Friday, October 09, 2009

Unbelievable Facts.

Day 5 Dying.
Can you believe it? I still cried for him? He don't even bother about me! I saw him today.. but guess what people? He pretended that he didn't see me at all.. Wow.. Jerk. I still like a jerk? OMG? I still cried for him? I'm so bloody shit stupid?! I don't know what am I going to do? I see him.. he ignores. Pretend I'm dead. I'm hopeless. So today, my brother had band. A friend arrived early. He knew about it. So, judging by my friggin stupid face. He could tell I was still bloody emo. My mum called me and asked me if i wanted anything to eat. I told her I wasn't hungry. Then she was like.. you sure? What happened to you?!Blaah Blaah.. Then he heard I didn't eat. Yeaap. =.= He dug out some Kit Kat and gave one bar to me. I told him I wasn't hungry. I only had a piece of break for breakfast! =.= It was like..9? And it was 2 then. I rejected the piece of Kit Kat still but he insisted. He was like. You hadn't ate anything since that early! Eat it! I just took it.. SWT! Mum bought me bread. SWT. I tried not to cry. I still thought of him. I got into trouble because of all these.

Mum was mad at me. Dad was too. I hid and cry but dad found out. But he didn't knew about all these. I got a hell of a scolding from my parents. Awesome.. Perfect. I cried more. Anymore cryings I'm gonner go blind. Yes.. I'd rather DIE. I didn't bother. My friends're there to support me.. but I'm letting them down.

Mosquitos are bitting my legs. Hope I'd get denggi. Bone pain. And have to get blood test. Needles poke in me. Atleast I'm not torturing myself as in suicide. Good idea. Haih..

Can you believe? He was so.. cold?! He pretended I wasn't there.=.= I wanted to go scream at him. But.. for what? He didn't bother.. means? 0 lo.. He doesn't like me also.? *sighs*

Went Kamdar with Melissa today. Felt some really nice fabrics. Thumbs up. But kinda expensive.. She wanted to treat me Baskin Robins' ice-cream but.. I wasn't in a mood for it. Her grandma was like.. Jane? You don't want? I was like.. uhmm no thanks? Yeesh.

I finish watching D.I.E in 3 days time. My mum finished it just yesterday. I was like.. swt? I'm watching 1 disc in 1 day. Sit until my back pain.=.= Kill me instead people!

Pain pain pain.. Stil got K.H work. Some drawings're still undone. I have to finish it now.. Cherio people.

Loves.. Janey. (still ):)

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