Friday, December 18, 2009

Tell me about it!

Thank you Divyaa for getting me those nice accesories from DIVA (: I love the LIPBALM BTW(: LOVE IT! AND THOSE FUNKY EARINGS(: It's for CHRISTMAS(: Had a terrible/ then-not-so-bad day. I woke up 10-ish brushed my teeth. Having a toothache and then tried to wear my contacts but my left eye hurts so badly it turned red and started tearing! OUCH.! So I took it off and wore glasses instead.

I was bored. Nothing to do. Was texting Jian. and Matt later. Had dinner at some random place near coldstorage. My sister spilled soy sauce! She screamed and everone looked at us.! EMBARRASING!

Butterflies): EMBARRASING! JIAN TAGGED ME SOME PROM PICTURES AND I LOOKED EXTREMELY UGLY IN IT!~ GRR!! DEMMIT. I'm almost as tall as Jin Chuan :D I'm FAMOUS! Gee, perasanxD Haha.. well, alot of ppl started adding me on msn/facebook xD haha weird?

Have no idea what else to blog hmmm:) Later peeps!

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