Sunday, January 31, 2010

He wasn't.

I hated my self-consious brother. Just now. And my sister who embarrassed me in public.

I smacked her arm and she hitted me back. I got abused! Just joking. My brother made me turn red infront of his band and I got so pissed off I ran out of the room. I heard HJ saying 'Come on lah- give her a break!'. Dad was mad at him too. Jeez, he should know that he's a mental geek who's over-self-centered. I felt like blowing my mind for an intsant.

I shouted. It was not a dare. I'm such an asshole! Well, I'm the big sister, I should forgive her. And I did.

Typically, Alphonsus gave me like 6 papers to do since he'd be away for 2-3 weeks I guess? I hope so! He was critisizing the way I played the piano. How upsetting. xD He giggled at me!


I heard the original version of Adam Lambert's Mad World. Made me laugh. So hard! I rolled on the floor! But it's nice. Haha.

I wish I was an ameoba. Is that how you spell it? They look cool.! Mum's feelin anxious because I ain't folding my clothes. I gave her the akward look. And I bet she thinks I'm a 14 year old weirdo. But yet she loves me. Maybe I'm adopted. Not. Because I'm tan-like my dad and I look like my mum when she was young. So, nope. Definetely came out from my mum. 100% from my mum. xD Sounds wrong! Jason Mraz is a fast singer. I don't get him. What he's singing. Babbler? But cool!

Mental disorder- another word for it is? Sakit mental or SESAT (: I looked at him today. I think back- why did I ever liked him? Or them? They look ugly. They never do me good so why should i shed tears for them? I'm retarded. Yeah I am. Whatever.

I'm watching disaster date! Awesome! Hilarious and cracks me up. So badly. Well, tata xD

JANEY( psh. Black text today)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jealousy.. causes death

I wanna die. Sometimes. When one comes, two comes along. Then 3.. I bet. When someone tells me he has feelings for me.. I will end up miserable. And another guy coming say he's jealous. F*CK. It's like an effing KOREAN DRAMA!! I don't like it. I don't like either of them.. I'm sorry to say. Guy one's friendly and nice but, he's like a best friend! And guy two... I don't like him.. I wanna say no but it's hard. I keep saying, I don't wanna couple now- it doesn't work.! I wanna tell people I'm not shallow. I don't accept people this easily. I chatted with Jason today. He gave me brotherly advice.. maybe? I lied to him about something. I feel bad. But it just slipped out.

I'm listening to Avril's emo songs. 'Typicaly' Yuet Nam was like, CHILL. I took his ugly advice. He's gonner kill me for this. :D

When you're having a break-up, emo songs will be played on the radio. When someone died, emo songs will be on the radio. When I'm happy, emo songs will be on too. I'm drinking mummy's Jolly Shandy. Bought a pair of jeans, Nice! A little tight but still's okey.

MUM'S ASKING ME TO SLEEP! It's a horrible world! Where parents tell you to sleep early when it's only 11.30. Well, I'd just stop blogging for now.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Say no?

I felt like crying today. Grandpa hit his head on the glass door like two times! I didn't see the other side of the door, which was closed and well, we went straight to it! He was holding a padlock and he was LOOKING for it. And he bang onto the glass door. First time was a shock. The second was a bigger one! His forehead was bleeding. It's not bleeding very badly but still, seeing him like that makes me feel.. BAD. )

I tried to calm down when I recieved a text from someone. He told me he like me. I was like wtf..? Big shock! The first one to know was Divyaa. Cuz she's with me. And I was like (dropped jaw)*GASPS* I couldn't believe it until now. I told Vee><><'

School was bloody boring. Duty sucks. Lucky enough to have one day holiday next week. I wanna do rebonding. My hair turns ugly everytime after I wash my hair. It looks like a giant afro. Dry and ugly. Mum's trying to bring me but she's always busy. I can't demand. Have to earn and wait.

I'm joining cheerleading. Form 1s are noobs mann, sorry to say.

Addicted to Avril lavigne's old songs. It's awesome. I could express myself in her songs.
. Haha.. So catchy. Me likey!

I love singing. I don't know why. Dancing's okey too. Just need a little more people so that we could start a class(for my age). I wanna dance. Cuz I'm not flexible. I wanna join cheerleading. But I'm not a good dancer. NOT.


He wasn't what I wanted what I thought no
He wouldn't even open up the door
He never made me feel like I was special
he isn't really what I'm looking for..

He wasn't - Avril Lavigne!

Nights people!
Signing Off : Janey(:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Men.. WoMen.

Girls can do what guy do. Agree? I do. Guys are strong, so are we(girls). I think I can do what guys does.. Well, beside the fact of stand-peeing and uhm.. they don't have to labour, we're the same! Beside the fact that we can't touch people on their tits. Okey, I'm gonna stop being 'bad' now. I really love the fact that we could punch guys but they can't beat us xD I would always hit Lucas and go, LUCAS! KNUCLE PUNCH and he would knuckle me.

We went hitting Havi today. Dixon was like..'PESTA HAVI' and everyone went punching him and hitting and he was on the ground crouching. He has bad attitude problem. I have no idea anyways, all I could think of now is.. nothing.

Mum and dad went out with Marsha. I can't eat ice-cream. This sucks.

Im bored.

I could sing! For IU! Wootsie!

English was lame. The teacher made us pass up books and ask us to take it back. RETARDED! She loves scolding us for no reason so, I don't know what we did. SPAM. So retarded. Watching 'The day the Earth stood still' It's awesome. I like the fact where the guy can cure people. And he's brave. xD well, can't say no if an alien likes you pfft! Haha just joking..

Anyways, dancing lessons will soon be held at De Musique Box! Who's interested in it please contact me/call or my cbox/facebook too! If you guys are interested in like, any type of dance, just contact me.

Tata for now! Janey here(:

Friday, January 22, 2010


The saddest thing happened. Daniel Phua past away. I'm not 100% sure about the reason but it's just sad! He's so young! And though I don't know him, well, I've seen him before still.. it's sad. Anyways, I saw people crying and that made me felt so emotional. Sze Yie and I nearly teared. Her face was red and my eyes were full of tears. Well, he's so young. Well, God bless you. I can't think of anything else.

I don't wanna go to school tomorrow!! It's frigging useless! They're making exams(which's not important. They don't count in anything.) so that everyone would go to school.=.= It's so cheesy!! I wanna scream ! It's super cheesy! I don't wanna get scolded like infront of the whole world by the headmistress! It's so HARD! I don't know.. I don't wanna go to school on Monday and suddenly she'd say ; I wanna see all the students who did not come on SATURDAY!

I'm superduper dead! I have 2 dead choices. Both.Dead.Choices!! I think I should go.. well- that leads to trouble to my parents. They have to work and fetch me. Don't go- HELLO HEADMISTRESS. I don't HAVE a choice. I'm gonna go crazy. Thanks to everyone. WHY DO WE NEED SCHOOL ON SATURDAY?

My text is in BLACK today.. tata =.=

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Who doesn't like this new show called GLEE? I can't wait to watch it right after American Idol later! Anyways, I didn't go to school today! Mum woke me up checking on me and well, dad said I should stay home. WEE>< CNY shopping. HAHA, you must be thinking 'Hey, I thought you were sick!? Why are you still shopping?!' Well, it's because, mummy was free! Anyways, I bought.. clothes xD BLA BLA. I'm bored!! Life's effing boring when everything's grey. I want COLOURS in it. But all my colours were scrubbed of by some lame jerk.

My brother told me a lame joke. Never laughed.

He's randomly insane, I miss him! Actually, will! Haha. Haha. Haha. I want American Idol sooo badly! GLEE TOO!


So bored. When I go back to school tomorrow, I bet I'm gonner get piles of homework! Geo, Sej, BM, Eng.. GAWD! Kill me with a gun! Yeehaaww. I want a fairy god mother! I WANT WISHES! Or a wishing well :D I would wish for a better voice and well, a bigger house and more toilets that smells like flowers!! Dreams come true!

I love Matt Nathanson's, Come on get Higher! It's so awesome! OH and Jason Castro's Fall in love again! My brother's so annoyed with lovesongs since HE is having LOVE problems! Haha, joking! Maybe not.


Well, I better stop blogging!

Signing Off : Janey♥

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Welcome, no one!

OMG>< sore-throat, mixed with flu and cough. Not to forget my terrible diahreo* (How do you spell it?)! I slept in the car. Slept after a few bites of my mii in the kopitiam. I had to numer there! Gross =.= Waited for the doctor to come. Felt so so so cold! The cold feeling was terrible. I had to wear my sleeping-jacket to the doctor(PSH, that means no jacket tonight): ) The doc gave me cough syrup. TASTED LIKE CRAP =.= And my dad forced me to drink like, 3 different types of herbal tea. Two was good, the last one's crap too. I shouldn't say that but, I really don't like it! I got home, changed, SLEEP. SLEEP. And SLEEP. Nothing else. Too tired and sick. And I texted Matt, guess what?

Jeez>< grandma and grandpa came. With Jay and Ian. Ian was having flu too. He was crying and crying. Waving his tiny hands up and down so that he would be carried. I was warned not to carry him but I didn't care.. Just did >< He stopped crying and smiled! See? I'm so good! xD.. NOT.? I wanted to die. I was shaky and I had to run to the toilet so many times. After my toilet journey, I went out with my parents and stuff. I was praying that my tummy won't act up while I was out. It didn't! Anyways, I didn't talk much.

I miss you guys too>< I LOVE YOU GUYS!Can't believe I'm form 2.! I don't wanna grow up! NONO! Well, it's life so can't do anything to it. Anyways, have you guys heard about the incident about the Dragon Boat? It was so sad. My mum almost cried. She warned my brother to becareful! And he was like.. 'arh.. okok=.='

According to you
I'm stupid I'm useless
I can't do anything right
But according to him
I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head..

Orianthi- According to You.

Don't you love an amazing song? Who doesn't?

I think that's it for today. I don't know what else to blog and I have not pack my bag xD Needless to say, nor have I slept!I want dinner! But, mum's still folding clothes. Dad's on his laptop playing his racing game going pyu pyu pyu pyu pyu pyu and stuff! Rick's studying, would probably go disturb him later. Not in the mood to mess with my sister today, don't want her go bashing my soft toys up later >< My fellow readers.

Signing off: Janey

Friday, January 15, 2010

Leg crack.

You know why guys are such jerk sometimes? They could yell at you eventhough you're saying something NICE to them D: I don't mean to be harsh but typical guys are just so stupid and unreasonable. I'm typing this for a friend. She's heartbroken. Anyways, I'm just so sorry for her. I know how she feels.

School today was.. Sucky! The science lab's like renowating and we have to step on stepping stones. Wee =.='' I have not finish my literature! Haha, The Phantom of The Opera. Kinda boring.. as in the book ><

I haven't blog for days. Sorry, just a few days and I ran out of ideas of what to blog. I was in 2K today, the guys were horrible. But they WERE funny. I tried so hard not to laugh! They were trying to act like gangsters to me but when I shouted at them they were like 'Oke oke, solly solly!' then they sat down again and talked in their madly manner! In art class, we drew apples! And shaded alittle. I got a B!! A B!!!!!! That proves how bad I am in drawing - apples! I took Havi's pencil since he was like.. grr, whatever.

Gee, I woke up so blur knowing mummy was going to work already. She asked me to do the laundry but I forgotten. Completely! And well, I dressed up and went to Mid Valley. Guess what? Today was my day with Matt. Well, we actually wanted to go bowling but sadly, many people and well, I didn't feel like it suddenly so, we went off to Gardens to get tickets for Alvin and The Chipmunks 2. Surprisingly, it's good! Thanks, Matt for treating me ice-cream and the awesome movie! Get ready to get back a nice present from me! Anyhow, we walked around and stuff until my guitar class. Meli was at the shop and well, not much talking between them. So, we walked out as my mum told me there're 2 students waiting so I went out with Matt and Melissa. We went McDonalds as I have to buy my brother his food.

I did as he told me (FYI, he treats me like a bloody maid.) and went back to shop. I went back and guess what I got yelled at? Forgetting theCOKE! So I have to walk from one end to another end. On my way there, I asked Matt for a piggy back ride and he gave me a 10 second one. I got down because, I think I'm FAT! xD Anyways, Meli got me a drink as we walked past the candy cart :D My leg hurts. And we went back. Haha, Bob was like 'GRR'ing at me for not practising. Haha, I wanna get new thinner strings for my guitar as it hurt my fingers.

Mum told me great news. Dr.Alan (student's dad) told my mum that he heard me sing. He thought it was good so.. well, long story. Hmm.. If it DOES come true, probably I'd blog it out.. Not now! D: Anyways, Rick asked if I wanted to sing for TD's IU day, obviously it's a YES rights? Haha, yeppy-dy-yep-yep! He wanted me to sing a LedZeplin song, I say no thanks! xD

Internet sucks.!! And I'm trying to put photos into my laptop! Too many new photos! Trying.. trying.. FAILED! Shall try tomorrow.

I'm sleepy..

Tata :D

Janey (:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


If you people wanna critisize, go *%&$ yourself then only come talk to me! First of all, if you don't know me, get the hell out of my life and quit messing with me you bastards! I never asked any of you losers to comment any of my post on facebook and treat me as dirt in school. There are much better things to do then messing around with other people. I really hate how loser guys pushes me around. You could push other people. No Physical CONTACTS! So get effed up out of my way! I despite the fact that a loser came up to me and taped a frigging paper on my back. Why don't you just get lost! And Bryan for pushing me. Not just that, those loser guys from those bad classes loves to mess with me. So I didn't talk after school while waiting for my grandpa to come fetch me. I don't wanna talk. Synn, Vee and Chee Wong was asking if I was okey. They tried to cheer me up but I didn't smile. At all! I had the worst day in 2010. As far as I know...

My brother's acting like a gay. Either he's a real homo or he's just making me laugh. He's trying to deco a pair of shoes for his gf on Valentines day. I shouldn't blog it out but well, she'll never check what I'm typing so, whateverD: I don't think I have a valentine this year, well, what am I talking about? I don't have one for the past 13 years already. So why bother?
I'd either be buying myself a rose or just shooting myself with a gun.


My life sucks. I'm off to dinner. Nothing special for dinner. A plate of rice with chicken floss and beans and also a bottle of POP. Literally, I feel like a big asshole.

Amatures. Stupid google Chrome. I had a die hard time. My brother's in my room violin-ing. I have nothing else to blog.. Hmm.. Cherios.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Trucker on Tuesday

I looked at my watch and said 'HOLLY MAMA! It's this late?! Where's daddy?!' And Synn was like, my aunt's gonner kill me xD Yipes!! Not my fault that he's late, ma' dear. I got home and showered quickly since my dad is rushing to go off. Leaving me and dear sister at home *sigh*. I have alot of homework, but since daddy's out, I'm secretly going online :D Love me for that. Anyways, the new pathways for recess was a real mess! It's terrible. Haha, and Muthukumar does NOT do anything. I feel so retarded. It's like, us, prefects are shouting like mad while the students do.. absolutely nothing! Well, exept for making noise. I wanna kill Matt again! Is he ever gonner reload?! I bought the card for him already.
Matt, if you're reading this, Im gonner SKIN YOU ALIVE D:

New guy in class, BIG DEAL! He's a masa-leh. Just read it laaahs. xD I don't know how to type it out here xD Anyways, he's like brunette but a malay! How weird is THAT? Havi kept talking about Sue Zenn. It was hilarious, though I still hate him because of what happened that day. I'm so tired!

I have a very cute domo-doll! (: Thanks Melissa! And now, I'm getting a domo-phonebag! (: I'm going to be a domo-addict soon>< class="Apple-style-span" color="#999999">spreaded germs to me! Haha, tata now, dad's coming home now.

Will try to blog tonight:D

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Moody for Monday

Tomorrow's school day. *sobs* I don't wanna go to SCHOOL!! Grr.. I'm waiting for Alice in The Wonderland to come out. I hope it comes out like.. during this week cuz I wanna catch it with Matt before he goes back. GRR. It's in March. And I soo wanna see Ju-On!! But it's like 18pl. Demmit!!Now I'm planning to watch Paranormal Activities.! It's 13pl (: WEEE! I so wanna see some weird movie! Grr.. I'm a cheerleader again. Hope I won't fall on my back again D: or else I'd be ending up in the Hospital again on a wheelchair! xD I'd becareful! Cuz, VEEVIEN'S a CHEERLEADER!! OMG! Can you believe it? Sorry Vee for posting it up here. It's a MUST! Jeez, my blog's soo lame!

I Like Barney. Don't you? Say yess! I do I do(: Anyways, Brick by Boring Brick from Paramore is soo awesome! And well, same thing, I couldn't stop annoying my brother by singing OwlCity songs x.x HE wanted to shred me into pieces. Speaking of pieces, I'm learning Edelwiess from the sound of music.. (have no idea how to spell it) it's soo nice! I told Alphy that I don't wanna learn boring songs on Piano cuz I don't really like it and I don't wanna take exams on Piano. So YAY Edelwiess! (: If I could play the whole song before concert, I'd play it for CONCERT :D

Sorry, My text today's in grey (: Janey(:

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Chicken RUN

Dinner with those aunties was hell. Alot of insults were flying through everywhere. I was throwing peanuts into the sky trying to catch it with my mouth. Guess what?! I caught 7 out of many many peanuts xD HAHA>< class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: large;">ear-piercings for the whole 20 minutesxD I was like 'Giiiimmme back my phoooneee!! xD Please I begyou!!' and she read my message! It was from Jian, they were like ooooing and aaaing. Embarrasing. It was raining the whole time. The whole evening, through the night and stuff, I feel so cold. I had to wear jumper. I keep sneezing. I need special hugs!

I'd kill Barney if I had to.. I love it too muchx.x. Kids shouting and running everywhere and stuff. Looking at Barney's fake expressions makes me giggle. GIGGLEEEEYY>< class="Apple-style-span" style="color:#FF99FF;">gumdropsong xD Haha mad people dancing around and around. Wee.. I'm a mad girl.

Jason was critisizing me about Josh! GRR!! I told him he was fat. And so he was ><>Madd people dancing everywhere.

Let's just make things clear.. Barney's not just for kids..
It's for me too.
I love his expression-less eyes. xD I feel so random. Matt's going back to Australia soon.. Gonner miss him xD SHH(: Can't wait the next time he comes back.. haha I told him it's a MUST to find me when he comes back next time.

I have to go now.. Barney's about to go off now xD Janey(:

Start the bleeping.

So, it's a Saturday. Weee~ I'm stuck at the shop doing theory and homework. Back to normal. No more holidays and stuff): Sadd.. Well, he gave me too much work but blame me, sadly, I didn't do anything. So, blames on me! (: I'm such an insomniac sometimes. Things got really looney between rice and noodles! xD I chose curry rice(: With my favourite vege, Spicy Kangkung!! Taste like heaven. Theory seems forever to be finished.

GRR! I'm looking forward to get Converse sneakers! But my mum's said it's too expensive. So sad!! I told her that I could save up money and buy them myself. But, unfortunately, she gave me a big NO. ): I want red converse shoes!! Or black. Or maybe GREEN! xD Haha, Or pink? Ai-yaaah~ Doesn't matter what colour, I just need a pair of sneakers(: Life is boring. Real boring. I wanna eat Gelatisimo's Forest Berry Yoghurt ice-cream!! It's so good! And expensive): I just had a cup yesterday. It's so good that I refuse to share with my sister, well, she had her own cup! Biscutti or something. Taste weird. I'm much of a berry person><

I kept doodling the word 'JOSH(hutcherson)' on my testpad. I'm crazy. BORED. I'm wearing a frigging skirt. It's tight, and I'm such a tomboy I hate skirts. Could barely breathe in it.><
- 5 minutes later-
It's all about Notes Notes NOTES!! YAWWWN! I have it! Looks like beansprouts! Grr! =.= So bored. xD

I love the bubbly cute song from Owl City! ♥ But, no one could beat Josh Hutcherson'scuteness! Hehe I better finish my theory(: Later guys! Love you!♥

Friday, January 08, 2010

Brick by boring Brick.

Eff you! These 3 days of school was bloody miserable. Lately, it's like, no one's chatting much with me. I need to TALK to LIVE. I texted Matt but he never replied. FOR DAYS!! GRR.. School was super boring. I just realized that all the first classes gets all the GOOD and NICE teachers and yea, Hui Lim finally stopped making me feel mega-stupid and dumb. Yippee): I feel so emotional today. My brother went out with HIS girlfriend. I was being annoying, typically! I do like her shoes! Though, they are PINK - I like them! It rainned heavily during school today. I got blammed for writing down Havi's duty time LATE. He DID came late! What do you expect me to write? 10.10?! He's 5 minutes LATE! I feel like grumpy these week. I feel exhausted all the time. I get super bored all the time during class and well, all I did was, SULK! I texted people but they never replied. MATT! I swear, I ain't going bowling with you anymore! =.= So pissed off.

I told my friends I'm soo INLOVE with Josh Hutcherson. He's super cute! but, still pissed. My brother's playing his Band vid on Fb.. So loud><grandparents came to Mid Valley to have dinner with us(: E-Jay and my cute cute Ian boiicame along. (FYI, Ian's the cuter one><> I put baby Ian in it! He was soo cute!! People who walked past, in and out was like staring and laughing and saying 'OMG, So cute!' and a group of people went taking pictures of HIM! OMG rights?! He was too cute! Giggling and jumping. His happy face makes me happy(: Too cute. He was waving his hands asking me to carry him. Gaaah, he has gain weight!! My baby brother(:

I forgive you, Matt! But, you owe me now! Buahahaha! Despite the fact that I could reload for you, it's ok.xD GAH! I didn't do my theory! I'm soo gonner get skinned alive. I love the song Fireflies from OwlCity. Though, I don't get why did he put himself as OWLCITY as he's a solo-ist. HAHA><
lemme get the lyrics paste into my brain, I'd be singing it all the time!!

Cherios(: ♥ Janey

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

School on 2010

1st day of school~ 4th/1/10 Monday
Gee.. I woke up at 6.08 am. Wore my contacts and brushed my teeth and I couldn't open my eyes.. Not as usual! Because it's extra early and I slept late. Anyways, can you believe that it's 2010? It feels as if it was still 2009.. Like it was yesterday. Haha anyways, I got dressed up for school and everything ready and off I went to school.. Yet I was late to clock in): Seniors were all, 'You're LATE!' So I went off to put my bag in the canteen and went to the hall to do duty. Form 1s were too many.. too TOO many! I saw a pair of twins. Well, it's great to see many familiar faces as some told me they were leaving school.. Excuse me.. I can see your face! Hahas, so, a teacher came in and started reading names! It was for Form 2s. I heard my name in the Form 2 Bakawali, I was relieved that I didn't drop but a little dissapointed for not going up. But well, many people dropped calss so I'm okay, I guess? I had a very tiring day after school. I finally got my exercise books and the line infront of the bookshop was so so SO long! I got it intime before recess. I got home and I skipped Violin. My teacher had to rush off to some place. What a DAY(:

2nd day of school ~ 5/1/10 Tuesday
I woke up with the same dull sleepy eyes and brush my teeth with my eyes close. I changed into my ugly uniform (PSH, it's over-sized and ugly!) and got ready. Again! I was late! Demmit.. I'm gonna get screwed if I continue to be as late as this. No teacher.. still! Class was soo noisy! I slept in class and woke up every 15 minutes. I was so tired! RIING goes the bell. After recess our english teacher came in and started swapping our places. It was annoying. No one likes her. She just loves to make people feel miserable. She changed almost everyone's place but mine and some other guys' place. So, I'm still sitting with Hui Lim. As soon as English was over and teacher left everyone got up and went back to where they were sitting. And guess what she came back! And everyone just stood there, STONED! Soon, school was over. YAY! Went mid valley yek yeak! xD

I'm too bored. No one's talking to me!! I changed back to prepaid now! Weee!! But now, I can't crazy sms!! ): Boohoo! I tried to do the super sms thingy but I just, don't know. So I asked someone and he told me he don't know. So, I ask another person and HE told me no more!! I was like.. GASP! xD I copied the GASP from Matt><

My sister wants to get a rabbit after the house is done. But I want a PUPPY!! What do you think? I'm going to put up a poll and people, please vote! (: I so so want a dog but I live in a condo. A rabbit's so BORING!
Puppies are cute and well, just much better than rabbits!


Sunday, January 03, 2010

Little did I know..

Little did I know.. that I was an asshole.
Little did I know.. I gave you my heart.
Little did I know.. I thought you were so cute.
Little did I know.. You were a waste of time to me.

Watching Spongebob! It's so cute! Anyways, my mum's cousin sister's getting married now. Anyways, tomorrow's schoolday! Keep it small, if you know what I mean. I want to know which class I'm going!! So badly!! I don't wanna drop! Cuz, imma gonna get screwed.!! Well, looking at all those lovely couples, I'm envying. xD Haha.. My time will come.. no rush xD AHA

I've gotta work out on my vocals.. Im so bad at it now.
My brother's criticizing my singing after-all
. I have a guy voice that sounds like crap. True! I feel upsetx.x

I'm anxious! A new year, but I still feel the same. JEE! My hair just won't grow! It's like.. SHORT. I'm a pshycopath =.= no one could help xD

Well, signing off, Janey..

Saturday, January 02, 2010


I feel so old): It is 2010. Time flies so fast that I don't realize that I'm THIS old. Anyways, I was over at Matt's house for countdown :D (PSH, his house's so HUGE)! Met his friendly cousins but one of them was like an asshole with a pen stuck up his ass. Anyways, we were playing truth or dare, it was mumbo-jumbo. Jeez, have no idea what to say anymore..

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wishing you guys a LATE new year(: Haha, atleast I'm not heartless(:

Colour me bright!! Love ya people!

Ying Yang Yo

You're a suckup(: EAT SHYT. Do click :D

My darling..

I wanna say, EFF BLOGSPOT. I blogged something nice and it turned out missing! =.= never blogging here):

I blogged about my New Year's Eve on OnSugar