Friday, November 27, 2009


Part 1: On the Outside.
Name: Jane Lee Yoke Chi-Cheng
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Dark brown more to black
Righty of Lefty: Righty

Part 2: On the Inside.
Date of Birth: 15 June 1996
Current Status: Depressed and Unhappy
Your Heritage: Chinese
Your Fear: Getting Heart-broken again and again
Your Weakness: HIM

Part 3: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Your thoughts first waking up: It's 9.. Been crying all night
Your bedtime: 12 or later
Your most missed memories: Gawd, You're asking me? Being together with him.

Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke:Coke
McD or Burger King:McD
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Lipton Tea.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Capucinno or Coffee: Capucinno

Part 5: Do you..
Smoke: Nope
Curse: Yeah

Part 6: In the Past Month.
Drank alcohols: Yeah.
To the mall:Obviously
Been on stage: Absolutely
Eaten sushi: LIKE YEAH
Dyed your hair: Nope, want to..

Part 7: Have you ever?
Played a stripping game: Never
Changed who you were to fit in: I don't know.

Part 8: Age.
You're hoping to get married: No hopes on that

Part 9: In a Guy/ Girl
Best Eye Colour: Dark brown/blue?
Hair Colour: Anything(:
Long hair or Short Hair: Short. Too long will look like a sissy

Part 10: What were you doing?
1 minute ago: Thinking of the past, blogging
An hour ago: Emo-ing my ass off
1 month ago: Crying my eyes off
1 year ago: Noobing

Part 11: Finish the Sentences.
JUST DO IT, lick my lollipop

Part 12: Tag 10 People
Synn Yi
Sze Yie
Zuee (again)

Part 13: List out 5 presents you wish.
A time machine
More wishes
A better love life xD

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