Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It's sweet to know that someone did something meaningful for you

LOL. Can you believe it? One gone but another 2 came. Well, I found out a guy from my class and another from form 4. Noob! How could they like a girl like me? I'm nothing special. And well, I'm actually quite touched that the guy from my class made a bottle of stars for me. I never thought that he would like me. Come on laa~~ He usually picks on me. And well, he told me he has a crush on me for 2 months! WOW. Anyways, the form 4 guy is those type of guys, you know.. in those really bad class. 'Bad boy' type. Bad words. Soooo, not into him. He keeps texting me.. non-stop and i did not reply sometimes.

Ignorance(: Well, it's been so long since I've blogged. I have noo mood to blog(: Well, I have no i idea what to blog now. Exams SUCKEDD! I am the 2nd highest for english(: First paper 37/40 and 2nd paper 45/50. Dipshit(: I'm the highest for paper 2! Yippeee! Hehe.. So, anyway, the rest was average. But, still kinda bad. Well, Atleast I past Sejarah.(: Well, Im praying for my B.M marks. If I fail B.M I'd be going to 2K straight.

Well, Not that love is really blind, but blind enough for me to fall into a big hole. Hehe.. trying to get up is hard though. So, lookin on the bright side.. I have no idea. So, a friend of mind was asking me to publish a book, since I like to write so much. Well, I can't. I have no idea and well, my grammars, appostrophies are bad! Hehe.. So BORED> My blog's much more shorter and boring-er. Hehe..

Well, I've watched Jennifer's Body Haha! It was gross and sick. But the guy was kinda cute. Needy's cute. Amanda Seyfreind was awesome. Megan Fox was scary and her character in the show change my point of view towards her. xD well, Got to go(: Have no idea what to blog though

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