Monday, September 13, 2010

Shattered stars.

Did I put this picture before? :)

Moving in today was frigging exhausting.
But everything was worth it :)
My room is finally pretty~
Haha, my shelve is full of my crap cuz I don't have a study =P
My bedsheet's purple.
Everything's perfect :)
Hmm.. Yeou Yen came to help.
Didn't really talk to him.

ANYWAYS, During my this year before-school-started holiday
I folded a jar of stars. You know the big Ikea star-shaped jar.
I took off the lid to add in two more stars and I forgotten to close it back tightly
and guess what
I wanted to put my cds onto where the jar is so I took it up and SLIP the whole jar came smashing onto the floor.
All I can think of that time was my whole holiday went smashing on the floor.
I screamed.
Lucky enough the jar didn't came smashing onto my foot/feet.
But I was really upset.
All the things i did, the wishes I wished?
They're all gone.
All the stars. Shattered.
Sigh, the glass were shattered really badly and my parents rushed in.
Mom had a broom in her hand and dad? He was just rushing in to see if I was okay.
I got out of the mess safely.
While my mom was sweeping,
I sat there looking at all those stars and I thought, would WE end up like that?

Anyways, I cut myself with a tiny piece of glass.
It hurt really badly, but not as bad as the time when all the shit happened.
My foot feels better now.
I miss you..

That's all.
Thanks Dana :) for being there for me today.
Love you lots honey!!

Don't forget it,
I love you.

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