Thursday, December 03, 2009

Tres Amigos(::

Andre's watching New Moon with me today. Buahaha. Can't wait to see him. And torture him.
*Evil Grin.*
Joking(: Anyway, he wants Mid Valley's cinema and I kept telling him Garden's better but more expensive and he was like, naaaah! So, I just bought the tickets. From Mid Valley. Haha, he will Regret.xD No offence dude(:

Waiting. Waiting. And waiting(: So boring. Ahh~ Sorry guys(: for watching New Moon without you all. Not my fault! Soz! Cuz Synn Synn, your mum wouldn't let. Same goes to Vee. Gee's in Kuantan. And, yeahh.. haha haven't seen Andre since.. decades. xD So,sorry dearies(:

This morning was really foggy. It was cold and there's a HUGE traffic out there. Dad took the Frontier so it was crampy. My butt hurt and the seats were dirty. I was wearing skirt. Gross.! I was so pissed. I reached here(Mid Valley) and had my breakfast at FOODJUNCTION

Msn's frigging useless sometimes. I can't seem to sign in. GRR. Stupid internet. It's sooo boring.): Teeheee(:


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