that I partly made Brian feel better after all, it was partly my fault. Hell yeah.

I woke up early in the morning and felt sleepy. Dragged myself to the bathroom and brushed my pearly-whites then went to school. late. thanks to my tummy. Then went to school talked to Kylie and then Sejarah test, pfft, i couldn't really concentrate well on it, I just quickly finished it and went to sleep. I literally dreamt of something-which I forgot. Cin Ting woke me up by hitting my head. Boom.

I woke up then.

Then it was recess! I ate ham and bread. Pfft, I was forced to! FORCED to. Mom says I barely eat thats why I'm so petite I should GROW. I wanna answer her 'that's cuz you NEVER let me go out with my friends and eat lunch after school!' which I know is unreasonable. So, eff it la. I have to beg them now, Cuz it's NO FAIR that I can't. I'm 15 now, damn. Gah, whatever. i haven't finish.

After recess, we had geography test which was quite easy but I doubt I'd get good results so yeah. Took the test, slept. And went home. Rick fetched me home. Lucky to not get myself killed this time :)
I shall post more tonight, right now I gotta beg my parents and go Ikea.

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