Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Welcome, no one!

OMG>< sore-throat, mixed with flu and cough. Not to forget my terrible diahreo* (How do you spell it?)! I slept in the car. Slept after a few bites of my mii in the kopitiam. I had to numer there! Gross =.= Waited for the doctor to come. Felt so so so cold! The cold feeling was terrible. I had to wear my sleeping-jacket to the doctor(PSH, that means no jacket tonight): ) The doc gave me cough syrup. TASTED LIKE CRAP =.= And my dad forced me to drink like, 3 different types of herbal tea. Two was good, the last one's crap too. I shouldn't say that but, I really don't like it! I got home, changed, SLEEP. SLEEP. And SLEEP. Nothing else. Too tired and sick. And I texted Matt, guess what?

Jeez>< grandma and grandpa came. With Jay and Ian. Ian was having flu too. He was crying and crying. Waving his tiny hands up and down so that he would be carried. I was warned not to carry him but I didn't care.. Just did >< He stopped crying and smiled! See? I'm so good! xD.. NOT.? I wanted to die. I was shaky and I had to run to the toilet so many times. After my toilet journey, I went out with my parents and stuff. I was praying that my tummy won't act up while I was out. It didn't! Anyways, I didn't talk much.

I miss you guys too>< I LOVE YOU GUYS!Can't believe I'm form 2.! I don't wanna grow up! NONO! Well, it's life so can't do anything to it. Anyways, have you guys heard about the incident about the Dragon Boat? It was so sad. My mum almost cried. She warned my brother to becareful! And he was like.. 'arh.. okok=.='

According to you
I'm stupid I'm useless
I can't do anything right
But according to him
I'm beautiful, incredible
He can't get me out of his head..

Orianthi- According to You.

Don't you love an amazing song? Who doesn't?

I think that's it for today. I don't know what else to blog and I have not pack my bag xD Needless to say, nor have I slept!I want dinner! But, mum's still folding clothes. Dad's on his laptop playing his racing game going pyu pyu pyu pyu pyu pyu and stuff! Rick's studying, would probably go disturb him later. Not in the mood to mess with my sister today, don't want her go bashing my soft toys up later >< My fellow readers.

Signing off: Janey

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