Friday, February 11, 2011

exams. pimples. sleep.

Winks ;)

Firstly, exams, know why I hate it? Okay, basically everyone hates it. It's nothing but stress, and cheating. x) haha who doesn't cheat?? I have. Oh gosh, I sin, but yeah who doesn't? ><>

Valentine's Day. I kinda hate it, know why? It brings back sad memories of last year and two years ago. Brrrrr x.x No one ever gives me anything for Valentines. Why celebrate it..? x.x Every year when I go out on Valentines day, almost every girl I see would be with her partner holding flowers or gifts and MAN, Stop shoving it in my face, PLEASE.

Pssh, and just today. Rick made me shop with him for a gift. I feel so.. x.x
like why don't I ever get one? :(
pfft. I want that.
I am soo jealous x.x

Caused by exams. I had two f*cking scars on my nose before that. I couldn't look at people in the eyes cause I was practically too embarrassed to have my nose being looked at. Everyone goes through the pimple breakout period. And practically people teases them, my advice? Ignore it. Because those loser might have one someday and someone else's gonna laugh at them. I always say pimples doesn't change who you are but, it's something everyone WOULD be embarrassed of. Cuz it hurts the bejesus out of us. x.x and it looks UGLY.

I like, lack of sleep. First of all, I talk too much. yesh, I sleep late cuz I talk. I talk alot. x) I don't know. I just like staying up.. Cuz I think it's cool. Not eyebags but yeah. Cool that when people ask you what time you sleep you say, LATE *smiles* cuz i was doing ________(fill in the blank). I'm kidding :) yeah, just lacking of sleep to study (and talk). I shall change my style from today..

NOT :) I like sleeping late. I like falling sick. Because I get to ponteng. :) HOHO I'm on Santa's bad list this year :x no present for me :( boo.

Anyways, I shall blog again soon cuz' I'm like kinda getting ready for tuition :)

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