Friday, November 20, 2009


Holidays are here, summer is near. Gaah! Poetry! Get out of my mind! Hehe anyways, just want to say Happy Holidays! Haha.. So school was normal just that it's the last day of school and I have a pimple. Gross!! And we still have to some lame spot check thanks to those 1Cempaka guys who played their handphones when the headmistress was doing her roundings. Gosh.. Tiring. I caught his fingernails as it was really long.

So, after school we went to Mid Valley. Me, Grace, Nicholas, Chow Yit, Chuan Hong, Ann & Nicholas' friend. Hehe.. We watched 2012! It was frigging awesome! Hehe.. though it was like 2 hours and 45 mins. It was great. Really touching. Ann mearly cried. Haha we shared seats. Well, we went to the gardens cinema. It was like 20 bucks kinda expensive but worthy though.

I want to paint my nails. Do I have time? And well, putting strips of pink fake hair. Sounds fun. I don't know what to do.! I hate my white nail polish! I wanna get a new nail plish. Black?

Oh my gawd! I'm trying to make sense out of this ghost movie I'm watching!! It has no sense. It's so wierd you know? A little girl.. 2 men. 2 women wanna kill each other. Illusions. Wierd and lame show. Both killing each other. Akward. And now a guy's dragging another guy with a string in the swimming pool. Yak yak yeak...

I'm scared of dropping class next year. I couldn't study in a bad class. Hehe.. Kill me instead! xD. Ann's crazy over the enormous sized Domo-kun! Lii-chan thinks so too.!

♥ Janey.

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