Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Love stands for hurt.

Me, at the CHS Prom :)
It took ages for TK to upload them.

Don't you feel that the more you love, the more it hurts? Yeah, that makes sense. So today at school, not a good day. NOT a good day. I got my English marks ; 80% NOT GOOD.

Somehow lately I'm really emotional. Yeah , emotional pains. Maybe it was because of that day? I got blamed just for buying a book for my cousin. Which I have no idea how it got torn. Somehow, I got blamed for not checking it properly. And somehow, I don't really know why is all these crap happening. I mean, literally why do I deserve it? x.x Not fair. This world is UNFAIR.

Secondly, my fucking grades are dropping. I gotta start picking up my books.
Yeah, I mean it. Somehow.

I wish I had a time machine so I could go back in time when I was a little kid staying at home playing 'masak-masak' with my imaginary friend which I forgotten. Like, literally I had little moving cars. Which was big to me at that time and now, that I'm really big. I have a hard time fitting my ass into little rides at Toys 're Us.

I find that embarrassing yet upsetting :/
Know what's worst, having ER HAU asking if I was having hormone imbalance.
Now, what the fuck, what does hormones gotta do with like, this period of my life.
Maybe it is, but yeah, like what the hell right?

I couldn't sleep well, I woke up with tears all over my face and eye sore with a blurry vision which was creepy.
I ish lacking of blood. x.x
God, I wish a vampire would come and drain out my blood. Save all the trouble for dying.
It's like doing double deeds, I fed the vampire and I would stop living here in misery.

I wish to end my miserable life once and for all.

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