Monday, January 11, 2010

Trucker on Tuesday

I looked at my watch and said 'HOLLY MAMA! It's this late?! Where's daddy?!' And Synn was like, my aunt's gonner kill me xD Yipes!! Not my fault that he's late, ma' dear. I got home and showered quickly since my dad is rushing to go off. Leaving me and dear sister at home *sigh*. I have alot of homework, but since daddy's out, I'm secretly going online :D Love me for that. Anyways, the new pathways for recess was a real mess! It's terrible. Haha, and Muthukumar does NOT do anything. I feel so retarded. It's like, us, prefects are shouting like mad while the students do.. absolutely nothing! Well, exept for making noise. I wanna kill Matt again! Is he ever gonner reload?! I bought the card for him already.
Matt, if you're reading this, Im gonner SKIN YOU ALIVE D:

New guy in class, BIG DEAL! He's a masa-leh. Just read it laaahs. xD I don't know how to type it out here xD Anyways, he's like brunette but a malay! How weird is THAT? Havi kept talking about Sue Zenn. It was hilarious, though I still hate him because of what happened that day. I'm so tired!

I have a very cute domo-doll! (: Thanks Melissa! And now, I'm getting a domo-phonebag! (: I'm going to be a domo-addict soon>< class="Apple-style-span" color="#999999">spreaded germs to me! Haha, tata now, dad's coming home now.

Will try to blog tonight:D

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