Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Red Day.

Heyya! Guess what? It's CNY eve.! Spend half the day cleaning! Now my room's CLEAN and it smells so nice! I woke up 10-ish and start off the day with brushing my teeth with my colgate toothbrush and synsodyne toothpaste. And ate the Daim almond cake that's from Ikea! Hmm~ Delicious! And off I go to clean my messy room! My dad rearranged the bed and my study table. I mean, well - the whole room? He told me that my bed area was really messy as all my clothes fell under the bed and end up creating a nest of clothes under my bed! Covered with dust FYI. My bra and panties hoodies shirt and pants and skirt! xD Laugh all you want.

Ngyahaa. Eat that. And my books? They are completely covered with dust. Interesting hmm? Anyways, after all the springcleaning and the shoe-washing drama that happened between my brother and my mum. (PSH. Trust me, you wouldn't wanna know. It's too embarrassing.) I wash my own shoes! Besides the fact that I do, we went out with our grandparents. Had dinner at a restaurent. Guess what? The food tasted like crap to me. No offence. I mean yea to the food. But it completely sucked! I just stuffed mushrooms in my mouth and smiled. Can't ditch this dinner. Reunion dinner.

Went mid valley after the dinner. Bought socks and bra. Wait. I bought a pajama pants from F.O.S. Comfy maa! And fluffy slippers. It's purple!. Mum threw my old pair away! Oh well, mum bought a pair of PJs.

Most of the shops were closed. It was like a ghost town just now. How akward.! But oh well. Went grocery shopping at Jusco and bought plenty! Although I didn't get ice-cream(curse the cough!). Gulp shandy. Mum gave me her angry look cuz I wasn't suppose to drink.. at all.

My little cousin from China arrived to this world on 8.2.2010. We're still thinking of his name. But I already have an english name for him already ; Lennox Lee! Isn't it nice? It's special. I want something that starts with a 'L' since his sister's name is Libby. Though he's in the hospital now. In China. Far far away.

Ham Sup guy asking me to show him my bra! I'd whack him kao kao when I see his face.

OMFG, CNY and Valentines day in 8 minutes!
7 minutes
6 mintues
5 minutes
4 minutes
3 minutes
2 minutes..


Chinese New Year and Valentines day is HERE!
Wishing everyone a happy Chinese New Year and have a lovely Valentines day!!

OIKS! Dunnot forget my angpow! and Valentines day present!!

Just joking :D

Awesome! Well, I love you guys who reads my blog and well.. BLESS YOU GUYS! sorry for my bloody weird english!

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