Thursday, February 24, 2011

The cutest

I have a fake mustache.
It shows my manly side!
Ohoh I'm kidding :)

Dear, Ian

I'm just thinking why are my hands so big. -But! It's the perfect size for your hands.- Haha, anyways, incase you don't know, the baby picture above is my cousin Ian. The cutest thing ever. He is like the sweetest thing ever.

Never really cries and rolls on the floor like other kids, never cries when he wakes up from his sleep. Makes people laugh and defends me from my sister. (Yesh, I am retarded.)

The cutest things about kids is that they could be like little angels or they can be mischievous little things. I still remember the times when Ian was just afew months old, I would take care of him while grandma was busy and I would feed him and make him laugh. It was a great time :)

Though it's tiring taking care of a kid it's totally worth it :) You get to see them grow, learn how to walk and talk and do funny things you would never think of.
I sound like a mom. Gee. x)

By the time Ian learned how to call me.
I felt really happy and close to him. And everyday I would come home and he would race to the gates to call me and he would follow me everywhere I go.
Imitates me and sing songs.
Nursery rhymes,actually.
I would teach him 'You are my sunshine'
since it's a meaningful song to me.

I would feed him at times and catch him from falling down from the stairs. Push his stroller under his demands when we're out. And hold his hand while he runs around.

His Birthday is coming up so, Happy Early Birthday Ian!
Have a great 2nd Birthday :)
:Loves, your ka jie :)

School was exceptionally bad.
I failed Sejarah.
I got bad BM marks
And I got BAD English marks.
Yeap, apparently it is.

I had a bad time after school

Me and Kylie waited outside the school. And yeah something happened, don't wanna talk about it. Yaddi yadda.

In case you're reading it now?

I wasn't quite a good sport today since I was in a bad mood.
Though I had fun with Kylie, CinTing and ChinYee.
Talked to Jackie and people started looking weirdly.
PFFT. Get a life, losers.

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