Friday, January 15, 2010

Leg crack.

You know why guys are such jerk sometimes? They could yell at you eventhough you're saying something NICE to them D: I don't mean to be harsh but typical guys are just so stupid and unreasonable. I'm typing this for a friend. She's heartbroken. Anyways, I'm just so sorry for her. I know how she feels.

School today was.. Sucky! The science lab's like renowating and we have to step on stepping stones. Wee =.='' I have not finish my literature! Haha, The Phantom of The Opera. Kinda boring.. as in the book ><

I haven't blog for days. Sorry, just a few days and I ran out of ideas of what to blog. I was in 2K today, the guys were horrible. But they WERE funny. I tried so hard not to laugh! They were trying to act like gangsters to me but when I shouted at them they were like 'Oke oke, solly solly!' then they sat down again and talked in their madly manner! In art class, we drew apples! And shaded alittle. I got a B!! A B!!!!!! That proves how bad I am in drawing - apples! I took Havi's pencil since he was like.. grr, whatever.

Gee, I woke up so blur knowing mummy was going to work already. She asked me to do the laundry but I forgotten. Completely! And well, I dressed up and went to Mid Valley. Guess what? Today was my day with Matt. Well, we actually wanted to go bowling but sadly, many people and well, I didn't feel like it suddenly so, we went off to Gardens to get tickets for Alvin and The Chipmunks 2. Surprisingly, it's good! Thanks, Matt for treating me ice-cream and the awesome movie! Get ready to get back a nice present from me! Anyhow, we walked around and stuff until my guitar class. Meli was at the shop and well, not much talking between them. So, we walked out as my mum told me there're 2 students waiting so I went out with Matt and Melissa. We went McDonalds as I have to buy my brother his food.

I did as he told me (FYI, he treats me like a bloody maid.) and went back to shop. I went back and guess what I got yelled at? Forgetting theCOKE! So I have to walk from one end to another end. On my way there, I asked Matt for a piggy back ride and he gave me a 10 second one. I got down because, I think I'm FAT! xD Anyways, Meli got me a drink as we walked past the candy cart :D My leg hurts. And we went back. Haha, Bob was like 'GRR'ing at me for not practising. Haha, I wanna get new thinner strings for my guitar as it hurt my fingers.

Mum told me great news. Dr.Alan (student's dad) told my mum that he heard me sing. He thought it was good so.. well, long story. Hmm.. If it DOES come true, probably I'd blog it out.. Not now! D: Anyways, Rick asked if I wanted to sing for TD's IU day, obviously it's a YES rights? Haha, yeppy-dy-yep-yep! He wanted me to sing a LedZeplin song, I say no thanks! xD

Internet sucks.!! And I'm trying to put photos into my laptop! Too many new photos! Trying.. trying.. FAILED! Shall try tomorrow.

I'm sleepy..

Tata :D

Janey (:

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