Saturday, February 27, 2010

A little bit of sugar.

I wish my hair would grow longer. Like THIS INSTANT. Don't they sell like, instant- hair growing powder in saloon or anything? PSH! Have some sympathy for those who have ugly hair. Like me.): Cutting it was a mistake. NOT cutting it IS also a mistake. So, what should I do? SHAVE BALD? No way! I look nerdy! Thank you, PSH. I still have not figured out what's PSH, but it sounds so fun! I mean, like kiasu! It's fun to say too. Kiasu. HAHA.

Yes.I don't get what this typical chinese dude wants to tell me. I don't know what he wanna tell me but his English is quite funny and I really have no idea. He's kinda annoying me. Kept asking me crap on fb. I have unfinished work to do): I have like 7 karangans.
Dear, LittleIan. Always remember how much your big sis loves you! Please stay as cute as you are right now! You're 1 now. A grown kid;D Dun pick up fight with Jay. Cuz I think you might lose. But, I'd be on your side. Honest(: Lots of love, Jane.

We celebrated his birthday at Pizza Hut. Yes, the pizzas were good. I stuffed myself with Pizzas and soup. Hmm. A whole bunch of kids were running here and there until Wayne(Jay and Ian's other cousin) vomited.! I was like whoaaaa! He just ate ice-cream! His mum was like screaming, GO TO THE TOILET! STOP RUNNING! I was like staring at Rick and he wanted to giggle. UHUH. Ian was a bundle of joy. He giggled and sang. Danced and laugh. I loved him.

Yes, I'm talking to Aly. He made me laugh(: Weee. Please, godma, don't see everything like, in the badside. It's nothing of what you think just because I'm talking to a guy=P

Adam Lambert's super uberly HOT! He's so smexy! His mtvs are super hot. I don't even care if he's gay. He's a HOT GAY. Even Rick thinks so, too! I mean, well, not in a gay way. Cuz he ain't gay. He's too straight!

So You Think You Can Dance?

Dad's addicted to SIMS 3! And I'm addicted to the Darren Shan saga!! It's awesome. I can finish one book in like, one day. WOOTS. I'm gonna get the whole set and no one's gonna stop me.


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